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Added rudimentary PDF/A(-3B)-compliance

Fredrik Lindeberg requested to merge freli205/liuthesis:pdfa-compliance into master

Given that PDF/A output can be quite a hassle I thought it useful to add rudimentary support to the liuthesis-class. Enable with pdfa-option to liuthesis.

This version "forces" RGB, i.e. by using the xcolor rgb flag as well as using RGB versions of the logos. CMYK would need some additional work, as well as inclusion of CMYK-based output intents.

Also added LuaTeX-support since embedfile requires LuaTeX (or PdfTex).

To test (requires verapdf):

latexmk -lualatex -silent demo_lith_phd_pdfa.tex
verapdf --format text demo_lith_phd_pdfa.pdf

It is possible to work around the embedfile limitations, i.e. only LuaTeX and PdfTex support, but AFAIK it requires a bit of manual work.

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