# This script interactively explains how to install the simulator
# on a windows system. It could benefit from being automated in the future
Write-Host "Download and Install python3 from the official website"
Write-Host "(NOT MICROSOFT STORE) and add it to PATH:"
Write-Host ""
Read-Host 'Press RETURN to continue'
Write-Host "Open a new powershell and verify that the python Tkinter library was included"
Write-Host "using the following command (otherwise it needs to be installed separately):"
Write-Host " python.exe -c 'import tkinter'"
Read-Host 'Press RETURN to continue'
Write-Host "[Optional: create and enter a python virtual environment first]"
Write-Host "Then install python modules used in the project with the following command:"
Write-Host " pip install -r requirements.txt"
Read-Host 'Press RETURN to continue'
Write-Host "Download and Install HELICS 3.4 from the GitHub and add HELICS executables to PATH:"
Write-Host ""