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auth.pp 2.22 KiB
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  • Learn to ignore specific revisions
  • class aes::auth {
      $auth_user = auth
      $auth_group = "${auth_user}"
      $auth_home = "/srv/${auth_user}"
      $auth_service = "aes_auth"
      # Sadly, it does not seem like we can only install asio, so we need
      # to install the Boost as a whole.
      # It is easiest to install just "boost", even if that is a bit older
      # than what is available (others require modifying the include path).
      # It is still enough for the auth server.
      package {
          ensure => installed,
      user { "${auth_user}" :
        ensure => present,
        home => "${auth_home}",
        comment => 'Authentication server for AES',
        managehome => false,
        membership => inclusive,
        system => true,
        shell => '/sbin/nologin',
      file { "${auth_home}" :
        ensure => directory,
        owner => "${auth_user}",
        group => "${auth_group}",
        mode => '0755',
      file { "/etc/systemd/system/${auth_service}.service" :
        ensure => present,
        owner  => root,
        group  => root,
        mode   => '0644',
        source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/auth/auth.service",
      file { "${auth_home}/" :
        ensure => present,
        owner  => root,
        group  => root,
        mode   => '0700',
        source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/auth/",
      file { "${auth_home}/config.json" :
        ensure => present,
        owner  => auth,
        group  => auth,
        mode   => '0644',
        source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/auth/config.json",
      file { "${auth_home}/" :
        ensure => present,
        owner  => auth,
        group  => auth,
        mode   => '0755',
        source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/auth/",
      exec { 'update-auth-repo' :
        command => "/opt/utils/ ${auth_home}/src production",
        environment => [ "REPO_USER=${auth_user}", "REPO_GROUP=${auth_group}", "REPO_ON_UPDATE=${auth_home}/" ],
        # This command will need to run "on_update" as root in order to restart the service.
        user => root,
        group => root,
        cwd => "${auth_home}",
        require => File["${auth_home}/"],
      service { "${auth_service}" : 
        ensure => "running",