@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ In case of docker permission errors:
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ In case of docker permission errors:
If above does not work, try restarting. You can check that user is part of docker group using command `groups`.
If above does not work, try restarting. You can check that user is part of docker group using command `groups`.
### Iroha
### Iroha
**You only need to install Iroha if you want to use the Iroha blockchain registry.**
The first way: you need to first compile [my version of Iroha 1.2.0](https://gitlab.liu.se/drip_iroha/iroha-1.2.0-drip), as that version contains other regex validation for account id that allows some characters contained in a HHIT. Instructions to compile can be found [here](https://iroha.readthedocs.io/en/main/build/index.html).
The first way: you need to first compile [my version of Iroha 1.2.0](https://gitlab.liu.se/drip_iroha/iroha-1.2.0-drip), as that version contains other regex validation for account id that allows some characters contained in a HHIT. Instructions to compile can be found [here](https://iroha.readthedocs.io/en/main/build/index.html).