LaTeX class for LiU Thesis
This is liuthesis
, a modern class for writing a thesis for PhD, Licenciate,
Master, or Bachelor (plus some more) at Linköping University (LiU) in Sweden.
This list is not sorted in any particular order. Initial work was done by Ola Leifler, but several people have since made contributions to liuthesis. See the commit log for details.
- Ola Leifler,
- Jonathan Jogenfors,
- Ivan Ukhov,
How to contribute
Please do submit issues so we know what works and what does not work. If your issue pertains to deviations from prescribed formats, please include a pdf or other detailed description of how the typeset material should look. If there are missing features or bugs, please provide a minimal example that demonstrates the issue, along with a description of your environment. At best, provide a merge request. Remember that each merge request should address one specific issue, though, and be generally applicable to all theses at LiU. Merge Requests will be reviewed and approved by main developers, currently Ola Leifler.
Where to download
The latest version can always be found on GitLab. liuthesis
is constantly
being developed, so go to the download
page to get the latest version.
Package options
The following options are recognized by the liuthesis document class
- For doctoral dissertations -
- For licentiate theses -
- For Masters' theses (default) -
- For Bachelors' theses -
- For the medical sciences (experimental) -
- For the Faculty of Arts and Sciences -
- For LiTH (default) -
- Produce an exhibit page (spikblad) and no thesis. Use this option to produce an exhibit page only for Licentiate/PhD dissertations. -
- ensure chapters begin on recto pages -
- use Swedish as the main language, English as the secondary language -
- use English as the main language
Since liuthesis
is based on the memoir
document class, all options supported by memoir
are supported by liuthesis
System Requirements
You need a modern LaTeX distribution to be able to use liuthesis
. Depending on
your operating system, we recommend you install the following distribution:
- For Linux systems:
(we recommend at least version 2016). - For Windows systems:
(we recommend at least version 2.9). - For Mac/OSX systems:
More information on which distribution to choose can be found at the LaTeX project homepage.
takes full advantage of the features of modern LaTeX, so you need
to make sure your distribution installs at least the following packages (list
When LaTeX has been installed, you are ready to use liuthesis
. When compiling,
you have the option of choosing between the following build
(recommended) pdfLaTeX
While the standard pdfLaTeX
engine can be used for building, XeTeX
recommended in order to get the corrects fonts
) used in the LiU style manual. When XeTeX
used, the polyglossia
, mathspec
, fontspec
, xunicode
and, xltxtra
packages are loaded. When pdfLaTeX
is used, babel
, palatino
, and
packages are used instead.
For correct font typesetting according to the LiU style manual, the proprietary
fonts KorolevLiU
or Calibri
are required. Carlito
may be used as a
fallback for Calibri
on systems that do not have Calibri
installed. KorolevLiU
is only used for exhibit pages ("spikblad") on the
philosophical faculty.
Packages included
The liuthesis
package includes a number of packages for convenient,
contemporary TeX typesetting.
The BibLaTeX package is used for managing references. Currently, there is no way to specify the load-time options to biblatex as document class options together with other options, so the biblatex package has to be loaded manually in settings.tex (see Usage below).
This package contains a style file for theses (liuthesis.cls
) and a file
which must at least include the lines
\addbibresource{<my bibliography file>}
and possibly other settings. In the directory figures/
, you should place all
graphics for your thesis. Logos are included for LiU, please add other logotypes
as appropriate.
In your thesis file, you need to specify where the bibliography should be
typeset using the command \printbibliography
All files must be typeset using UTF-8 in order for non-latin characters such as åäö to work. Any modern editor will support this, and is probably enabled by default.
Example files
To make it easy to get started, a number of demonstration files are included:
for Bachelor and Master student theses -
for Licenciate theses at LiTH -
for Licenciate theses at Filfak -
for PhD theses at LiTH -
for PhD theses at Filfak -
for exhibit pages (spikblad) at LiTH -
for exhibit pages (spikblad) at Filfak
These demo pages are a good starting point and can be customized to your needs.
Put your abstract in the file Abstract.tex
(mandatory), and if your thesis
requires a Swedish summary, put it in sammanfattning.tex
. The demo files have
further documentation to get you started.
If you are on a platform where you can use make
for building your PDF, we have
prepared a Makefile
. Edit the name of the main file that you wish to process
) and run make
. This will run XeLaTeX
and biber
as many
times as needed to produce a PDF. To clean all auxiliary files, run make clean
. To typeset the demos, run make demos
, which will compile the demo
Including articles
With the \includearticle
command, you can include PDF articles and refer to
them in your thesis. An example of this is given in the demo files (see above).
should be the same as the key in your bibliography which describes
your article, and the file name of the PDF file. You can refer to your articles
in your thesis using the reference key art:<citekey>
With the \includearticletex
command, you can include TeX articles and refer to
them in your thesis. The demonstration files for PhD and Licenciate (see above)
include examples for this. <citekey>
should be the same as the key in your
bibliography which describes your article, and the file name of the TeX
manuscript in the papers/ directory. Please refer to the scigen.tex
for hints how you format your manuscript for inclusion. You can refer to your
articles in your thesis using the reference key art:<citekey>
There are a number of commands with one parameter which should be used
to specify thesis metadata, and they are all typeset using the command
names as they appear in the PDF. For instance, using the command
\opponent{Your opponent}
, you can specify the opponent. If you do not,
the PDF will contain the verbatim text \opponent
on all locations
where the argument supplied to that command will substitute
File headers
To use and update the file headers appropriately, you will need Emacs
with the header2
package. Put this information in an Emacs init file:
(require 'package)
;; Marmalade
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("marmalade" . ""))
;; The original ELPA archive still has some useful
;; stuff.
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("elpa" . ""))
(autoload 'auto-update-file-header "header2")
(add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'auto-update-file-header)
(add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'auto-make-header)
Complete list of parameters
This is a complete list of parameters that can be modified as part of the template. Some of them are set by specifying a document class option, but all are available in the main manuscript and can be overwritten if necessary. Here is a description of them.
All parameters are accessible through eponymous commands that render the name of the command, so that it will be obvious (hopefully) which commands to use for parametrizing the thesis.
Thus, \createvariable{edition}
creates a command \edition{}
which accepts a
single parameter and sets the global variable \@edition
, which is given the
initial value \texttt{\textbackslash edition}
%% The edition of the PhD thesis (at the philosophical faculty)
%% Parameters for the exhibit page (spikblad)
%% Undergrad specific
% faculty abbreviation, for the publication number
% First-cycle/Second-cycle
% 15/16/30 credit thesis