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  • #include "library.h"
    namespace py = pybind11;
    PYBIND11_MODULE(commandcenter, m)
        m.doc() = "Python API for playing Starcraft II";
    Rojikku98's avatar
    Rojikku98 committed
        // Note: This is not sc2::Coordinator but a small wrapper class which
        // overrides the constructor of sc2::Coordinator, see library.h.
        py::class_<Coordinator>(m, "Coordinator")
    David Bergström's avatar
    David Bergström committed
            .def("set_participants", &sc2::Coordinator::SetParticipants, "participants"_a)
            .def("launch_starcraft", &sc2::Coordinator::LaunchStarcraft)
    David Bergström's avatar
    David Bergström committed
            .def("start_game", &sc2::Coordinator::StartGame, "map_path"_a)
    		.def("connect", &sc2::Coordinator::Connect, "port"_a)
            .def("update", &sc2::Coordinator::Update)
    		.def("all_games_ended", &sc2::Coordinator::AllGamesEnded)
    		.def("join_game", &sc2::Coordinator::JoinGame)
            .def("set_real_time", &sc2::Coordinator::SetRealtime)
    		.def("load_replay_list",&sc2::Coordinator::SetReplayPath, "replay_path"_a)
    		.def("add_replay_observer",&sc2::Coordinator::AddReplayObserver, "replay_observer"_a)
    		.def("set_replay_perspective",&sc2::Coordinator::SetReplayPerspective, "perspective"_a)
    		.def("leave_game", &sc2::Coordinator::LeaveGame)
    David Warnquist's avatar
    David Warnquist committed
    		.doc() = R"(
    				The Coordinator class is a wrapper class that provides a simplified interface for managing and controlling Starcraft II games. It allows you to set up game parameters, launch the Starcraft II application, start a game on a specific map, connect to the game, update the game state, and perform various game-related actions.
    				Here are some key functionalities provided by the Coordinator class:
    				* Initialization: The Coordinator class has multiple constructors that allow you to create an instance of the class. You can initialize it without any arguments or provide a string argument representing the path to the Starcraft II executable.
    				* Setting Participants: You can use the set_participants method to set the participants for the game. This method takes a list of participants as an argument, where each participant is defined by their race and other relevant information.
    				* Launching Starcraft II: The launch_starcraft method launches the Starcraft II application.
    				* Starting a Game: The start_game method starts a game on a specific map. You need to provide the path to the map as an argument.
    				* Connecting to the Game: The connect method allows you to connect to the game by specifying the port number.
    				* Updating the Game State: The update method updates the game state, including the positions and statuses of units, resources, and other game elements.
    				* Game Control: The all_games_ended method checks if all games have ended. The join_game method allows you to join a game. The set_real_time method sets the game to real-time mode. The leave_game method allows you to leave the current game.
    				These are just some of the methods provided by the Coordinator class. It serves as a central control point for managing Starcraft II games and provides an interface for interacting with the game engine.
        py::enum_<sc2::Race>(m, "Race", "The Race enum in the provided code represents the different races in the Starcraft II game. It is used to define the race of a player or a unit. \
    		In Starcraft II, each race has its own unique units, buildings, and abilities. The Race enum allows you to specify the race of a player or a unit, which can be useful for various game-related operations and strategies. \
    David Warnquist's avatar
    David Warnquist committed
    		For example, if you want to set the race of a player to Terran, you can use the Race.Terran value. Similarly, if you want to check the race of a unit, you can compare its race with the enum values.")
            .value("Terran", sc2::Race::Terran)
            .value("Zerg", sc2::Race::Zerg)
            .value("Protoss", sc2::Race::Protoss)
            .value("Random", sc2::Race::Random);
    David Warnquist's avatar
    David Warnquist committed
    		//DON'T USE .doc on enum
        m.attr("PLAYER_SELF")    = py::int_((int) Players::Self);
        m.attr("PLAYER_ENEMY")   = py::int_((int) Players::Enemy);
        m.attr("PLAYER_NEUTRAL") = py::int_((int) Players::Neutral);
        m.attr("PLAYER_ALLY")    = py::int_((int) Players::Ally);
        py::class_<sc2::BuffID>(m, "BuffID")
    David Warnquist's avatar
    David Warnquist committed
    		.doc() = R"(
    			The BuffID class is a wrapper class that represents the BuffID enum in the Starcraft II game. It is used to define the different buffs that can be applied to units in the game.
    			In Starcraft II, buffs are temporary effects that modify the behavior or attributes of units. The BuffID class allows you to specify a particular buff by its ID, which can be useful for various game-related operations and strategies.
    			For example, if you want to apply a specific buff to a unit, you can use the BuffID class to represent the buff and apply it to the unit. Similarly, if you want to check if a unit has a particular buff, you can compare its ID with the enum values.
        py::implicitly_convertible<sc2::BUFF_ID, sc2::BuffID>();
        py::class_<sc2::UnitTypeID>(m, "UnitTypeID")
    David Warnquist's avatar
    David Warnquist committed
            .def("__eq__", [](const sc2::UnitTypeID &value, sc2::UNIT_TYPEID &value2) { return value == value2; })
    		.doc() = R"(
    			The UnitTypeID class is a wrapper class that represents the UnitTypeID enum in the Starcraft II game. It is used to define the different types of units that exist in the game.
    			In Starcraft II, each unit has a unique type ID that identifies its unit type. The UnitTypeID class allows you to specify a particular unit type by its ID, which can be useful for various game-related operations and strategies.
    			For example, if you want to create a specific unit, you can use the UnitTypeID class to represent the unit type and create the unit. Similarly, if you want to check the type of a unit, you can compare its ID with the enum values.
        py::implicitly_convertible<sc2::UNIT_TYPEID, sc2::UnitTypeID>();
        py::class_<sc2::UpgradeID>(m, "UpgradeID")
    David Warnquist's avatar
    David Warnquist committed
    		.doc() = R"(
    			The UpgradeID class is a wrapper class that represents the UpgradeID enum in the Starcraft II game. It is used to define the different upgrades that can be researched in the game.
    			In Starcraft II, upgrades are enhancements that improve the attributes or abilities of units and buildings. The UpgradeID class allows you to specify a particular upgrade by its ID, which can be useful for various game-related operations and strategies.
    			For example, if you want to research a specific upgrade, you can use the UpgradeID class to represent the upgrade and research it. Similarly, if you want to check if a unit or building has a particular upgrade, you can compare its ID with the enum values.
        py::implicitly_convertible<sc2::UPGRADE_ID, sc2::UpgradeID>();
    	py::class_<sc2::EffectID>(m, "EffectID")
    David Warnquist's avatar
    David Warnquist committed
    		.doc() = R"(
    			The EffectID class is a wrapper class that represents the EffectID enum in the Starcraft II game. It is used to define the different effects that can be applied to units or abilities in the game.
    			In Starcraft II, effects are special abilities or attributes that modify the behavior or properties of units or abilities. The EffectID class allows you to specify a particular effect by its ID, which can be useful for various game-related operations and strategies.
    			For example, if you want to apply a specific effect to a unit or ability, you can use the EffectID class to represent the effect and apply it. Similarly, if you want to check if a unit or ability has a particular effect, you can compare its ID with the enum values.
    	py::implicitly_convertible<sc2::EFFECT_ID, sc2::EffectID>();
        py::class_<sc2::AbilityID>(m, "AbilityID")
    David Warnquist's avatar
    David Warnquist committed
    		.doc() = R"(
    			The AbilityID class is a wrapper class that represents the AbilityID enum in the Starcraft II game. It is used to define the different abilities that units and buildings can use in the game.
    			In Starcraft II, abilities are special actions or commands that units and buildings can perform. The AbilityID class allows you to specify a particular ability by its ID, which can be useful for various game-related operations and strategies.
    			For example, if you want to use a specific ability with a unit or building, you can use the AbilityID class to represent the ability and use it. Similarly, if you want to check if a unit or building has a particular ability, you can compare its ID with the enum values.
        py::implicitly_convertible<sc2::ABILITY_ID, sc2::AbilityID>();
        py::implicitly_convertible<sc2::AbilityID, sc2::ABILITY_ID>();
        py::class_<sc2::Agent>(m, "Agent")
        // IDABot is a specialization of Agent
    	py::class_<IDABot, PyIDABot, sc2::Agent>(m, "IDABot")
    David Warnquist's avatar
    David Warnquist committed
    		.def("on_game_start", &IDABot::OnGameStart, R"(The on_game_start function is a method defined in the IDABot class. It is called when a game starts in Starcraft II. 
    		This function is responsible for initializing the bot and performing any necessary setup before the game begins. 
    		This can include setting up initial game state, gathering information about the map and opponents, and making any initial decisions or strategies.)")
    		.def("on_step", &IDABot::OnStep, R"(The on_step function in the IDABot class is a method that is called every game step (or frame) during a Starcraft II match. 
    		This function is crucial for implementing the bot's logic that needs to be executed continuously throughout the game. 
    		It's where the bot evaluates the current game state, makes decisions, and issues commands to units.)")
    		.def("send_chat", &IDABot::SendChat, "Sends the string 'message' to the game chat", "message"_a)
    		.def("get_all_units", &IDABot::GetAllUnits, "Returns a list of all visible units, including minerals and geysers")
    		.def("get_my_units", &IDABot::GetMyUnits, "Returns a list of all your units") 
    		.def("get_player_race", &IDABot::GetPlayerRace, "Returns the players race, useful if you play Race.Random")
    		.def("debug_create_unit", &IDABot::DebugCreateUnit, "This method creates the nr (INT) of units on the position :class:`library.Point2D`, the unit belongs to the Player Constant", "unit_type"_a, "p"_a, "player_id"_a = 0, "count"_a = 1)
    		.def("debug_kill_unit", &IDABot::DebugKillUnit, "Kill the unit from debug mode")
    		.def("debug_show_map", &IDABot::DebugShowMap, "Show the entire map through debug mode")
    		.def("debug_fast_build", &IDABot::DebugFastBuild, "Set build time in game to 1 through debug mode")
    		.def("debug_enemy_control", &IDABot::DebugEnemyControl, "Control the enemy through debug mode")
    		.def("debug_ignore_food", &IDABot::DebugIgnoreFood, "Ignore the food in game through debug mode")
    		.def("debug_ignore_resource_cost", &IDABot::DebugIgnoreResourceCost, "Ignore the resource cost in game, making, everything cost zero resources through debug mode")
    		.def("debug_give_all_resources", &IDABot::DebugGiveAllResources, "Set the mineral and vespene gas to 5000 through debug mode")
    		.def("debug_god_mode", &IDABot::DebugGodMode, "Give the player god mode")
    		.def("debug_ignore_mineral", &IDABot::DebugIgnoreMineral, "Ignore the mineral cost in game through debug mode")
    		.def("debug_no_cooldowns", &IDABot::DebugNoCooldowns, "Deactive cooldowns (Basically setting them to 0) through debug mode")
    		.def("debug_give_all_tech", &IDABot::DebugGiveAllTech, "Give all the tech to the player through debug mode")
    		.def("debug_give_all_upgrades", &IDABot::DebugGiveAllUpgrades, "Give all the upgrades to the player through debug mode")
    		.def("debug_set_score", &IDABot::DebugSetScore, "Set the Players score in game through debug mode")
    		.def("debug_end_game", &IDABot::DebugEndGame, "End the game through debug mode. If the Boolean is True then victory. If False, defeat.")
    		.def("debug_set_energy", &IDABot::DebugSetEnergy, "Set the energy on a unit through debug mode")
    		.def("debug_set_life", &IDABot::DebugSetLife, "Set the life on a unit through debug mode")
    		.def("debug_set_shields", &IDABot::DebugSetShields, "Set the shields on a unit through debug mode")
    		.def("get_enemy_base_location", &IDABot::GetEnemyBaseLocations, "Return the CCposition of the enemy base")
    		.def("move_camera", &IDABot::CameraMove, "Move the camera to the position", "p"_a)
    		.def("has_creep", &IDABot::HasCreep, "Returns true if there is creep at position p", "p"_a)
    		.def("ability_for_upgrade", &IDABot::abilityForUpgrade, "Ability that researches this upgrade", "upgrade"_a)
    		.def("upgrade_mineral_cost", &IDABot::UpgradeMineralCost, "Mineral cost of researching the upgrade", "upgrade"_a)
    		.def("upgrade_gas_cost", &IDABot::UpgradeGasCost, "Vespene/gas cost of researching the upgrade", "upgrade"_a)
    		.def("upgrade_research_time", &IDABot::UpgradeResearchTime, "Time in GameLoops to research this upgrade", "upgrade"_a)
    		.def("effect_radius", &IDABot::RadiusEffect, "Size of the circle the effect impacts", "effect"_a)
    David Warnquist's avatar
    David Warnquist committed
    		.def_property_readonly("base_location_manager", &IDABot::Bases, "An instance of the class :class:`library.BaseLocationManager`. ")
    		.def_property_readonly("tech_tree", &IDABot::GetTechTree, "An instance of the class :class:`library.TechTree`")
    		.def_property_readonly("map_tools", &IDABot::Map, "An instance of the class :class:`library.MapTools`")
    		.def_property_readonly("building_placer", &IDABot::GetBuildingPlacer, "An instance of the class :class:`library.BuildingPlacer`")
    		.def_property_readonly("start_location", &IDABot::GetStartLocation, "CCPosition representing the start location, note that it is the depot position that is returned.")
    		.def_property_readonly("start_locations", &IDABot::GetStartLocations, "List of CCPositions representing the start locations, note that it is the depot positions and not the center positions")
    		.def_property_readonly("minerals", &IDABot::GetMinerals, "How much minerals we currently have")
    		.def_property_readonly("current_supply", &IDABot::GetCurrentSupply, "How much supply we are currently using")
    		.def_property_readonly("max_supply", &IDABot::GetMaxSupply, "How much supply we can currently use")
    		.def_property_readonly("gas", &IDABot::GetGas, "How much gas we currently have")
    David Warnquist's avatar
    David Warnquist committed
    		.def_property_readonly("current_frame", &IDABot::GetCurrentFrame, "Which frame we are currently on")
    David Warnquist's avatar
    David Warnquist committed
    		.doc() = R"(This is a striped down basic version of an bot. It contains all available managers and basic methods.)";
    	// API extended summer 2020
    Rojikku98's avatar
    Rojikku98 committed
    Rojikku98's avatar
    Rojikku98 committed
    	py::class_<sc2::ReplayObserver>(m, "ReplayObserver")
    Rojikku98's avatar
    Rojikku98 committed
    	py::class_<IDAReplayObserver, PyReplayObserver, sc2::ReplayObserver>(m, "IDAReplayObserver")
    		.def("on_game_start", &IDAReplayObserver::OnGameStart)
    		.def("on_step", &IDAReplayObserver::OnStep)
    		.def("on_game_end", &IDAReplayObserver::OnGameEnd)
    Rojikku98's avatar
    Rojikku98 committed
    		.def("get_all_units", &IDAReplayObserver::GetAllUnits, "Returns a list of all units")
    Rojikku98's avatar
    Rojikku98 committed
    		.def("get_player_race", &IDAReplayObserver::GetPlayerRace,"player_id"_a)
    Rojikku98's avatar
    Rojikku98 committed
    		.def("get_replay_path", &IDAReplayObserver::GetReplayPath)
    		.def("get_result_for_player", &IDAReplayObserver::GetResultForPlayer, "player_id"_a)
    		.def("on_unit_destroyed", &IDAReplayObserver::OnReplayUnitDestroyed, "unit"_a)
    		.def("on_unit_created", &IDAReplayObserver::OnReplayUnitCreated, "unit"_a)
    Edvin Bergström's avatar
    Edvin Bergström committed
    		.def_property_readonly("tech_tree", &IDAReplayObserver::GetTechTree)
    Rojikku98's avatar
    Rojikku98 committed
    Rojikku98's avatar
    Rojikku98 committed
    	py::enum_<sc2::GameResult>(m, "GameResult")
    		.value("Win", sc2::GameResult::Win)
    		.value("Loss", sc2::GameResult::Loss)
    		.value("Tie", sc2::GameResult::Tie)
    		.value("Undecided", sc2::GameResult::Undecided);
        py::class_<sc2::PlayerSetup>(m, "PlayerSetup");
        py::enum_<sc2::Difficulty>(m, "Difficulty")
            .value("VeryEasy", sc2::Difficulty::VeryEasy)
            .value("Easy", sc2::Difficulty::Easy)
            .value("Medium", sc2::Difficulty::Medium)
            .value("MediumHard", sc2::Difficulty::MediumHard)
            .value("Hard", sc2::Difficulty::Hard)
            .value("HardVeryHard", sc2::Difficulty::HardVeryHard)
            .value("VeryHard", sc2::Difficulty::VeryHard)
            .value("CheatVision", sc2::Difficulty::CheatVision)
            .value("CheatMoney", sc2::Difficulty::CheatMoney)
            .value("CheatInsane", sc2::Difficulty::CheatInsane);
    	py::enum_<sc2::AIBuild>(m, "AIBuild")
    		.value("RandomBuild", sc2::AIBuild::RandomBuild)
    		.value("Rush", sc2::AIBuild::Rush)
    		.value("Timing", sc2::AIBuild::Timing)
    		.value("Power", sc2::AIBuild::Power)
    		.value("Macro", sc2::AIBuild::Macro)
    		.value("Air", sc2::AIBuild::Air);
    	m.def("create_participants", &sc2::CreateParticipant, "Create participant from bot", "race"_a, "bot"_a, "player_name"_a = "");
    	m.def("create_computer", &sc2::CreateComputer, "Create participant from built-in Starcraft computer", "race"_a, "difficulty"_a, "ai_build"_a = sc2::AIBuild::RandomBuild, "player_name"_a = "");
        py::class_<BuildDescription>(m, "BuildDescription")
            .def_readwrite("producer_type", &BuildDescription::producer_type)
            .def_readwrite("result_type", &BuildDescription::result_type)
            .def_readwrite("ability_used", &BuildDescription::ability_used)
            .def_readwrite("buildings_needed", &BuildDescription::buildings_needed)
            .def_readwrite("addons_needed", &BuildDescription::addons_needed);
        py::class_<TechTreeImproved>(m, "TechTreeImproved")
            .def("load_data", &TechTreeImproved::LoadData)
            .def("how_to_build", &TechTreeImproved::HowToBuild);