If you wish to present a paper from a different venue contact me with a valid argument and I may make an exception.
### Writing the Report
The structure of your report should be similar to a paper review:
* Background knowlege (~1 page)
* Summary of the paper's contributions (~0.5 page)
* Importance of the presented results in the field
* What is good about it
* What is bad or could be improved
The report is expected to be **1-2 pages long**.
### Seminar Structure
**Introduction** - this should be high level and accessable to anyone, set the paper into a context and perspective
@@ -72,16 +83,6 @@ You can choose your favourite quiz platform (it might be fun to experiment with
2. the correct answers are not immediately displayed (this is because the quiz will be taken twice)
3. it should be possible to re-take the quiz (in the end of the lecture)
### Writing the Report
The structure of your report should be similar to a paper review:
* Background knowlege (~1 page)
* Summary of the paper's contributions (~0.5 page)
* Importance of the presented results in the field
* What is good about it
* What is bad or could be improved
The report is expected to be **2-3 pages long**.
### Feedback
For every seminar, half of the students will give a written feedback on the speaker's report, the other half gives a written feedback on the oral presentation.