.. class:: library.IDABot
This is the basis of your bot. It contains all available managers and some
methods to get you started.
See :ref:`this page <gettingstarted>` for how to properly
inherit from IDABot.
Instances of managers:
.. attribute:: IDABot.base_location_manager
An instance of the class :class:`library.BaseLocationManager`
.. attribute:: IDABot.tech_tree
An instance of the class :class:`library.TechTree`
.. attribute:: IDABot.map_tools
An instance of the class :class:`library.MapTools`
.. attribute:: IDABot.building_placer
An instance of the class :class:`library.BuildingPlacer`
Inherited methods:
.. method:: IDABot.on_game_start(self)
This method when Starcraft has stared, when you inherit it you have to
call the parent's on_step method in order to make it work (see
.. method:: IDABot.on_step(self)
This method is run on every tick of the game, when you inherit it you
have to call the parent's on_step method in order to make it work (see
.. method:: IDABot.get_all_units(self) -> List[library.Unit]
Retrieves a list of all visible units
.. method:: IDABot.get_my_units(self) -> List[library.Unit]
Retrieves a list of all your visible units
.. method:: IDABot.get_player_race(self) -> library.Race
Returns the players race, useful if you play Race.Random
.. autoattribute:: minerals
.. autoattribute:: gas
.. autoattribute:: current_supply
.. autoattribute:: max_supply