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BaseLocation.cpp 8.12 KiB
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#include "BaseLocation.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include "IDABot.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>

const int NearBaseLocationTileDistance = 20;

BaseLocation::BaseLocation(IDABot & bot, int baseID, const std::vector<Unit> & resources)
    : m_bot(bot)
    , m_baseID               (baseID)
    , m_isStartLocation      (false)
    , m_left                 (std::numeric_limits<CCPositionType>::max())
    , m_right                (std::numeric_limits<CCPositionType>::lowest())
    , m_top                  (std::numeric_limits<CCPositionType>::lowest())
    , m_bottom               (std::numeric_limits<CCPositionType>::max())
    m_isPlayerStartLocation[0] = false;
    m_isPlayerStartLocation[1] = false;
    m_isPlayerOccupying[0] = false;
    m_isPlayerOccupying[1] = false;

    CCPositionType resourceCenterX = 0;
    CCPositionType resourceCenterY = 0;

    // add each of the resources to its corresponding container
    for (auto & resource : resources)
        if (resource.getType().isMineral())

            // add the position of the minerals to the center
            resourceCenterX += resource.getPosition().x;
            resourceCenterY += resource.getPosition().y;

            // pull the resource center toward the geyser if it exists
            resourceCenterX += resource.getPosition().x;
            resourceCenterY += resource.getPosition().y;

        // set the limits of the base location bounding box
        CCPositionType resWidth = Util::TileToPosition(1);
        CCPositionType resHeight = Util::TileToPosition(0.5);

        m_left   = std::min(m_left,   resource.getPosition().x - resWidth);
        m_right  = std::max(m_right,  resource.getPosition().x + resWidth);
        m_top    = std::max(m_top,    resource.getPosition().y + resHeight);
        m_bottom = std::min(m_bottom, resource.getPosition().y - resHeight);

    // calculate the center of the resources
    size_t numResources = m_minerals.size() + m_geysers.size();

    m_centerOfResources = CCPosition(m_left + (m_right-m_left)/2, m_top + (m_bottom-m_top)/2);

    // compute this BaseLocation's DistanceMap, which will compute the ground distance
    // from the center of its recourses to every other tile on the map
    m_distanceMap = m_bot.Map().getDistanceMap(m_centerOfResources);

    // check to see if this is a start location for the map
    for (auto & pos : m_bot.GetStartLocations())
        if (containsPosition(pos))
            m_isStartLocation = true;
            m_depotPosition = Util::GetTilePosition(pos);
    // if this base location position is near our own resource depot, it's our start location
    for (auto & unit : m_bot.GetAllUnits())
        if (unit.getPlayer() == Players::Self && unit.getType().isResourceDepot() && containsPosition(unit.getPosition()))
            m_isPlayerStartLocation[Players::Self] = true;
            m_isStartLocation = true;
            m_isPlayerOccupying[Players::Self] = true;
    // if it's not a start location, we need to calculate the depot position
    if (!isStartLocation())
        UnitType depot = Util::GetTownHall(m_bot.GetPlayerRace(Players::Self), m_bot);
#ifdef SC2API
        int offsetX = 0;
        int offsetY = 0;
        int offsetX = 1;
        int offsetY = 1;
        // the position of the depot will be the closest spot we can build one from the resource center
        for (auto & tile : getClosestTiles())
            // the build position will be up-left of where this tile is
            // this means we are positioning the center of the resouce depot
            CCTilePosition buildTile(tile.x - offsetX, tile.y - offsetY);

            if (m_bot.Map().canBuildTypeAtPosition(buildTile.x, buildTile.y, depot))
                m_depotPosition = buildTile;

// TODO: calculate the actual depot position
const CCTilePosition & BaseLocation::getDepotPosition() const
    return m_depotPosition;

void BaseLocation::setPlayerOccupying(CCPlayer player, bool occupying)
    m_isPlayerOccupying[player] = occupying;

    // if this base is a start location that's occupied by the enemy, it's that enemy's start location
    if (occupying && player == Players::Enemy && isStartLocation() && m_isPlayerStartLocation[player] == false)
        m_isPlayerStartLocation[player] = true;

bool BaseLocation::isInResourceBox(int tileX, int tileY) const
    CCPositionType px = Util::TileToPosition((float)tileX);
    CCPositionType py = Util::TileToPosition((float)tileY);
    return px >= m_left && px < m_right && py < m_top && py >= m_bottom;

bool BaseLocation::isOccupiedByPlayer(CCPlayer player) const

bool BaseLocation::isExplored() const
    return m_bot.Map().isExplored(m_centerOfResources);

bool BaseLocation::isPlayerStartLocation(CCPlayer player) const

bool BaseLocation::containsPosition(const CCPosition & pos) const
    if (!m_bot.Map().isValidPosition(pos) || (pos.x == 0 && pos.y == 0))
        return false;

    return getGroundDistance(pos) < NearBaseLocationTileDistance;

const std::vector<Unit> & BaseLocation::getGeysers() const
    return m_geysers;

const std::vector<Unit> & BaseLocation::getMinerals() const
    return m_minerals;

const CCPosition & BaseLocation::getPosition() const
    return m_centerOfResources;

int BaseLocation::getGroundDistance(const CCPosition & pos) const
    return m_distanceMap.getDistance(pos);

int BaseLocation::getGroundDistance(const CCTilePosition & pos) const
    return m_distanceMap.getDistance(pos);

bool BaseLocation::isStartLocation() const
    return m_isStartLocation;

const std::vector<CCTilePosition> & BaseLocation::getClosestTiles() const
    return m_distanceMap.getSortedTiles();

void BaseLocation::draw()
    CCPositionType radius = Util::TileToPosition(1.0f);

	// Take first mineral for the Z-pos.
	sc2::Point3D center_pos = sc2::Point3D(m_centerOfResources.x, m_centerOfResources.y, m_minerals[0].getUnitPtr()->pos.z);
    m_bot.Map().drawResourceCircle(center_pos, radius, CCColor(255, 255, 0));

    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "BaseLocation: " << m_baseID << "\n";
    ss << "Start Loc:    " << (isStartLocation() ? "true" : "false") << "\n";
    ss << "Minerals:     " << m_mineralPositions.size() << "\n";
    ss << "Geysers:      " << m_geyserPositions.size() << "\n";
    ss << "Occupied By:  ";

    if (isOccupiedByPlayer(Players::Self))
        ss << "Self ";

    if (isOccupiedByPlayer(Players::Enemy))
        ss << "Enemy ";

    m_bot.Map().drawText(CCPosition(m_left, m_top+3), ss.str().c_str());
    m_bot.Map().drawText(CCPosition(m_left, m_bottom), ss.str().c_str());

    // draw the base bounding box
    m_bot.Map().drawBox(m_left, m_top, m_right, m_bottom);

    for (CCPositionType x=m_left; x < m_right; x += Util::TileToPosition(1.0f))
        //m_bot.Map().drawLine(x, m_top, x, m_bottom, CCColor(160, 160, 160));

    for (CCPositionType y=m_bottom; y<m_top; y += Util::TileToPosition(1.0f))
        //m_bot.Map().drawLine(m_left, y, m_right, y, CCColor(160, 160, 160));

    for (auto & mineral : m_minerals)
        m_bot.Map().drawResourceCircle(mineral.getUnitPtr()->pos, radius, CCColor(0, 128, 128));
    for (auto & geyser : m_geysers)
        m_bot.Map().drawResourceCircle(geyser.getUnitPtr()->pos, radius, CCColor(0, 255, 0));

    if (m_isStartLocation)
        m_bot.Map().drawCircle(Util::GetPosition(m_depotPosition), radius, CCColor(255, 0, 0));

    m_bot.Map().drawTile(m_depotPosition.x, m_depotPosition.y, CCColor(0, 0, 255)); 


bool BaseLocation::isMineralOnly() const
    return getGeysers().empty();