Labs Instructions for TDDE05
TDDE05: Lab Instructions (updated for 2025)
If you need the 2024 version contact tommy.persson@liu.se
Once you are finished with a lab:
- Commit the source code to your git repository.
- Demonstrate the lab results to your assistant - a demonstration description is given in the individual lab instructions.
The labs will be run using apptainer sif images. On the student computer you need to do:
module initadd courses/TDDE05
This module will add the apptainer module and set the environment variable LOCAL_DISK_CONTAINER.
For more information about apptainer see: https://apptainer.org/docs/user/main/introduction.html
Working from home
- Lab computers can be accessed via Thinlinc, or alternatively using RDP.
- It is also possible to use a Apptainer image on your local computer.
Deadlines 2025
- March, 31th: labs are finished
- April, 2nd: project is selected
- May, 12th: presentation of projects during a seminar
- June 8th: final report submission deadline