@@ -130,7 +130,8 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(commandcenter, m)
.def("on_step",&IDABot::OnStep,R"(The on_step function in the IDABot class is a method that is called every game step (or frame) during a Starcraft II match.
This function is crucial for implementing the bot's logic that needs to be executed continuously throughout the game.
It's where the bot evaluates the current game state, makes decisions, and issues commands to units.)")
.def("on_game_end",&IDABot::OnGameEnd,R"(The on_game_end function is a method defined in the IDABot class. It is called when a game ends in Starcraft II.
This function can for example be used to save a replay and log performance information.)")
.def("send_chat",&IDABot::SendChat,"Sends the string 'message' to the game chat.","message"_a)
.def("get_all_units",&IDABot::GetAllUnits,"Returns a list of all visible units, including minerals and geysers.")
.def("get_my_units",&IDABot::GetMyUnits,"Returns a list of all your units.")
@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(commandcenter, m)
.def("upgrade_gas_cost",&IDABot::UpgradeGasCost,"Vespene/gas cost of researching the upgrade.","upgrade"_a)
.def("upgrade_research_time",&IDABot::UpgradeResearchTime,"Time in GameLoops to research this upgrade.","upgrade"_a)
.def("effect_radius",&IDABot::RadiusEffect,"Size of the circle the effect impacts.","effect"_a)
.def("save_replay",&IDABot::SaveReplay,"Saves the game as a replay","path"_a)
.def("save_replay",&IDABot::SaveReplay,"Saves the game as an SC2Replay. Returns whether successful.","path"_a)
.def_property_readonly("base_location_manager",&IDABot::Bases,"An instance of the class :class:`commandcenter.BaseLocationManager`. ")
.def_property_readonly("tech_tree",&IDABot::GetTechTree,"An instance of the class :class:`commandcenter.TechTree`.")
.def_property_readonly("map_tools",&IDABot::Map,"An instance of the class :class:`commandcenter.MapTools`.")