There are several classes related to processing information about the game
state and the input from Starcraft. All these classes are taken more or less
directly from the original `CommandCenter`_, but we have left all
decision-making to the user of the API.
.. _CommandCenter:
Here is a full list of all managers:
* :class:`library.BaseLocationManager`
* :class:`library.TechTree`
* :class:`library.MapTools`
* :class:`library.BuildingPlacer`
The rest of this page contains a brief description of each manager.
.. class:: library.BaseLocationManager
.. attribute:: library.BaseLocationManager.base_locations
A list of all :class:`library.BaseLocation` on the current map
.. attribute:: library.BaseLocationManager.starting_base_locations
A list of all :class:`library.BaseLocation` on the current map which a player
started at, indexed by Player constant (see :ref:`playerconstants`).
.. automethod:: library.BaseLocationManager.get_occupied_base_locations
.. automethod:: library.BaseLocationManager.get_player_starting_base_location
.. automethod:: library.BaseLocationManager.get_next_expansion
.. class:: library.BaseLocation
Closely related to BaseLocationManager. This is the datastructure used by
the BaseLocationManager to keep track of all base locations and related
David Bergström
.. attribute:: library.BaseLocation.position
The position of the center of the BaseLocation, defined as a :class:`library.Point2D`.
David Bergström
.. attribute:: library.BaseLocation.depot_position
A suitable position for building a town hall (Command Center, Hatchery or
Nexus), defined as a :class:`library.Point2DI`.
.. autoattribute:: mineral_fields
.. autoattribute:: minerals
.. autoattribute:: geysers
.. automethod:: get_ground_distance
This function uses BFS and moves in a vertical and horizontal position. Because of this,
the distance might overshoot compared to calculating it with Pythagoras' theorem.
.. automethod:: is_occupied_by_player
.. automethod:: is_player_start_location
.. automethod:: contains_position
.. class:: library.TechTree
This class contains all information about units and what is required to
build a certain unit and what builds it. It only has one method, which is
used to look-up unit types properties:
This class has some invalid information by default, this can be corrected by
placing the file `techtree.json` in the working directory. The
`techtree.json` files are available here_, select the lastest version.
A techtree for SC2 version >=4.10 is now available (not fully tested yet),
this can be found under the folder data in this link_.
A recent file is included in the `template repository`_.
Instead of using TechTree, it's possible to use the functions in UnitType for
structure, etc. In IDABot there is functions for getting data about upgrades.
.. method:: get_data(argument) -> library.TypeData
Argument is either an instance of the class :class:`library.UnitType` or
an instance of the class :class:`library.CCUpgrade`, depending on what
information is wanted.
.. _link:
.. _here:
.. _`template repository`:
.. TODO: Types for all fields would be nice, is required_units List[UnitType] or List[UNIT_TYPEID]?
.. autoclass:: library.MapTools
This class contains two types of methods:
* Methods for drawing information to the screen
* Methods for extracting information about the map
First, let us look at the method concerning drawing information to the
screen. Methods with the suffix ``_screen`` takes percentages of the
screens height and width, i.e. values between 0 and 1. Methods without
this suffix uses the same coordinate system as the game, i.e. world
The top three methods below takes in a Point2D, but it's possible to
send in x and y as floats instead of Point2D.
.. automethod:: draw_box
.. automethod:: draw_circle
.. automethod:: draw_line
.. automethod:: draw_text
.. automethod:: draw_text_screen
These are methods which are useful for extracting information about the
game map:
.. automethod:: can_build_type_at_position
.. automethod:: get_closest_tiles_to
.. automethod:: get_distance_map
.. automethod:: get_ground_distance
.. automethod:: get_least_recently_seen_tile
.. autoattribute:: height
.. autoattribute:: width
.. automethod:: is_buildable
.. automethod:: is_connected
.. automethod:: is_depot_buildable_tile
.. automethod:: is_explored
.. automethod:: is_powered
.. automethod:: is_valid_position
.. automethod:: is_valid_tile
.. automethod:: is_visible
.. automethod:: is_walkable
.. autoclass:: library.Color
.. autoclass:: library.DistanceMap
.. autoclass:: library.BuildingPlacer
David Bergström
This class is useful for placing all buildings, except refineries and town halls (Command Centers, Hacheries and Nexus).
If you want to place a town hall, take a look at attribute `depot_location` of :class:`library.BaseLocation`.
If you want to place a refinery, take a look at attribute `geysers` of :class:`library.BaseLocation` and the method build_target of :class:`library.Unit`.