MODULE_NAME=nnunet_for_pytorch MODULE_VERSION=21.11.0 WORK_DIR=/proj/nsc_testing/xuan/berzelius-benchmarks/PyTorch/Segmentation/nnUNet CONTAINER_DIR=/proj/nsc_testing/xuan/containers/${MODULE_NAME}_${MODULE_VERSION}.sif mkdir -p $WORK_DIR/data $WORK_DIR/results To download and preprocess the data run: apptainer exec --nv -B ${WORK_DIR}/data:/data -B ${WORK_DIR}/results:/results --pwd /workspace/nnunet_pyt $CONTAINER_DIR python --task 01 apptainer exec --nv -B ${WORK_DIR}/data:/data -B ${WORK_DIR}/results:/results --pwd /workspace/nnunet_pyt $CONTAINER_DIR python /workspace/nnunet_pyt/ --task 01 --dim 2 Start benchmarking: apptainer exec --nv -B ${WORK_DIR}/data:/data -B ${WORK_DIR}/results:/results --pwd /workspace/nnunet_pyt $CONTAINER_DIR python scripts/ --mode train --gpus 1 --dim 2 --batch_size 256 --amp apptainer exec --nv -B ${WORK_DIR}/data:/data -B ${WORK_DIR}/results:/results --pwd /workspace/nnunet_pyt $CONTAINER_DIR python scripts/ --mode predict --gpus 1 --dim 2 --batch_size 256 --amp ################# Issues ################# # Known issue ImportError: cannot import name 'get_num_classes' from '' (/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torchmetrics/utilities/ Solution: pip install pytorch-lightning==1.5.10, another error raised when benchmarking predict: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 110, in <module> trainer.current_epoch = 1 AttributeError: can't set attribute Solution: pip install torchmetrics==0.6.0, works. # Muiti-node is not supported in 21.11.0 yet but only in the most recent code on GitHub. Solution: commenting the L32-33 in the # 2023-09-28: Not working on the devel reservation