![coverage report](https://gitlab.liu.se/tddd96-grupp11/teknikattan-scoring-system/badges/dev/coverage.svg?job=client:test&key_text=Client+Coverage&key_width=110)
![coverage report](https://gitlab.liu.se/tddd96-grupp11/teknikattan-scoring-system/badges/dev/coverage.svg?job=server:test&key_text=Server+Coverage&key_width=115)

# Scoring system for Teknikåttan

This is the scoring system for Teknikåttan!

## Installing

To install the client and server needed to run the application, look in their respective READMEs for intstructions.

## Using

After installing both the client and the server, you are ready to run the application.
This is done in VSCode by pressing `ctrl+shift+b` and running the `Start client and server` task.
The terminals for the client and server will now be seen on the right and left, respectively.
After making a change to either the client or the server while they are running, simply reload the page to see the changes immediately.