3. Run `make` to build the project (use `make -j N` if you want to use N
# How to build (Mac, untested)
Same dependencies applies as for Windows (i think), although you don't need Visual
Studio but you need Xcode.
1. Open up a terminal, download the source code using the command: `git clone --recurse-submodules https://gitlab.liu.se/course-starcraft-ai/pycommandcenter.git`
2. Next, enter the directory and run the command `mkdir build` followed by `cd
build` and `cmake ../ -G Xcode ` in order to create the xcode project. Then run `open starcraft-python-api.xcodeproj`
3. Click the "play" button to bulid the library
4. The library file can then be found in `build/python-api-src/Debug`