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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
This project is mirrored from Pull mirroring updated .
  • v0.1.1
    2414369c · Version 0.1.1 ·
    Version 0.1.1
    Changes since 0.1.0;
    - Added ability to specify the TCP open timeout
    - Added a modified query for models
  • v0.1.0
    fbf589ee · Version 0.1.0 ·
    Version 0.1.0
    Changes since 0.0.4;
    - Reduced data transferred for regular queries
    - Fixed support for more modern Ruby (3+)
    - Fixed error handling and changes for newer Passwordstate versions
    - Improved pretty printing when debugging
  • v0.0.4
    3ce045f3 · Release version 0.0.4 ·
    Version 0.0.4
    Changes since 0.0.3;
    - Fixed a client request issue due to a rubocop change
  • v0.0.3
    fc77c866 · Release version 0.0.3 ·
    Version 0.0.3
    Changes since 0.0.2;
    - Added method to check if resource types are available
    - Added `_bare: true` flag on resource getter to create a bare object for
      method calls
    - Fixed handling of host objects
    - Further improved exception handling
  • v0.0.2
    37a297e6 · Release version 0.0.2 ·
    Version 0.0.2
    Changes since 0.0.1:
    - Added title and full_path fields to the appropriate resources - almost every resource should now have an obvious human-readable name
    - Fixed password searching in password lists
    - Improved exception handling
  • v0.0.1
    Version 0.0.1
    First working prototype
    **Not recommended for production use yet**