From 9414bcfba7ea9244e49ab845c891d07451113da3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Martin=20Sj=C3=B6lund?= <>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2019 11:11:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Swapped positions of lab1 and lab2

 doc/{Doxyfile.lab1 => Doxyfile.lab2} |   4 +-
 doc/Makefile                         |   2 +-
 doc/source/lab1.rst                  | 185 ++++++++++-----------------
 doc/source/lab2.rst                  | 185 +++++++++++++++++----------
 lab1/Makefile                        |  56 +++++---
 {lab2 => lab1}/Makefile.dependencies |   0
 lab1/                         | 155 +++++++++++++++++-----
 {lab2 => lab1}/scanner.h             |   0
 {lab2 => lab1}/scanner.l             |   0
 {lab2 => lab1}/test/comments         |   0
 {lab2 => lab1}/test/identifiers      |   0
 {lab2 => lab1}/test/numbers          |   0
 lab2/Makefile                        |  56 +++-----
 lab1/ => lab2/         |   2 +-
 lab1/lab1.hh => lab2/lab2.hh         |   0
 {lab1 => lab2}/                |   0
 {lab1 => lab2}/lex.hh                |   0
 lab2/                         | 155 +++++-----------------
 18 files changed, 400 insertions(+), 400 deletions(-)
 rename doc/{Doxyfile.lab1 => Doxyfile.lab2} (99%)
 rename {lab2 => lab1}/Makefile.dependencies (100%)
 rename {lab2 => lab1}/scanner.h (100%)
 rename {lab2 => lab1}/scanner.l (100%)
 rename {lab2 => lab1}/test/comments (100%)
 rename {lab2 => lab1}/test/identifiers (100%)
 rename {lab2 => lab1}/test/numbers (100%)
 rename lab1/ => lab2/ (98%)
 rename lab1/lab1.hh => lab2/lab2.hh (100%)
 rename {lab1 => lab2}/ (100%)
 rename {lab1 => lab2}/lex.hh (100%)

diff --git a/doc/Doxyfile.lab1 b/doc/Doxyfile.lab2
similarity index 99%
rename from doc/Doxyfile.lab1
rename to doc/Doxyfile.lab2
index ac83bcd..7dddc4e 100644
--- a/doc/Doxyfile.lab1
+++ b/doc/Doxyfile.lab2
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ PROJECT_NAME           = TDDD55
 PROJECT_BRIEF          = "TDDD55 Labs"
 PROJECT_LOGO           =
-OUTPUT_DIRECTORY       = doxygen-lab1
+OUTPUT_DIRECTORY       = doxygen-lab2
 OUTPUT_LANGUAGE        = English
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ WARN_LOGFILE           =
 # Configuration options related to the input files
-INPUT                  = ../lab1
+INPUT                  = ../lab2
 FILE_PATTERNS          = *.c \
                          *.cc \
diff --git a/doc/Makefile b/doc/Makefile
index 859e735..792d427 100644
--- a/doc/Makefile
+++ b/doc/Makefile
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ html: Makefile doxygen-lab1/xml/index.xml doxygen-lab3/xml/index.xml
 	rm -rf "$(BUILDDIR)" doxygen-lab*
-doxygen-lab1/xml/index.xml: Doxyfile.lab1
+doxygen-lab2/xml/index.xml: Doxyfile.lab2
 	doxygen $<
 doxygen-lab3/xml/index.xml: Doxyfile.lab3
 	doxygen $<
diff --git a/doc/source/lab1.rst b/doc/source/lab1.rst
index b1f02ed..3c49785 100644
--- a/doc/source/lab1.rst
+++ b/doc/source/lab1.rst
@@ -1,134 +1,79 @@
-.. _lab1:
+Lab 2: Scanner Specification
-Lab 1: Attribute Grammars and Top-Down Parsing
+The scanner is the part of the compiler responsible for grouping characters in the input stream into tokens which are used by the parser.
+A typical scanner for a programming language will recognize tokens such as reserved words, identifiers, numeric constants, strings and operators.
-.. default-domain:: cpp
+One of the simplest ways of implementing a scanner is to use a scanner generator.
+There are numerous such tools available. For this exercise you will use ``flex``, which stands for "Fast lex".
-Although not as flexible as bottom-up parsers, top-down parsers can easily be implemented by hand, and as such they may be more convenient than a bottom-up parsers.
-In this exercise you will specify a language of mathematical expressions using an attribute grammar, and then write a top-down parser to calculate the value of expressions in the language.
+Using flex
-The language consists of numbers, symbolic constants, single-argument functions, one unary and five binary operators.
-A grammar for the language is given below, but this grammar is not suitable for implementation using a top-down technique since it is ambiguous and contains left recursion.
+Full documentation for flex is available as a man page.
+Just type ``man flex`` at a Unix prompt to see the documentation.
+There are a few differences between ``lex`` and ``flex``, but not too many.
-.. code-block :: bnf
+The Generated Scanner
-  <S> ::= <E> <end of line> <S> // Single Expression
-      |   <end of line>         // No more input
-  <E> ::= <E> "+" <E>           // Addition
-      |   <E> "-" <E>           // Subtraction
-      |   <E> "*" <E>           // Multiplication
-      |   <E> "/" <E>           // Division
-      |   <E> "^" <E>           // Exponentiation
-      |   "-" <E>               // Unary minus
-      |   "(" <E> ")"           // Grouping
-      |   id "(" <E> ")"        // Function call
-      |   id                    // Symbolic constant
-      |   num                   // Numeric value
+When you compile a scanner specification using flex, a function named ``yylex`` is generated.
+The default definition of this function takes no arguments and returns an integer, which represents the scanned token.
+Tokens are usually numbered from 257 and up, since that allows the scanner to return any single character as a token.
+In ``scanner.l`` the final rule uses this feature; any unmatched characters are returned as tokens.
+The generated scanner also includes a number of important global variables and utility functions.
+The ones that you will encounter are the variables ``yylineno``, ``yyin``, ``yytext`` and the function ``yyterminate``.
+  This variable holds the number of the current line of input.
+  It is useful for error reporting, but slows the scanner down somewhat, so in order to use it, it has to be explicitly enabled using command-line options or the ``yylineno`` declaration in the scanner specification.
+  This variable holds the file pointer from which ``yylex`` reads its input.
+  This is a character array containing the characters that were recognized as a token.
+  This function terminates the scanning process and causes ``yylex`` to return 0.
+  It can be called in any action, and is the default action at the end of file.
+The Tokens
+Your scanner shall skip comments, both single-line C++ comments and multi line C-style comments.
+If the scanner sees ``/*`` within a C comment it has to print a warning message.
+If the end of file is encountered within a C style comment, your scanner must print an error message and then terminate.
+Floating-point numbers
+  Consist of an integer part followed by a period, a decimal part and an exponent.
+  The integer and decimal parts are simply sequences of digits.
+  The exponent part consists of the character ``E`` followed by an optional sign and a sequence of digits.
+  Either the integer or the decimal part (or both) must be given.
+  The exponent is optional.
+  If the integer part and exponent are both given, the decimal point and decimal part are optional.
+  These are some valid floating-point numbers: ``1.1``, ``.1``, ``1.``, ``1E2``, ``2E-3``, ``.1E-4``.
+  When your scanner recognizes a floating-point number it should return ``REAL``.
+  Are simply sequences of digits that are not part of identifiers or floating-point numbers.
+  When your scanner recognizes an integer it should return ``INTEGER``.
+  Must start with a letter, followed by any number of digits, letters or underscore characters.
+  When your scanner recognizes an identifier it should return ``ID``.
-Rewrite the grammar in the previous section so that the precedence and associativity of all operators becomes obvious.
-Your grammar may contain left recursion.
-The operator precedence is unary negation before exponentiation before multiplication and division, before addition and subtraction.
-Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are left associative.
-Exponentiation is right-associative.
-Eliminate left recursion from your grammar and revise it so it is suitable for implementation in a predictive top-down parser.
-Implement your attribute grammar in a C++ class named :class:`Parser`.
-The :class:`Parser` class should contain a method named :func:`Parser::Parse` that returns the value of a single statement in the language.
-Your interpreter should understand the following symbolic constants and functions:
-.. list-table ::
-  * - pi
-    - 3.14159265
-  * - e
-    - 2.71828183
-  * - `log() <>`_
-    - Natural logarithm
-  * - `log10() <>`_
-    - Base 10 logarithm
-  * - `exp() <>`_
-    - Powers of e
-  * - `sin() <>`_
-    - Sine
-  * - `cos() <>`_
-    - Cosine
-  * - `tan() <>`_
-    - Tangent
-  * - `arcsin() <>`_
-    - Arc sine
-  * - `arccos() <>`_
-    - Arc cosine
-  * - `arctan() <>`_
-    - Arc tangent
-All the functions are available in the standard math library.
-See the Unix manual pages for details.
-Implement error recovery in your parser.
-The simplest form of error recovery is to scan tokens to the end of a line and then resume parsing.
-Feel free to implement a smarter error recovery strategy.
+You are to finish the scanner specification in ``scanner.l`` by adding rules for C and C++ style comments, identifiers, integers and reals.
+Compile your scanner using the command ``make scanner``.
+This generates a program named scanner, which you can use to test your scanner.
+Run your scanner on the files in lab1/test and check that it generates the correct output.
 Hand in the following
-  * Printouts of all the files you modified or created.
-  * Answers to the questions in the next section.
-  * Test data that show that the program works as specified.
-    Be sure to test error recovery, both from parser and scanner errors.
-    Be sure to check that error recovery does not interfere with the next input line.
-    Check that precedence and associativity rules are followed.
+  * The scanner specification, with your changes clearly marked.
+  * Test data that show that the scanner works as specified.
 Demonstrate your solution to your lab assistant during a laboratory session.
-Send an e-mail (one e-mail per group) with your modified code and answers to the questions to the same assistant, put TDDD55, assignment number and your LiU logins in the e-mail subject line.
-#. Define a regular expression for numeric constants.
-   It should allow integers, numbers with a fractional part and numbers with an exponent.
-   A number containing a decimal point must have at least one digit before or after the decimal point (or both).
-   The exponent may have a sign, plus or minus, and is always an integer.
-   .. list-table ::
-     :header-rows: 1
-     * - Allowed
-       - Not allowed
-     * - ``1234``
-       - ``A123``
-     * - ``3.14``
-       - ``.``
-     * - ``.112``
-       - ``112.a``
-     * - ``112.``
-       - ``1E2.3``
-     * - ``12.34``
-       - ``2.3e3.``
-     * - ``34E-23``
-       - ``23E 54``
-     * - ``34.E+3``
-       -
-     * - ``2.2e5``
-       -
-#. Construct a DFA that accepts the same language as the regular expression you defined in the previous question.
-   Suggest how to implement a scanner based on your DFA.
-Supporting Programs
-The files ```` and ``lab1.hh`` contain a skeleton for the parser class and a class called :class:`Trace` that can be used to trace invocation of functions.
-See the :func:`Parser::Parse` method for an example of how to use it.
-Objects of the class print an entry message when created and an exit message when destroyed.
-The files ```` and ``lex.hh`` contain a scanner class.
-To use it create an object of type :class:`Scanner` and call its :func:`Scanner::Scan` method to get a token.
-Tokens returned are of type :class:`Token`.
-See the comments in ``lex.hh`` for a description of how they work.
-The file ```` contains a sample main program.
-You may have to modify it depending on how you choose to report errors from your parser.
-If the scanner encounters an error it will throw an object of type :class`ScannerError`.
-Your main program should catch this exception (the sample main program does), print an error message (you can print a :class:`ScannerError` object using stream operators) and then perform error recovery.
+Send an e-mail (one e-mail per group) with your modified code to the same assistant, put TDDD55, assignment number and your LiU logins in the e-mail subject line.
diff --git a/doc/source/lab2.rst b/doc/source/lab2.rst
index 580d2b2..af8bcc8 100644
--- a/doc/source/lab2.rst
+++ b/doc/source/lab2.rst
@@ -1,79 +1,134 @@
-Lab 2: Scanner Specification
+.. _lab2:
-The scanner is the part of the compiler responsible for grouping characters in the input stream into tokens which are used by the parser.
-A typical scanner for a programming language will recognize tokens such as reserved words, identifiers, numeric constants, strings and operators.
+Lab 2: Attribute Grammars and Top-Down Parsing
-One of the simplest ways of implementing a scanner is to use a scanner generator.
-There are numerous such tools available. For this exercise you will use ``flex``, which stands for "Fast lex".
+.. default-domain:: cpp
-Using flex
+Although not as flexible as bottom-up parsers, top-down parsers can easily be implemented by hand, and as such they may be more convenient than a bottom-up parsers.
+In this exercise you will specify a language of mathematical expressions using an attribute grammar, and then write a top-down parser to calculate the value of expressions in the language.
-Full documentation for flex is available as a man page.
-Just type ``man flex`` at a Unix prompt to see the documentation.
-There are a few differences between ``lex`` and ``flex``, but not too many.
+The language consists of numbers, symbolic constants, single-argument functions, one unary and five binary operators.
+A grammar for the language is given below, but this grammar is not suitable for implementation using a top-down technique since it is ambiguous and contains left recursion.
-The Generated Scanner
+.. code-block :: bnf
-When you compile a scanner specification using flex, a function named ``yylex`` is generated.
-The default definition of this function takes no arguments and returns an integer, which represents the scanned token.
-Tokens are usually numbered from 257 and up, since that allows the scanner to return any single character as a token.
-In ``scanner.l`` the final rule uses this feature; any unmatched characters are returned as tokens.
-The generated scanner also includes a number of important global variables and utility functions.
-The ones that you will encounter are the variables ``yylineno``, ``yyin``, ``yytext`` and the function ``yyterminate``.
-  This variable holds the number of the current line of input.
-  It is useful for error reporting, but slows the scanner down somewhat, so in order to use it, it has to be explicitly enabled using command-line options or the ``yylineno`` declaration in the scanner specification.
-  This variable holds the file pointer from which ``yylex`` reads its input.
-  This is a character array containing the characters that were recognized as a token.
-  This function terminates the scanning process and causes ``yylex`` to return 0.
-  It can be called in any action, and is the default action at the end of file.
-The Tokens
-Your scanner shall skip comments, both single-line C++ comments and multi line C-style comments.
-If the scanner sees ``/*`` within a C comment it has to print a warning message.
-If the end of file is encountered within a C style comment, your scanner must print an error message and then terminate.
-Floating-point numbers
-  Consist of an integer part followed by a period, a decimal part and an exponent.
-  The integer and decimal parts are simply sequences of digits.
-  The exponent part consists of the character ``E`` followed by an optional sign and a sequence of digits.
-  Either the integer or the decimal part (or both) must be given.
-  The exponent is optional.
-  If the integer part and exponent are both given, the decimal point and decimal part are optional.
-  These are some valid floating-point numbers: ``1.1``, ``.1``, ``1.``, ``1E2``, ``2E-3``, ``.1E-4``.
-  When your scanner recognizes a floating-point number it should return ``REAL``.
-  Are simply sequences of digits that are not part of identifiers or floating-point numbers.
-  When your scanner recognizes an integer it should return ``INTEGER``.
-  Must start with a letter, followed by any number of digits, letters or underscore characters.
-  When your scanner recognizes an identifier it should return ``ID``.
+  <S> ::= <E> <end of line> <S> // Single Expression
+      |   <end of line>         // No more input
+  <E> ::= <E> "+" <E>           // Addition
+      |   <E> "-" <E>           // Subtraction
+      |   <E> "*" <E>           // Multiplication
+      |   <E> "/" <E>           // Division
+      |   <E> "^" <E>           // Exponentiation
+      |   "-" <E>               // Unary minus
+      |   "(" <E> ")"           // Grouping
+      |   id "(" <E> ")"        // Function call
+      |   id                    // Symbolic constant
+      |   num                   // Numeric value
-You are to finish the scanner specification in ``scanner.l`` by adding rules for C and C++ style comments, identifiers, integers and reals.
-Compile your scanner using the command ``make scanner``.
-This generates a program named scanner, which you can use to test your scanner.
-Run your scanner on the files in lab2/test and check that it generates the correct output.
+Rewrite the grammar in the previous section so that the precedence and associativity of all operators becomes obvious.
+Your grammar may contain left recursion.
+The operator precedence is unary negation before exponentiation before multiplication and division, before addition and subtraction.
+Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are left associative.
+Exponentiation is right-associative.
+Eliminate left recursion from your grammar and revise it so it is suitable for implementation in a predictive top-down parser.
+Implement your attribute grammar in a C++ class named :class:`Parser`.
+The :class:`Parser` class should contain a method named :func:`Parser::Parse` that returns the value of a single statement in the language.
+Your interpreter should understand the following symbolic constants and functions:
+.. list-table ::
+  * - pi
+    - 3.14159265
+  * - e
+    - 2.71828183
+  * - `log() <>`_
+    - Natural logarithm
+  * - `log10() <>`_
+    - Base 10 logarithm
+  * - `exp() <>`_
+    - Powers of e
+  * - `sin() <>`_
+    - Sine
+  * - `cos() <>`_
+    - Cosine
+  * - `tan() <>`_
+    - Tangent
+  * - `arcsin() <>`_
+    - Arc sine
+  * - `arccos() <>`_
+    - Arc cosine
+  * - `arctan() <>`_
+    - Arc tangent
+All the functions are available in the standard math library.
+See the Unix manual pages for details.
+Implement error recovery in your parser.
+The simplest form of error recovery is to scan tokens to the end of a line and then resume parsing.
+Feel free to implement a smarter error recovery strategy.
 Hand in the following
-  * The scanner specification, with your changes clearly marked.
-  * Test data that show that the scanner works as specified.
+  * Printouts of all the files you modified or created.
+  * Answers to the questions in the next section.
+  * Test data that show that the program works as specified.
+    Be sure to test error recovery, both from parser and scanner errors.
+    Be sure to check that error recovery does not interfere with the next input line.
+    Check that precedence and associativity rules are followed.
 Demonstrate your solution to your lab assistant during a laboratory session.
-Send an e-mail (one e-mail per group) with your modified code to the same assistant, put TDDD55, assignment number and your LiU logins in the e-mail subject line.
+Send an e-mail (one e-mail per group) with your modified code and answers to the questions to the same assistant, put TDDD55, assignment number and your LiU logins in the e-mail subject line.
+#. Define a regular expression for numeric constants.
+   It should allow integers, numbers with a fractional part and numbers with an exponent.
+   A number containing a decimal point must have at least one digit before or after the decimal point (or both).
+   The exponent may have a sign, plus or minus, and is always an integer.
+   .. list-table ::
+     :header-rows: 1
+     * - Allowed
+       - Not allowed
+     * - ``1234``
+       - ``A123``
+     * - ``3.14``
+       - ``.``
+     * - ``.112``
+       - ``112.a``
+     * - ``112.``
+       - ``1E2.3``
+     * - ``12.34``
+       - ``2.3e3.``
+     * - ``34E-23``
+       - ``23E 54``
+     * - ``34.E+3``
+       -
+     * - ``2.2e5``
+       -
+#. Construct a DFA that accepts the same language as the regular expression you defined in the previous question.
+   Suggest how to implement a scanner based on your DFA.
+Supporting Programs
+The files ```` and ``lab2.hh`` contain a skeleton for the parser class and a class called :class:`Trace` that can be used to trace invocation of functions.
+See the :func:`Parser::Parse` method for an example of how to use it.
+Objects of the class print an entry message when created and an exit message when destroyed.
+The files ```` and ``lex.hh`` contain a scanner class.
+To use it create an object of type :class:`Scanner` and call its :func:`Scanner::Scan` method to get a token.
+Tokens returned are of type :class:`Token`.
+See the comments in ``lex.hh`` for a description of how they work.
+The file ```` contains a sample main program.
+You may have to modify it depending on how you choose to report errors from your parser.
+If the scanner encounters an error it will throw an object of type :class`ScannerError`.
+Your main program should catch this exception (the sample main program does), print an error message (you can print a :class:`ScannerError` object using stream operators) and then perform error recovery.
diff --git a/lab1/Makefile b/lab1/Makefile
index d4b2b1e..5616a35 100644
--- a/lab1/Makefile
+++ b/lab1/Makefile
@@ -1,16 +1,40 @@
-CC      = g++
-lab1 : lex.o main.o lab1.o
-	$(CC) -o lab1 $(CCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) lex.o main.o lab1.o
-lex.o: lex.hh
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c
-lab1.o: lab1.hh lex.hh
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c
-main.o: lab1.hh lex.hh
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c
-	rm *.o lab1
+CC	=	g++
+CFLAGS	=	-ggdb3 -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual
+#CC	=	CC
+#CFLAGS	=	-g +p +w
+HEADERS =	scanner.h
+OUTFILE =	scanner
+DPFILE  =	Makefile.dependencies
+FLEX	=	flex
+all : $(OUTFILE)
+ : scanner.l
+	$(FLEX) scanner.l
+scanner.o :
+	$(CC) $(GCFLAGS) -c $<
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
+clean : 
+	rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(OUTFILE) core *~ $(DPFILE)
+	touch $(DPFILE)
+$(DPFILE) depend : $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS)
+include $(DPFILE)
diff --git a/lab2/Makefile.dependencies b/lab1/Makefile.dependencies
similarity index 100%
rename from lab2/Makefile.dependencies
rename to lab1/Makefile.dependencies
diff --git a/lab1/ b/lab1/
index f0fd8f5..216ced2 100644
--- a/lab1/
+++ b/lab1/
@@ -1,35 +1,120 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "lab1.hh"
-#include "lex.hh"
-int main(void)
-    Parser parser;
-    double val;
-    while (1)
-    {
-        try
-        {
-            cout << "Expression: " << flush;
-            val = parser.Parse();
-            cout << "Result:     " << val << '\n' << flush;
-        }
-        catch (ScannerError& e)
-        {
-            cerr << e << '\n' << flush;
-            parser.Recover();
-        }
-        catch (ParserError)
-        {
-            parser.Recover();
-        }
-        catch (ParserEndOfFile)
-        {
-            cerr << "End of file\n" << flush;
-            exit(0);
-        }
-    }
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "scanner.h"
+using namespace std;
+typedef struct
+    int      token;
+    char    *name;
+} tTokenName;
+tTokenName tokens[] = {{ FUNCTION,   "FUNCTION" },
+                       { ID,         "ID" },
+                       { DECLARE,    "DECLARE" },
+                       { ARRAY,      "ARRAY" },
+                       { INTEGER,    "INTEGER" },
+                       { OF,         "OF" },
+                       { REAL,       "REAL" },
+                       { XBEGIN,     "XBEGIN" },
+                       { XEND,       "XEND" },
+                       { IF,         "IF" },
+                       { THEN,       "THEN" },
+                       { ELSE,       "ELSE" },
+                       { WHILE,      "WHILE" },
+                       { DO,         "DO" },
+                       { ASSIGN,     "ASSIGN" },
+                       { RETURN,     "RETURN" },
+                       { GE,         "GE" },
+                       { LE,         "LE" },
+                       { EQ,         "EQ" },
+                       { NE,         "NE" },
+                       { TRUE,       "TRUE" },
+                       { FALSE,      "FALSE" },
+                       { PROGRAM,    "PROGRAM" },
+                       { ELSEIF,     "ELSEIF" },
+                       { NOT,        "NOT" },
+                       { AND,        "AND" },
+                       { OR,         "OR" },
+                       { UMINUS,     "UMINUS" }};
+int numTokens = sizeof(tokens)/sizeof(*tokens);
+ostream& PrintToken(ostream& o, int token)
+    int i;
+    extern char *yytext;
+    for (i = 0; i < numTokens; i++)
+    {
+        if (token == tokens[i].token)
+        {
+            o << tokens[i].name << " \'" << yytext << "\'";
+            return o;
+        }
+    }
+    o << '\'' << (unsigned char)token << '\'';
+    return o;
+//  omanip<int> Token(int t)
+//  {
+//      return omanip<int>(&PrintToken, t);
+//  }
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    int     token;
+    extern  FILE *yyin;
+    extern  int yylex();
+    /*
+     * Open the input file, if any
+     */
+    switch(argc)
+    {
+    case 1:
+        yyin = stdin;
+        break;
+    case 2:
+        yyin = fopen(argv[1], "r");
+        if (yyin == NULL)
+        {
+            perror(argv[1]);
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        break;	
+    default:
+        cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [ filename ]\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Loop for as long as there are tokens
+     */
+    while ((token = yylex()) != 0)
+    {
+      cout << "Scanned "; PrintToken(cout, token); cout << '\n' << flush;
+    }
+    cout << "End of file\n";
+    exit(0);
+void yyerror(char *msg)
+    extern int yylineno;
+    cerr << "Error at line " << yylineno << ": " << msg << '\n' << flush;
diff --git a/lab2/scanner.h b/lab1/scanner.h
similarity index 100%
rename from lab2/scanner.h
rename to lab1/scanner.h
diff --git a/lab2/scanner.l b/lab1/scanner.l
similarity index 100%
rename from lab2/scanner.l
rename to lab1/scanner.l
diff --git a/lab2/test/comments b/lab1/test/comments
similarity index 100%
rename from lab2/test/comments
rename to lab1/test/comments
diff --git a/lab2/test/identifiers b/lab1/test/identifiers
similarity index 100%
rename from lab2/test/identifiers
rename to lab1/test/identifiers
diff --git a/lab2/test/numbers b/lab1/test/numbers
similarity index 100%
rename from lab2/test/numbers
rename to lab1/test/numbers
diff --git a/lab2/Makefile b/lab2/Makefile
index 5616a35..fd270a3 100644
--- a/lab2/Makefile
+++ b/lab2/Makefile
@@ -1,40 +1,16 @@
-CC	=	g++
-CFLAGS	=	-ggdb3 -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual
-#CC	=	CC
-#CFLAGS	=	-g +p +w
-HEADERS =	scanner.h
-OUTFILE =	scanner
-DPFILE  =	Makefile.dependencies
-FLEX	=	flex
-all : $(OUTFILE)
- : scanner.l
-	$(FLEX) scanner.l
-scanner.o :
-	$(CC) $(GCFLAGS) -c $<
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
-clean : 
-	rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(OUTFILE) core *~ $(DPFILE)
-	touch $(DPFILE)
-$(DPFILE) depend : $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS)
-include $(DPFILE)
+CC      = g++
+lab2 : lex.o main.o lab2.o
+	$(CC) -o lab2 $(CCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) lex.o main.o lab2.o
+lex.o: lex.hh
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c
+lab2.o: lab2.hh lex.hh
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c
+main.o: lab2.hh lex.hh
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c
+	rm *.o lab2
diff --git a/lab1/ b/lab2/
similarity index 98%
rename from lab1/
rename to lab2/
index d18474e..dfbe98a 100644
--- a/lab1/
+++ b/lab2/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#include "lab1.hh"
+#include "lab2.hh"
diff --git a/lab1/lab1.hh b/lab2/lab2.hh
similarity index 100%
rename from lab1/lab1.hh
rename to lab2/lab2.hh
diff --git a/lab1/ b/lab2/
similarity index 100%
rename from lab1/
rename to lab2/
diff --git a/lab1/lex.hh b/lab2/lex.hh
similarity index 100%
rename from lab1/lex.hh
rename to lab2/lex.hh
diff --git a/lab2/ b/lab2/
index 216ced2..32a5458 100644
--- a/lab2/
+++ b/lab2/
@@ -1,120 +1,35 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "scanner.h"
-using namespace std;
-typedef struct
-    int      token;
-    char    *name;
-} tTokenName;
-tTokenName tokens[] = {{ FUNCTION,   "FUNCTION" },
-                       { ID,         "ID" },
-                       { DECLARE,    "DECLARE" },
-                       { ARRAY,      "ARRAY" },
-                       { INTEGER,    "INTEGER" },
-                       { OF,         "OF" },
-                       { REAL,       "REAL" },
-                       { XBEGIN,     "XBEGIN" },
-                       { XEND,       "XEND" },
-                       { IF,         "IF" },
-                       { THEN,       "THEN" },
-                       { ELSE,       "ELSE" },
-                       { WHILE,      "WHILE" },
-                       { DO,         "DO" },
-                       { ASSIGN,     "ASSIGN" },
-                       { RETURN,     "RETURN" },
-                       { GE,         "GE" },
-                       { LE,         "LE" },
-                       { EQ,         "EQ" },
-                       { NE,         "NE" },
-                       { TRUE,       "TRUE" },
-                       { FALSE,      "FALSE" },
-                       { PROGRAM,    "PROGRAM" },
-                       { ELSEIF,     "ELSEIF" },
-                       { NOT,        "NOT" },
-                       { AND,        "AND" },
-                       { OR,         "OR" },
-                       { UMINUS,     "UMINUS" }};
-int numTokens = sizeof(tokens)/sizeof(*tokens);
-ostream& PrintToken(ostream& o, int token)
-    int i;
-    extern char *yytext;
-    for (i = 0; i < numTokens; i++)
-    {
-        if (token == tokens[i].token)
-        {
-            o << tokens[i].name << " \'" << yytext << "\'";
-            return o;
-        }
-    }
-    o << '\'' << (unsigned char)token << '\'';
-    return o;
-//  omanip<int> Token(int t)
-//  {
-//      return omanip<int>(&PrintToken, t);
-//  }
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    int     token;
-    extern  FILE *yyin;
-    extern  int yylex();
-    /*
-     * Open the input file, if any
-     */
-    switch(argc)
-    {
-    case 1:
-        yyin = stdin;
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        yyin = fopen(argv[1], "r");
-        if (yyin == NULL)
-        {
-            perror(argv[1]);
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        break;	
-    default:
-        cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [ filename ]\n";
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    /*
-     * Loop for as long as there are tokens
-     */
-    while ((token = yylex()) != 0)
-    {
-      cout << "Scanned "; PrintToken(cout, token); cout << '\n' << flush;
-    }
-    cout << "End of file\n";
-    exit(0);
-void yyerror(char *msg)
-    extern int yylineno;
-    cerr << "Error at line " << yylineno << ": " << msg << '\n' << flush;
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "lab2.hh"
+#include "lex.hh"
+int main(void)
+    Parser parser;
+    double val;
+    while (1)
+    {
+        try
+        {
+            cout << "Expression: " << flush;
+            val = parser.Parse();
+            cout << "Result:     " << val << '\n' << flush;
+        }
+        catch (ScannerError& e)
+        {
+            cerr << e << '\n' << flush;
+            parser.Recover();
+        }
+        catch (ParserError)
+        {
+            parser.Recover();
+        }
+        catch (ParserEndOfFile)
+        {
+            cerr << "End of file\n" << flush;
+            exit(0);
+        }
+    }