* Everything is built using cmake, allowing for one Visual studio project to
build PyCommandCenter together with all its dependencies
# How to build (Windows)
First you need to make sure you got all the build dependencies:
* cmake
* Visual Studio 2017 or later (earlier might work, but untested)
* git
* python 3.6 or later (earlier might work, but untested)
1. Run `git clone --recurse-submodules
https://gitlab.ida.liu.se/davbe125/s2-python-api.git` in order to get the
code and all its dependencies
2. Next, open the repository in your file viewer and run the batch script
called `create-visual-studio-solution.bat` in order to use cmake to create a
Visual studio solution
3. Open the Visual Studio solution located in the newly created directory
4. The project called `library` should be selected as the default StartUp
project in the Solution Explorer (on the right side by default)
5. Change settings to Release and x64
6. Click "Local Windows Debugger" and it will start compiling
7. Visual Studio will open an error message telling you it cannot open the
resulting library file, which means it **successfully** created the library
file. The file will be located at `build\python-api-src\Release` and its
name will depend on the python version used.
# Credits
CommandCenter is written by [David Churchill](http://www.cs.mun.ca/~dchurchill/), Assistant Professor of [Computer Science](https://www.cs.mun.ca/) at Memorial University, and organizer of the [AIIDE StarCraft AI