class aes::auth(
Optional[String] $keytab_production = undef,
Optional[String] $keytab_devel = undef
$auth_user = auth
$auth_group = "${auth_user}"
$auth_home = "/srv/${auth_user}"
$auth_service = "aes_auth"
# Pick the right keytab for the current environment. We use the fqdn rather than
# $environment since the keys are tied to the domain name rather than what
# environment the machine is configured in.
if $facts[fqdn] == '' {
# The AD service account for this key is: ida_sys002_srv
$auth_keytab_data = $keytab_production
$server_type = "production"
} elsif $facts[fqdn] == '' {
# The AD service account for this key is: ida_sys004_srv
$auth_keytab_data = $keytab_devel
$server_type = "devel"
Filip Strömbäck
# Note: We rely on Boost being installed by the broker. It seems Puppet does not like
# that we specify "boost" multiple times, even though it would look nice, modularity-wise
# since both the auth server and the broker requires boost.
package {
ensure => installed,
# Group for local authentication. All accounts that are members
# of this group are considered trusted by the authentication system.
group { "aes_local_auth" :
ensure => present
user { "${auth_user}" :
ensure => present,
home => "${auth_home}",
comment => 'Authentication server for AES',
managehome => false,
membership => inclusive,
groups => [ "aes_local_auth" ],
system => true,
shell => '/sbin/nologin',
file { "${auth_home}" :
ensure => directory,
owner => "${auth_user}",
group => "${auth_group}",
mode => '0755',
file { "/etc/systemd/system/${auth_service}.service" :
ensure => present,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => '0644',
source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/auth/auth.service",
file { "${auth_home}/" :
ensure => present,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => '0700',
source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/auth/",
file { "${auth_home}/config.json" :
ensure => present,
owner => "${auth_user}",
group => "${auth_group}",
mode => '0644',
source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/auth/config.json",
file { "${auth_home}/" :
ensure => present,
owner => "${auth_user}",
group => "${auth_group}",
mode => '0755',
source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/auth/",
file { "${auth_home}/keys" :
ensure => directory,
owner => "${auth_user}",
group => "${auth_group}",
mode => "0700"
if $auth_keytab_data {
file { "${auth_home}/keys/kerberos.keytab" :
ensure => file,
owner => root,
group => "${auth_group}",
mode => "0640",
content => "${auth_keytab_data}"
exec { 'update-auth-repo' :
command => "/opt/utils/ ${auth_home}/src ${server_type}",
environment => [ "REPO_USER=${auth_user}", "REPO_GROUP=${auth_group}", "REPO_ON_UPDATE=${auth_home}/" ],
# This command will need to run "on_update" as root in order to restart the service.
user => root,
group => root,
cwd => "${auth_home}",
require => File["${auth_home}/"],
service { "${auth_service}" :
ensure => "running",