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  • Isaac Skog's avatar
    Initial commit: source code and data · a8eee257
    Isaac Skog authored and Gustaf Hendeby's avatar Gustaf Hendeby committed
    This repository contains the source code and data files required to
    reproduce the results in:
    Isaac Skog, Gustaf Hendeby, and Manon Kok.	"Tightly Integrated Motion
    Classification and State Estimation in Foot-Mounted Navigation Systems" in
    13th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation,
    Nuremberg, Germany. Sept, 2023.
    If you use this the content of this repository, please cite this
    Initial commit: source code and data
    Isaac Skog authored and Gustaf Hendeby's avatar Gustaf Hendeby committed
    This repository contains the source code and data files required to
    reproduce the results in:
    Isaac Skog, Gustaf Hendeby, and Manon Kok.	"Tightly Integrated Motion
    Classification and State Estimation in Foot-Mounted Navigation Systems" in
    13th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation,
    Nuremberg, Germany. Sept, 2023.
    If you use this the content of this repository, please cite this