Enroot is a simple, yet powerful tool to turn traditional container/OS images into unprivileged sandboxes. Enroot is targeted for HPC environments with integration with the Slurm scheduler, but can also be used as a standalone tool to run containers as an unprivileged user. Enroot is similar to Singularity, but with the added benefit of allowing users to read/write in the container and also to appear as a root user within the container environment.
Please read enroot's [github page]( for more information.
arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
curl -fSsL -O${arch}.deb
curl -fSsL -O${arch}.deb # optional
sudo apt install -y ./*.deb
- For others, see [here](
Plese note that enroot has been installed on Berzelius. You can skip this installation step if you plan to use it on Berzeliu.
This step is necessary for importing container images from Nvidia NGC.
- Complete step [4.1]( and [4.3]( Save the API key.
- Add the API key to the config file at ```~/.config/enroot/.credentials ```
machine login $oauthtoken password your_api_key
machine login $oauthtoken password your_api_key
export ENROOT_CONFIG_PATH=/home/xuagu37/.config/enroot
By default, your enroot containers will be saved in your ```home``` directory. On Berzelius, you have 20 GB hard drive space for ```home```. It is a better practice to put enroot containers in your project directory.
Add this line to your ```bashrc```
export ENROOT_CACHE_PATH=/proj/nsc_testing/xuan/enroot/cache
export ENROOT_DATA_PATH=/proj/nsc_testing/xuan/enroot/data
You can import a container image either from Nvidia NGC or Pytorch/Tensorflow official Docker Hub repositories.
enroot import 'docker://'
enroot import 'docker://'
For other versions, please see the release notes for [Pytorch]( and [Tensorflow](
enroot import 'docker://pytorch/pytorch:1.12.1-cuda11.3-cudnn8-devel'
enroot import 'docker://tensorflow/tensorflow:2.11.0-gpu'
For other versions, please see the Docker tags for [Pytorch]( and [Tensorflow](
enroot create --name nvidia_pytorch_22.09 nvidia+pytorch+22.09-py3.sqsh
enroot start --root --rw --mount /proj/nsc_testing/xuan:/proj/nsc_testing/xuan nvidia_pytorch_22.09
enroot start --rw --mount /proj/nsc_testing/xuan:/proj/nsc_testing/xuan nvidia_pytorch_22.09
The flag ```--mount``` mounts your local directory to your container.
- You can also start a container and run your command at the same time.
enroot start --rw --mount /proj/nsc_testing/xuan:/proj/nsc_testing/xuan nvidia_pytorch_22.09 sh -c 'python'
enroot start --rw --env DISPLAY --mount /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --mount /proj/nsc_testing/xuan:/proj/nsc_testing/xuan nvidia_pytorch_22.09
Please note that you need to use the flag ```-X``` when connecting to Berzelius.