.. class:: library.IDABot
This is the basis of your bot. It contains all available managers and some
methods to get you started.
See :ref:`this page <gettingstarted>` for how to properly
inherit from IDABot.
Instances of managers:
.. attribute:: IDABot.base_location_manager
An instance of the class :class:`library.BaseLocationManager`
.. attribute:: IDABot.tech_tree
An instance of the class :class:`library.TechTree`
.. attribute:: IDABot.map_tools
An instance of the class :class:`library.MapTools`
.. attribute:: IDABot.building_placer
An instance of the class :class:`library.BuildingPlacer`
Inherited methods:
.. method:: IDABot.on_game_start(self)
This method when Starcraft has stared, when you inherit it you have to
call the parent's on_game_start method in order to make it work (see
.. method:: IDABot.on_step(self)
This method is run on every tick of the game, when you inherit it you
have to call the parent's on_step method in order to make it work (see
.. method:: IDABot.get_all_units(self) -> List[library.Unit]
Retrieves a list of all visible units
.. method:: IDABot.get_my_units(self) -> List[library.Unit]
Retrieves a list of all your visible units
.. method:: IDABot.get_player_race(self) -> library.Race
Returns the players race, useful if you play Race.Random
.. method:: IDABot.send_chat(self, message)
Sends the string 'message' to the game chat
.. method:: IDABot.has_creep(self, Point2D) -> Boolean
Returns if the position has a creep
.. method:: IDABot.move_camera(self, Point2DI)
Move the camera to the position
.. method:: IDABot.ability_for_upgrade(self, UpgradeID)
Ability that researches this upgrade
.. method:: IDABot.upgrade_mineral_cost(self, UpgradeID)
Mineral cost of researching the upgrade
.. method:: IDABot.upgrade_gas_cost(self, UpgradeID)
Vespene/gas cost of researching the upgrade
.. method:: IDABot.upgrade_research_time(self, UpgradeID)
Time in GameLoops to research this upgrade
.. autoattribute:: minerals
.. autoattribute:: gas
.. autoattribute:: current_supply
.. autoattribute:: max_supply
.. autoattribute:: current_frame
When developing AI-methods or when simply having a problem.
The debug-methods are a great tool for speeding up the process.
.. method:: IDABot.debug_create_unit(self, UnitTypeID, Point2D, Player Constant, Int)
This method creates the nr (INT) of units on the position of the Point2D, the unit
belongs to the Player Constant
.. method:: IDABot.debug_kill_unit(self, Unit)
.. method:: IDABot.debug_show_map(self)
Make the entire map visible
.. method:: IDABot.debug_fast_build(self)
Set the build time in game to 1
.. method:: IDABot.debug_enemy_control(self)
Gives the player full control over the enemy
.. method:: IDABot.debug_fast_build(self)
Set the build time in game to 1
.. method:: IDABot.debug_ignore_food(self)
.. method:: IDABot.debug_ignore_resource_cost(self)
Ignore the resource cost in game. Everything cost 0 resources
.. method:: IDABot.debug_give_all_resources(self)
Set the mineral and vespene gas to 5000
.. method:: IDABot.debug_god_mode(self)
Give yourself god mode in the game
.. method:: IDABot.debug_ignore_mineral(self)
Ignore the mineral cost in the game
.. method:: IDABot.debug_no_cooldowns(self)
Deactivate cooldowns (Basically setting them to 0)
.. method:: IDABot.debug_give_all_tech(self)
.. method:: IDABot.debug_give_all_upgrades(self)
Give yourself all upgrades
.. method:: IDABot.debug_set_score(self, Float)
Set the player score in game
.. method:: IDABot.debug_end_game(self, Boolean)
End the game, if the Boolean is True then victory.
If False, defeat.
.. method:: IDABot.debug_set_energy(self, Float, Unit)
Set the amount (Float) of energy to the unit
.. method:: IDABot.debug_set_life(self, Float, Unit)
Set the amount (Float) of life to the unit
.. method:: IDABot.debug_set_shields(self, Float, Unit)
Set the amount (Float) of shield to the unit