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%%% liuthesis.cls --- 
%% Filename: liuthesis.cls
%% Description: 
%% Author: Ola Leifler
%% Maintainer: 
%% Created: Fri Mar 20 08:25:23 2009 (CET)
%% Version: 
%% Last-Updated: Wed Apr 26 11:57:50 2017 (+0200)
%%           By: Ola Leifler
%% URL: 
%% Keywords: 
%% Compatibility: 
%%% Commentary: 
%% Read the README instead...
%%% Change log:
%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
%% (at your option) any later version.
%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%% General Public License for more details.
%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%% along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
%% the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
%% Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

%%% Code:
\ProvidesClass{liuthesis} [2017/04/20 Thesis class for LiU]
Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed
\typeout{Undergraduate and graduate thesis class for LiU by Ola Leifler - v 1.1}
  \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{\expandafter\gdef\csname @#1\endcsname}
  \csname #1\endcsname{\texttt{\textbackslash #1}}

% \def\createconditionalvariable#1{
%   \expandafter\newif\csname if#1\endcsname
%   \csname #1 false\endcsname
%   \def\csname#1\endcsname
% }




% For conditionally including lists of tables and figures


% Undergrad specific
Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed



% Include the abstract
Anton S's avatar
Anton S committed
Anton S's avatar
Anton S committed


% \phdtrue
Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed

  \faculty{Faculty of Health Sciences}
 \publicationseries{Linköping University Medical Dissertations}

  \faculty{Institute of Technology}
  \publicationseries{Linköping Studies in Science and Technology}

  \faculty{Philosophical faculty}
  \publicationseries{Linköping Studies in Arts and Sciences}
%  \gdef\@area{FFK-UP}

Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed
Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed
  \gdef\@thesistypenameswedish{avancerad nivå}
Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed

Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed

Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed

Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed




% % % Add the necessary biblatex options to the class options 

% \DeclareOptionX{biblatexoptions}{%
%  \gdef\@biblatexoptions{#1}
% \PassOptionsToPackage{\@biblatexoptions}{biblatex}
% }

% \DeclareOptionX{memoiroptions}{%
% \PassOptionsToClass{#1}{memoir}
% }




%% There is a special exception to the rule that publication series
%% are defined by the faculty, and that is the philosophical faculty
%% that uses a special series for licentiate theses

\publicationseries{Faculty of Arts and Sciences}



% Set up input encoding and font handling

\gdef\@degreetype{\@degreeprefix {} doktorsexamen}
\gdef\@degreetypeenglish{Doctor of \@degreesuffix}
\gdef\@degreetype{\@degreeprefix {} licentiatexamen}
\gdef\@degreetypeenglish{Licentiate degree in \@degreesuffix}


% We use the same series for lic and PhD at Filfak/HU

% \fi
% \iflic
% \typeout{Please define the ISSN by issuing a \textbackslash issn command}
% \issn{\textbackslash\texttt{issn}}
% \fi
% \fi
% \iflic
% \typeout{Please define the ISSN by issuing a \textbackslash issn command}
% \issn{\textbackslash\texttt{issn}}
% \fi

%% Include articles


    {!}{{\scshape \MakeUppercase Paper}}}\quad%
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%                                                                    %
%                     font selection, based on availability                               %
%                                                                    %

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    \typeout{ **** Please use XeTeX and install Calibri for correct typesetting ***}
%                                                                    %
%                     The exhibit page                               %
%                                                                    %

    \makeevenfoot{exhibitpagestyle}{ISBN \@isbn}{}{ISSN \@issn}
    \makeoddfoot{exhibitpagestyle}{ISBN \@isbn}{}{ISSN \@issn}
    {\footnotesize \@publicationseries}\\
    {\footnotesize \ifphd Dissertations,\else Licentiate Thesis\fi {} No. \@thesisnumber}\\[15mm]
    {\small\textbf{Akademisk avhandling}\\
    som för framläggande av \@degreetype{} i \@thesissubject{}
    vid Linköpings universitet kommer att offentligt försvaras i sal
    \@presentationroom, hus \@presentationbuilding, universitetsområde
    \@presentationcampus, \@presentationdate{} kl. \@presentationtime}\\[2\baselineskip]
    \@opponenttitle{} \@opponentname\\
   Linköping University\\
    SE--581 83 Linköping\\[5mm]
    Linköping \@publicationyear\\
    \small \textbf{Abstract}\\
      Keywords: \@keywords\\[3mm]
      URL:    \texttt{\@divanumber/}\\[3mm] 

      \@publicationseries{} No. \@thesisnumber\\[3\baselineskip]
    {\bfseries Akademisk avhandling}\\
    som för framläggande av \@degreetype{} i \@thesissubject{}
    vid Filosofiska fakulteten kommer att offentligt försvaras i sal
    \@presentationroom, hus \@presentationbuilding, universitetsområde
    \@presentationcampus, \@presentationdate{} kl. \@presentationtime\\[2\baselineskip]
    {\bfseries Sammanfattning}\\
      Nyckelord: \@keywordsswedish\\[3mm]
    Linköpings universitet, 581 83 Linköping\\[5mm]
    ISBN \@isbn{} ISSN \@issn
   {\@publicationseries{} No. \@thesisnumber}\\[3\baselineskip]
    {\textbf{Academic dissertation}\\
    Academic dissertation for the Degree of \@degreetypeenglish{} in \@thesissubjectenglish{}
    at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to be publicly defended on
     \@presentationdateenglish{} at \@presentationtime{} in room
    \@presentationroom, building \@presentationbuilding, campus
    \@presentationcampus{} by \@author} 
    {\bfseries Abstract}\\
    Keywords: \@keywords\\[3mm]
  \includegraphics[width=35mm]{liu_primary_black_en} \\
   Linköping University, SE--581 83 Linköping\\[5mm]
    ISBN \@isbn{} ISSN \@issn


Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed

Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed
Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed
        Linköpings universitet | \@department\par
        Examensarbete på \@thesistypenameswedish, \@thesiscredits hp | \@thesissubject\par%
Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed
        20\@publicationyear\ | \isrn\par%
        Linköping University | \@departmentenglish\par
        \@thesistypenameenglish{} thesis, \@thesiscredits{} ECTS | \@thesissubject\par%
        20\@publicationyear\ | \isrn\par%
Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed
      \swedishenglish{\ifsubtitleswedish}{\ifsubtitleenglish} -- {\fontsize{13pt}{15pt}\selectfont\swedishenglish{\@subtitleswedish}{\@subtitleenglish}\par}\fi%
Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed
Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed
        \parbox{\textwidth}{\swedishenglish{Handledare}{Supervisor}: \@supervisor\\
          \swedishenglish{Examinator}{Examiner}: \@examiner\\[2\baselineskip]
        \ifexternalsupervisor \swedishenglish{Extern
          handledare}{External supervisor}: \@externalsupervisor\fi}}%
    Linköpings universitet\\
    SE--581 83 Linköping\\
    \swedishenglish{013-28 10 00}{+46 13 28 10 00}, \href{}{}}
      Licentiate Thesis
      \fi No.  \@thesisnumber}\\[25mm] 
     Framlagd vid \@faculty{} vid Linköpings universitet%\\
     som del av fordringarna för \@degreetype%\\[6mm]
     Linköping universitet%\\
       Linköping University\\
     Linköping \@publicationyear\\

Jonathan Jogenfors's avatar
Jonathan Jogenfors committed
Jonathan Jogenfors's avatar
Jonathan Jogenfors committed
    \setlength\parskip{8pt}\centerline{POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING}
Jonathan Jogenfors's avatar
Jonathan Jogenfors committed
Jonathan Jogenfors's avatar
Jonathan Jogenfors committed
Jonathan Jogenfors's avatar
Jonathan Jogenfors committed
  { \setlength{\parindent}{0mm}

  At the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Linköping University,
  research and doctoral studies are carried out within broad problem
  areas. Research is organized in interdisciplinary research
  environments and doctoral studies mainly in graduate
  schools. Jointly, they publish the series Linköping Studies in Arts
  and Sciences. This thesis comes from \@division{} at the \@departmentenglish.
    This is a Swedish Licentiate’s Thesis\\[2\baselineskip]
    Swedish postgraduate education leads to a doctor’s degree and/or a
    licentiate’s degree.\\
    A doctor’s degree comprises 240 ECTS credits
    (4 years of full-time studies).\\
    A licentiate’s degree comprises 120 ECTS credits.}
    \copyright{} \@author, \@publicationyear\\
    ISBN \@isbn\\
    ISSN \@issn\\
    {\footnotesize URL \texttt{\@divanumber/}}\\[1cm]
    Published articles have been reprinted with permission from the
    copyright holder.\\
%    Paper III \copyright{} XXX\\
    Typeset using \ifxetex\XeTeX\else\LaTeX\fi\\[1cm]
    Printed by LiU-Tryck, Linköping \@publicationyear

% Intro page for MSC theses


Detta dokument hålls tillgängligt på Internet – eller dess framtida ersättare – under 25 år från
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eller presenteras i sådan form eller i sådant sammanhang som är kränkande för upphovsmannenslitterära
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För ytterligare information om Linköping University Electronic Press se förlagets hemsida

The publishers will keep this document online on the Internet – or its possible replacement – for a period
of 25 years starting from the date of publication barring exceptional circumstances.
The online availability of the document implies permanent permission for anyone to read, to
download, or to print out single copies for his/hers own use and to use it unchanged for non-commercial
research and educational purpose. Subsequent transfers of copyright cannot revoke this permission. All
other uses of the document are conditional upon the consent of the copyright owner. The publisher has
taken technical and administrative measures to assure authenticity, security and accessibility.
According to intellectual property law the author has the right to be mentioned when his/her work is
accessed as described above and to be protected against infringement.
For additional information about the Linköping University Electronic Press and its procedures for
publication and for assurance of document integrity, please refer to its www home page:

\copyright{} \@author


% Page size and layout

\newlength{\mylen}	% a length 
\newcommand{\alphabet}{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzåäö} % the lowercase
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% keep font change local 
% font specification e.g.,
% \Large\sffamily 
% The length of this alphabet is
% \the\mylen. 
\typeout{The length of the alphabet is \the\mylen}	
% put in log file 
% end the grouping

% Tryckmaterialets storlek
Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed
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% Common layout settings

% Variables and page layout

\typeout{******** LiU thesis layout ********}
\typeout{******** Standard memoir layout ********}

%% Load user settings from the file settings.tex


Ola Leifler's avatar
Ola Leifler committed
  \swedishenglish{\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Författarens tack}}
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%%% liuthesis.cls ends here