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B-ASIC Operation Module.

Contains the base for operations that are used by B-ASIC.

import collections
import itertools as it
from abc import abstractmethod
from numbers import Number
from typing import (

from b_asic.graph_component import AbstractGraphComponent, GraphComponent, GraphID, Name
from b_asic.port import InputPort, OutputPort, SignalSourceProvider
from b_asic.signal import Signal
from b_asic.types import Num

    # Conditionally imported to avoid circular imports
    from b_asic.core_operations import (
    from b_asic.signal_flow_graph import SFG

ResultKey = NewType("ResultKey", str)
ResultMap = Mapping[ResultKey, Optional[Num]]
MutableResultMap = MutableMapping[ResultKey, Optional[Num]]
DelayMap = Mapping[ResultKey, Num]
MutableDelayMap = MutableMapping[ResultKey, Num]

class Operation(GraphComponent, SignalSourceProvider):
    Operation interface.

    Operations are graph components that perform a certain function.
    They are connected to each other by signals through their input/output

    Operations can be evaluated independently using evaluate_output().
    Operations may specify how to quantize inputs through quantize_input().

    def __add__(self, src: Union[SignalSourceProvider, Num]) -> "Addition":
        Overloads the addition operator to make it return a new Addition operation
        object that is connected to the self and other objects.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __radd__(self, src: Union[SignalSourceProvider, Num]) -> "Addition":
        Overloads the addition operator to make it return a new Addition operation
        object that is connected to the self and other objects.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __sub__(self, src: Union[SignalSourceProvider, Num]) -> "Subtraction":
        Overloads the subtraction operator to make it return a new Subtraction
        operation object that is connected to the self and other objects.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __rsub__(self, src: Union[SignalSourceProvider, Num]) -> "Subtraction":
        Overloads the subtraction operator to make it return a new Subtraction
        operation object that is connected to the self and other objects.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __mul__(
        self, src: Union[SignalSourceProvider, Num]
    ) -> Union["Multiplication", "ConstantMultiplication"]:
        Overloads the multiplication operator to make it return a new Multiplication
        operation object that is connected to the self and other objects.

        If *src* is a number, then returns a ConstantMultiplication operation object
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __rmul__(
        self, src: Union[SignalSourceProvider, Num]
    ) -> Union["Multiplication", "ConstantMultiplication"]:
        Overloads the multiplication operator to make it return a new Multiplication
        operation object that is connected to the self and other objects.

        If *src* is a number, then returns a ConstantMultiplication operation object
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __truediv__(self, src: Union[SignalSourceProvider, Num]) -> "Division":
        Overloads the division operator to make it return a new Division operation
        object that is connected to the self and other objects.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __rtruediv__(
        self, src: Union[SignalSourceProvider, Num]
    ) -> Union["Division", "Reciprocal"]:
        Overloads the division operator to make it return a new Division operation
        object that is connected to the self and other objects.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __lshift__(self, src: SignalSourceProvider) -> Signal:
        Overloads the left shift operator to make it connect the provided signal source
        to this operation's input, assuming it has exactly 1 input port.
        Returns the new signal.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def input_count(self) -> int:
        """Get the number of input ports."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def output_count(self) -> int:
        """Get the number of output ports."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def input(self, index: int) -> InputPort:
        """Get the input port at the given index."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def output(self, index: int) -> OutputPort:
        """Get the output port at the given index."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def inputs(self) -> Sequence[InputPort]:
        """Get all input ports."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def outputs(self) -> Sequence[OutputPort]:
        """Get all output ports."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def input_signals(self) -> Sequence[Signal]:
        Get all the signals that are connected to this operation's input ports,
        in no particular order.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def output_signals(self) -> Sequence[Signal]:
        Get all the signals that are connected to this operation's output ports,
        in no particular order.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def key(self, index: int, prefix: str = "") -> ResultKey:
        Get the key used to access the output of a certain output of this operation
        from the output parameter passed to current_output(s) or evaluate_output(s).
        raise NotImplementedError

    def current_output(
        self, index: int, delays: Optional[DelayMap] = None, prefix: str = ""
    ) -> Optional[Num]:
        Get the current output at the given index of this operation, if available.

        The *delays* parameter will be used for lookup.
        The *prefix* parameter will be used as a prefix for the key string when looking
        for delays.

        See Also
        current_outputs, evaluate_output, evaluate_outputs
        raise NotImplementedError

    def evaluate_output(
        index: int,
        input_values: Sequence[Num],
        results: Optional[MutableResultMap] = None,
        delays: Optional[MutableDelayMap] = None,
        prefix: str = "",
        bits_override: Optional[int] = None,
        quantize: bool = True,
    ) -> Num:
        Evaluate the output at the given index of this operation with the given input

        index : int
            Which output to return the value for.
        input_values : array of float or complex
            The input values.
        results : MutableResultMap. optional
            Used to store any results (including intermediate results)
            for caching.
        delays : MutableDelayMap. optional
            Used to get the current value of any intermediate delay elements
            that are encountered, and be updated with their new values.
        prefix : str, optional
            Used as a prefix for the key string when storing results/delays.
        bits_override : int, optional
            Specifies a word length override when truncating inputs
            which ignores the word length specified by the input signal.
        quantize : bool, default: True
            Specifies whether input truncation should be enabled in the first
            place. If set to False, input values will be used directly without any
            bit truncation.

        See Also
        evaluate_outputs, current_output, current_outputs
        raise NotImplementedError

    def current_outputs(
        self, delays: Optional[DelayMap] = None, prefix: str = ""
    ) -> Sequence[Optional[Num]]:
        Get all current outputs of this operation, if available.

        See Also
        raise NotImplementedError

    def evaluate_outputs(
        input_values: Sequence[Num],
        results: Optional[MutableResultMap] = None,
        delays: Optional[MutableDelayMap] = None,
        prefix: str = "",
        bits_override: Optional[int] = None,
        quantize: bool = True,
    ) -> Sequence[Num]:
        Evaluate all outputs of this operation given the input values.
        See evaluate_output for more information.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def split(self) -> Iterable["Operation"]:
        Split the operation into multiple operations.

        If splitting is not possible, this may return a list containing only the
        operation itself.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def to_sfg(self) -> "SFG":
        Convert the operation into its corresponding SFG.

        If the operation is composed by multiple operations, the operation will be
        raise NotImplementedError

    def inputs_required_for_output(self, output_index: int) -> Iterable[int]:
        Get the input indices of all inputs in this operation whose values are
        required in order to evaluate the output at the given output index.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def quantize_input(self, index: int, value: Num, bits: int) -> Num:
        Quantize the value to be used as input at the given index to a certain bit
        raise NotImplementedError

    def latency(self) -> int:
        Get the latency of the operation, which is the longest time it takes from one of
        the operations inputport to one of the operations outputport.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def latency_offsets(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[int]]:
        Get a dictionary with all the operations ports latency-offsets.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_latency(self, latency: int) -> None:
        Sets the latency of the operation to the specified integer value.

        This is done by setting the latency-offsets of operations input ports to 0
        and the latency-offsets of the operations output ports to the specified value.

        The latency cannot be a negative integer.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_latency_offsets(self, latency_offsets: Dict[str, int]) -> None:
        Sets the latency-offsets for the operations ports specified in the
        latency_offsets dictionary.

        The latency offsets dictionary should be {'in0': 2, 'out1': 4} if you want to
        set the latency offset for the inport port with index 0 to 2, and the latency
        offset of the output port with index 1 to 4.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def execution_time(self) -> Optional[int]:
        Get the execution time of the operation.

        This is the time it takes before the processing element implementing the
        operation can be reused for starting another operation.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def execution_time(self, latency: Optional[int]) -> None:
        Sets the execution time of the operation to the specified integer
        value. The execution time cannot be a negative integer.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_plot_coordinates(
    ) -> Tuple[Tuple[Tuple[float, float], ...], Tuple[Tuple[float, float], ...]]:
        Return a tuple containing coordinates for the two polygons outlining
        the latency and execution time of the operation.
        The polygons are corresponding to a start time of 0 and are of height 1.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_input_coordinates(
    ) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], ...]:
        Return coordinates for inputs.
        These maps to the polygons and are corresponding to a start time of 0
        and height 1.

        See Also
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_output_coordinates(
    ) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], ...]:
        Return coordinates for outputs.
        These maps to the polygons and are corresponding to a start time of 0
        and height 1.

        See Also

        raise NotImplementedError

    def source(self) -> OutputPort:
        Return the OutputPort if there is only one output port.
        If not, raise a TypeError.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def destination(self) -> InputPort:
        Return the InputPort if there is only one input port.
        If not, raise a TypeError.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _increase_time_resolution(self, factor: int) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _decrease_time_resolution(self, factor: int) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _check_all_latencies_set(self) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def is_linear(self) -> bool:
        Return True if the operation is linear.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def is_constant(self) -> bool:
        Return True if the output of the operation is constant.
        raise NotImplementedError

class AbstractOperation(Operation, AbstractGraphComponent):
    Generic abstract operation base class.

    Concrete operations should normally derive from this to get the default

    _input_ports: List[InputPort]
    _output_ports: List[OutputPort]
    _execution_time: Union[int, None] = None

    def __init__(
        input_count: int,
        output_count: int,
        name: Name = Name(""),
        input_sources: Optional[Sequence[Optional[SignalSourceProvider]]] = None,
        latency: Optional[int] = None,
        latency_offsets: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None,
        execution_time: Optional[int] = None,
        Construct an operation with the given input/output count.

        A list of input sources may be specified to automatically connect
        to the input ports.
        If provided, the number of sources must match the number of inputs.

        The latency offsets may also be specified to be initialized.

        self._input_ports = [InputPort(self, i) for i in range(input_count)]
        self._output_ports = [OutputPort(self, i) for i in range(output_count)]

        # Connect given input sources, if any.
        if input_sources is not None:
            source_count = len(input_sources)
            if source_count != input_count:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Wrong number of input sources supplied to Operation"
                    f" (expected {input_count}, got {source_count})"
            for i, src in enumerate(input_sources):
                if src is not None:
                    if isinstance(src, Signal):
                        # Already existing signal

        # Set specific latency_offsets
        if latency_offsets is not None:

        if latency is not None:
            # Set the latency for all ports initially.
            if latency < 0:
                raise ValueError("Latency cannot be negative")
            for inp in self.inputs:
                if inp.latency_offset is None:
                    inp.latency_offset = 0
            for output in self.outputs:
                if output.latency_offset is None:
                    output.latency_offset = latency

        self._execution_time = execution_time

    def evaluate(
        self, *inputs: Operation
    ) -> List[Operation]:  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ

    def evaluate(self, *inputs: Num) -> List[Num]:  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ

    def evaluate(self, *inputs):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        Evaluate the operation and generate a list of output values given a
        list of input values.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __add__(self, src: Union[SignalSourceProvider, Num]) -> "Addition":
        # Import here to avoid circular imports.
        from b_asic.core_operations import Addition, Constant

        if isinstance(src, Number):
            return Addition(self, Constant(src))
            return Addition(self, src)

    def __radd__(self, src: Union[SignalSourceProvider, Num]) -> "Addition":
        # Import here to avoid circular imports.
        from b_asic.core_operations import Addition, Constant

        return Addition(Constant(src) if isinstance(src, Number) else src, self)

    def __sub__(self, src: Union[SignalSourceProvider, Num]) -> "Subtraction":
        # Import here to avoid circular imports.
        from b_asic.core_operations import Constant, Subtraction

        return Subtraction(self, Constant(src) if isinstance(src, Number) else src)

    def __rsub__(self, src: Union[SignalSourceProvider, Num]) -> "Subtraction":
        # Import here to avoid circular imports.
        from b_asic.core_operations import Constant, Subtraction

        return Subtraction(Constant(src) if isinstance(src, Number) else src, self)

    def __mul__(
        self, src: Union[SignalSourceProvider, Num]
    ) -> Union["Multiplication", "ConstantMultiplication"]:
        # Import here to avoid circular imports.
        from b_asic.core_operations import ConstantMultiplication, Multiplication

        return (
            ConstantMultiplication(src, self)
            if isinstance(src, Number)
            else Multiplication(self, src)

    def __rmul__(
        self, src: Union[SignalSourceProvider, Num]
    ) -> Union["Multiplication", "ConstantMultiplication"]:
        # Import here to avoid circular imports.
        from b_asic.core_operations import ConstantMultiplication, Multiplication

        return (
            ConstantMultiplication(src, self)
            if isinstance(src, Number)
            else Multiplication(src, self)

    def __truediv__(self, src: Union[SignalSourceProvider, Num]) -> "Division":
        # Import here to avoid circular imports.
        from b_asic.core_operations import Constant, Division

        return Division(self, Constant(src) if isinstance(src, Number) else src)

    def __rtruediv__(
        self, src: Union[SignalSourceProvider, Num]
    ) -> Union["Division", "Reciprocal"]:
        # Import here to avoid circular imports.
        from b_asic.core_operations import Constant, Division, Reciprocal

        if isinstance(src, Number):
            if src == 1:
                return Reciprocal(self)
                return Division(Constant(src), self)
        return Division(src, self)

    def __lshift__(self, src: SignalSourceProvider) -> Signal:
        if self.input_count != 1:
            diff = "more" if self.input_count > 1 else "less"
            raise TypeError(
                f"{self.__class__.__name__} cannot be used as a destination"
                f" because it has {diff} than 1 input"
        return self.input(0).connect(src)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Get a string representation of this operation."""
        inputs_dict: Dict[int, Union[List[GraphID], str]] = {}
        for i, inport in enumerate(self.inputs):
            if inport.signal_count == 0:
                inputs_dict[i] = "-"
            dict_ele = []
            for signal in inport.signals:
                if signal.source:
                    if signal.source.operation.graph_id:
                    if signal.graph_id:
            inputs_dict[i] = dict_ele

        outputs_dict: Dict[int, Union[List[GraphID], str]] = {}
        for i, outport in enumerate(self.outputs):
            if outport.signal_count == 0:
                outputs_dict[i] = "-"
            dict_ele = []
            for signal in outport.signals:
                if signal.destination:
                    if signal.destination.operation.graph_id:
                    if signal.graph_id:
            outputs_dict[i] = dict_ele

        return (
            + f", \tinputs: {str(inputs_dict)}, \toutputs: {str(outputs_dict)}"

    def input_count(self) -> int:
        return len(self._input_ports)

    def output_count(self) -> int:
        return len(self._output_ports)

    def input(self, index: int) -> InputPort:
        return self._input_ports[index]

    def output(self, index: int) -> OutputPort:
        return self._output_ports[index]

    def inputs(self) -> Sequence[InputPort]:
        return self._input_ports

    def outputs(self) -> Sequence[OutputPort]:
        return self._output_ports

    def input_signals(self) -> Sequence[Signal]:
        result = []
        for p in self.inputs:
            for s in p.signals:
        return result

    def output_signals(self) -> Sequence[Signal]:
        result = []
        for p in self.outputs:
            for s in p.signals:
        return result

    def key(self, index: int, prefix: str = "") -> ResultKey:
        key = prefix
        if self.output_count != 1:
            if key:
                key += "."
            key += str(index)
        elif not key:
            key = str(index)
        return ResultKey(key)

    def current_output(
        self, index: int, delays: Optional[DelayMap] = None, prefix: str = ""
    ) -> Optional[Num]:
        return None

    def evaluate_output(
        index: int,
        input_values: Sequence[Num],
        results: Optional[MutableResultMap] = None,
        delays: Optional[MutableDelayMap] = None,
        prefix: str = "",
        bits_override: Optional[int] = None,
        quantize: bool = True,
    ) -> Num:
        if index < 0 or index >= self.output_count:
            raise IndexError(
                "Output index out of range (expected"
                f" 0-{self.output_count - 1}, got {index})"
        if len(input_values) != self.input_count:
            raise ValueError(
                "Wrong number of input values supplied to operation (expected"
                f" {self.input_count}, got {len(input_values)})"

        values = self.evaluate(
                self.quantize_inputs(input_values, bits_override)
                if quantize
                else input_values
        if isinstance(values,
            if len(values) != self.output_count:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Operation evaluated to incorrect number of outputs"
                    f" (expected {self.output_count}, got {len(values)})"
        elif isinstance(values, Number):
            if self.output_count != 1:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Operation evaluated to incorrect number of outputs"
                    f" (expected {self.output_count}, got 1)"
            values = (values,)
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Operation evaluated to invalid type (expected"
                f" Sequence/Number, got {values.__class__.__name__})"

        if results is not None:
            for i in range(self.output_count):
                results[self.key(i, prefix)] = values[i]
        return values[index]

    def current_outputs(
        self, delays: Optional[DelayMap] = None, prefix: str = ""
    ) -> Sequence[Optional[Num]]:
        return [
            self.current_output(i, delays, prefix) for i in range(self.output_count)

    def evaluate_outputs(
        input_values: Sequence[Num],
        results: Optional[MutableResultMap] = None,
        delays: Optional[MutableDelayMap] = None,
        prefix: str = "",
        bits_override: Optional[int] = None,
        quantize: bool = True,
    ) -> Sequence[Num]:
        return [
            for i in range(self.output_count)

    def split(self) -> Iterable[Operation]:
        # Import here to avoid circular imports.
        from b_asic.special_operations import Input

        result = self.evaluate(*([Input()] * self.input_count))
        if isinstance(result, and all(
            isinstance(e, Operation) for e in result
            return cast(List[Operation], result)
        return [self]

    def to_sfg(self) -> "SFG":
        # Import here to avoid circular imports.
        from b_asic.signal_flow_graph import SFG
        from b_asic.special_operations import Input, Output

        inputs = [Input() for _ in range(self.input_count)]

            last_operations = self.evaluate(*inputs)
            if isinstance(last_operations, Operation):
                last_operations = [last_operations]
            outputs = [Output(o) for o in last_operations]
        except TypeError:
            operation_copy: Operation = cast(Operation, self.copy())
            inputs = []
            for i in range(self.input_count):
                input_ = Input()

            outputs = [Output(operation_copy)]

        return SFG(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)

    def copy(self, *args, **kwargs) -> GraphComponent:
        new_component: Operation = cast(Operation, super().copy(*args, **kwargs))
        for i, _input in enumerate(self.inputs):
            new_component.input(i).latency_offset = _input.latency_offset
        for i, output in enumerate(self.outputs):
            new_component.output(i).latency_offset = output.latency_offset
        new_component.execution_time = self._execution_time
        return new_component

    def inputs_required_for_output(self, output_index: int) -> Iterable[int]:
        if output_index < 0 or output_index >= self.output_count:
            raise IndexError(
                "Output index out of range (expected"
                f" 0-{self.output_count - 1}, got {output_index})"
        # By default, assume each output depends on all inputs.
        return list(range(self.input_count))

    def neighbors(self) -> Iterable[GraphComponent]:
        return list(self.input_signals) + list(self.output_signals)

    def preceding_operations(self) -> Iterable[Operation]:
        Return an Iterable of all Operations that are connected to this
        Operations input ports.
        return [
            signal.source.operation for signal in self.input_signals if signal.source

    def subsequent_operations(self) -> Iterable[Operation]:
        Return an Iterable of all Operations that are connected to this
        Operations output ports.
        return [
            for signal in self.output_signals
            if signal.destination

    def source(self) -> OutputPort:
        if self.output_count != 1:
            diff = "more" if self.output_count > 1 else "less"
            raise TypeError(
                f"{self.__class__.__name__} cannot be used as an input source"
                f" because it has {diff} than one output"
        return self.output(0)

    def destination(self) -> InputPort:
        if self.input_count != 1:
            diff = "more" if self.input_count > 1 else "less"
            raise TypeError(
                f"{self.__class__.__name__} cannot be used as an output"
                f" destination because it has {diff} than one input"
        return self.input(0)

    def quantize_input(self, index: int, value: Num, bits: int) -> Num:
        if isinstance(value, (float, int)):
            b = 2**bits
            return round((value + 1) * b % (2 * b) - b) / b
            raise TypeError

    def quantize_inputs(
        input_values: Sequence[Num],
        bits_override: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Sequence[Num]:
        Quantize the values to be used as inputs to the bit lengths specified
        by the respective signals connected to each input.
        args = []
        for i, input_port in enumerate(self.inputs):
            value = input_values[i]
            if bits_override is None and input_port.signal_count >= 1:
            if bits_override is not None:
                if isinstance(value, complex):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Complex value cannot be quantized to {bits} bits as"
                        " requested by the signal connected to input #{i}"
                value = self.quantize_input(i, value, bits_override)
        return args

    def latency(self) -> int:
        if None in [inp.latency_offset for inp in self.inputs] or None in [
            output.latency_offset for output in self.outputs
            raise ValueError(
                "All native offsets have to set to a non-negative value to"
                " calculate the latency."

        return max(
                (cast(int, output.latency_offset) - cast(int, input_.latency_offset))
                for output, input_ in it.product(self.outputs, self.inputs)

    def latency_offsets(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[int]]:
        latency_offsets = {}

        for i, input_ in enumerate(self.inputs):
            latency_offsets[f"in{i}"] = input_.latency_offset

        for i, output in enumerate(self.outputs):
            latency_offsets[f"out{i}"] = output.latency_offset

        return latency_offsets

    def _check_all_latencies_set(self) -> None:
        Raises an exception if an input or output does not have a latency offset.

    def input_latency_offsets(self) -> List[int]:
        latency_offsets = [i.latency_offset for i in self.inputs]

        if any(val is None for val in latency_offsets):
            missing = [
                i for (i, latency) in enumerate(latency_offsets) if latency is None
            raise ValueError(f"Missing latencies for input(s) {missing}")

        return cast(List[int], latency_offsets)

    def output_latency_offsets(self) -> List[int]:
        latency_offsets = [i.latency_offset for i in self.outputs]

        if any(val is None for val in latency_offsets):
            missing = [
                i for (i, latency) in enumerate(latency_offsets) if latency is None
            raise ValueError(f"Missing latencies for output(s) {missing}")

        return cast(List[int], latency_offsets)

    def set_latency(self, latency: int) -> None:
        if latency < 0:
            raise ValueError("Latency cannot be negative")
        for inport in self.inputs:
            inport.latency_offset = 0
        for outport in self.outputs:
            outport.latency_offset = latency

    def set_latency_offsets(self, latency_offsets: Dict[str, int]) -> None:
        for port_str, latency_offset in latency_offsets.items():
            port_str = port_str.lower()
            if port_str.startswith("in"):
                index_str = port_str[2:]
                if not index_str.isdigit():
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Incorrectly formatted index in string, expected 'in'"
                        f" + index, got: {port_str!r}"
                self.input(int(index_str)).latency_offset = latency_offset
            elif port_str.startswith("out"):
                index_str = port_str[3:]
                if not index_str.isdigit():
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Incorrectly formatted index in string, expected"
                        f" 'out' + index, got: {port_str!r}"
                self.output(int(index_str)).latency_offset = latency_offset
                raise ValueError(
                    "Incorrectly formatted string, expected 'in' + index or"
                    f" 'out' + index, got: {port_str!r}"

    def execution_time(self) -> Optional[int]:
        """Execution time of operation."""
        return self._execution_time

    def execution_time(self, execution_time: int) -> None:
        if execution_time is not None and execution_time < 0:
            raise ValueError("Execution time cannot be negative")
        self._execution_time = execution_time

    def _increase_time_resolution(self, factor: int) -> None:
        if self._execution_time is not None:
            self._execution_time *= factor
        for port in [*self.inputs, *self.outputs]:
            if port.latency_offset is not None:
                port.latency_offset *= factor

    def _decrease_time_resolution(self, factor: int) -> None:
        if self._execution_time is not None:
            self._execution_time = self._execution_time // factor
        for port in [*self.inputs, *self.outputs]:
            if port.latency_offset is not None:
                port.latency_offset = port.latency_offset // factor

    def get_plot_coordinates(
    ) -> Tuple[Tuple[Tuple[float, float], ...], Tuple[Tuple[float, float], ...]]:
        # Doc-string inherited
        return (

    def _get_plot_coordinates_for_execution_time(
    ) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], ...]:
        # Always a rectangle, but easier if coordinates are returned
        execution_time = self._execution_time  # Copy for type checking
        if execution_time is None:
            return tuple()
        return (
            (0, 0),
            (0, 1),
            (execution_time, 1),
            (execution_time, 0),
            (0, 0),

    def _get_plot_coordinates_for_latency(
    ) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], ...]:
        # Points for latency polygon
        latency = []
        input_latencies = self.input_latency_offsets()
        output_latencies = self.output_latency_offsets()
        # Remember starting point
        start_point = (input_latencies[0], 0.0)
        num_in = self.input_count
        for k in range(1, num_in):
            latency.append((input_latencies[k - 1], k / num_in))
            latency.append((input_latencies[k], k / num_in))
        latency.append((input_latencies[num_in - 1], 1))

        num_out = self.output_count
        latency.append((output_latencies[num_out - 1], 1))
        for k in reversed(range(1, num_out)):
            latency.append((output_latencies[k], k / num_out))
            latency.append((output_latencies[k - 1], k / num_out))
        latency.append((output_latencies[0], 0.0))
        # Close the polygon

        return tuple(latency)

    def get_input_coordinates(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], ...]:
        # doc-string inherited
        num_in = self.input_count
        return tuple(
                (1 + 2 * k) / (2 * num_in),
            for k in range(num_in)

    def get_output_coordinates(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], ...]:
        # doc-string inherited
        num_out = self.output_count
        return tuple(
                (1 + 2 * k) / (2 * num_out),
            for k in range(num_out)

    def is_linear(self) -> bool:
        if self.is_constant:
            return True
        return False

    def is_constant(self) -> bool:
        return all(
            input_.connected_source.operation.is_constant for input_ in self.inputs