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demo_student_thesis.tex 1.57 KiB
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%%% demothesis.tex --- 
%% Filename: demothesis.tex
%% Description: 
%% Author: Ola Leifler
%% Maintainer: 
%% Created: Thu Oct 14 12:52:20 2010 (CEST)
%% Version: $Id$
%% Version: 
%% Last-Updated: Tue Feb  7 12:58:24 2017 (+0100)
%%           By: Ola Leifler
%%     Update #: 161
%% URL: 
%% Keywords: 
%% Compatibility: 
%%% Commentary: 
%%% Change log:
%% RCS $Log$
%%% Code:
%% Settings go in settings.tex

% \usepackage{changebar}

\department{Institutionen för datavetenskap}
\departmentenglish{Department of Computer Science}
% \externalsupervisor{Min företagshandledare}
\supervisor{Min handledare}
\examiner{Min examinator}
\titleenglish{A very very long title}
\subtitleenglish{with a subtitle}


\author{\texttt{\textbackslash author}}

% Two authors
% \author{\parbox{\textwidth}{Ola Leifler\\
%   Alexander Sanner}}





%%% demothesis.tex ends here