Removing Operation from SFG
Description of issue:
An Operation with same number of input- and output ports should be able to be removed from an SFG by connecting the signals that are connected to it's input ports to the operation that is after it's input ports instead. The operation to be removed should be chosen via GraphID. The function should work as follows: new_sfg = sfg.remove_operation(op_id) so it should not manipulate the sfg it is called on, only returning a copy that has been changed.
Linked Requirements:( 76 )
Potential Issues: Blockers:( )
Issue Requirements:- The SFG should not be manipulated as they should be immutable.
- The output signals to the Operation that is removed should be kept, as they might contain important information. (The input signals of the operation are the ones that should dissapear)
User stories:- As a user I want to be able to remove an operation from an sfg that has the same amount of inputs as outputs by writing: new_sfg = sfg.remove_operation(op_id)
Edited by Angus Lothian