#include "MapTools.h" #include "Util.h" #include "IDABot.h" #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <fstream> #include <array> namespace { bool getBit(const sc2::ImageData& grid, int tileX, int tileY) { assert(grid.bits_per_pixel == 1); sc2::Point2DI pointI(tileX, tileY); if (pointI.x < 0 || pointI.x >= grid.width || pointI.y < 0 || pointI.y >= grid.height) { return false; } div_t idx = div(pointI.x + pointI.y * grid.width, 8); return (grid.data[idx.quot] >> (7 - idx.rem)) & 1; } } // namespace const size_t LegalActions = 4; const int actionX[LegalActions] ={1, -1, 0, 0}; const int actionY[LegalActions] ={0, 0, 1, -1}; typedef std::vector<std::vector<bool>> vvb; typedef std::vector<std::vector<int>> vvi; typedef std::vector<std::vector<float>> vvf; #ifdef SC2API #define HALF_TILE 0.5f #else #define HALF_TILE 0 #endif // constructor for MapTools MapTools::MapTools(IDABot & bot) : m_bot(bot) , m_mapName ("") , m_width (0) , m_height (0) , m_maxZ (0.0f) , m_frame (0) { } void MapTools::onStart() { #ifdef SC2API m_width = m_bot.Observation()->GetGameInfo().width; m_height = m_bot.Observation()->GetGameInfo().height; m_mapName= m_bot.Observation()->GetGameInfo().map_name; #else m_width = BWAPI::Broodwar->mapWidth(); m_height = BWAPI::Broodwar->mapHeight(); #endif m_walkable = vvb(m_width, std::vector<bool>(m_height, true)); m_buildable = vvb(m_width, std::vector<bool>(m_height, false)); m_depotBuildable = vvb(m_width, std::vector<bool>(m_height, false)); m_lastSeen = vvi(m_width, std::vector<int>(m_height, 0)); m_sectorNumber = vvi(m_width, std::vector<int>(m_height, 0)); m_terrainHeight = vvf(m_width, std::vector<float>(m_height, 0.0f)); // Set the boolean grid data from the Map for (int x(0); x < m_width; ++x) { for (int y(0); y < m_height; ++y) { m_buildable[x][y] = canBuild(x, y); m_depotBuildable[x][y] = canBuild(x, y); m_walkable[x][y] = m_buildable[x][y] || canWalk(x, y); m_terrainHeight[x][y] = terrainHeight(CCPosition((CCPositionType)x, (CCPositionType)y)); } } #ifdef SC2API for (auto & unit : m_bot.Observation()->GetUnits()) { m_maxZ = std::max(unit->pos.z, m_maxZ); } // set tiles that static resources are on as unbuildable for (auto & resource : m_bot.GetAllUnits()) { if (!resource.getType().isMineral() && !resource.getType().isGeyser()) { continue; } int width = resource.getType().tileWidth(); int height = resource.getType().tileHeight(); int tileX = std::floor(resource.getPosition().x) - (width / 2); int tileY = std::floor(resource.getPosition().y) - (height / 2); if (!isVisible(resource.getTilePosition().x, resource.getTilePosition().y)) { } for (int x=tileX; x<tileX+width; ++x) { for (int y=tileY; y<tileY+height; ++y) { m_buildable[x][y] = false; // depots can't be built within 3 tiles of any resource for (int rx=-3; rx<=3; rx++) { for (int ry=-3; ry<=3; ry++) { // sc2 doesn't fill out the corners of the mineral 3x3 boxes for some reason if (std::abs(rx) + std::abs(ry) == 6) { continue; } if (!isValidTile(CCTilePosition(x+rx, y+ry))) { continue; } m_depotBuildable[x+rx][y+ry] = false; } } } } } #else // set tiles that static resources are on as unbuildable for (auto & resource : BWAPI::Broodwar->getStaticNeutralUnits()) { if (!resource->getType().isResourceContainer()) { continue; } int tileX = resource->getTilePosition().x; int tileY = resource->getTilePosition().y; for (int x=tileX; x<tileX+resource->getType().tileWidth(); ++x) { for (int y=tileY; y<tileY+resource->getType().tileHeight(); ++y) { m_buildable[x][y] = false; // depots can't be built within 3 tiles of any resource for (int rx=-3; rx<=3; rx++) { for (int ry=-3; ry<=3; ry++) { if (!BWAPI::TilePosition(x+rx, y+ry).isValid()) { continue; } m_depotBuildable[x+rx][y+ry] = false; } } } } } #endif computeConnectivity(); } void MapTools::onFrame() { m_frame++; for (int x=0; x<m_width; ++x) { for (int y=0; y<m_height; ++y) { if (isVisible(x, y)) { m_lastSeen[x][y] = m_frame; } } } } void MapTools::computeConnectivity() { // the fringe data structe we will use to do our BFS searches std::vector<std::array<int, 2>> fringe; fringe.reserve(m_width*m_height); int sectorNumber = 0; // for every tile on the map, do a connected flood fill using BFS for (int x=0; x<m_width; ++x) { for (int y=0; y<m_height; ++y) { // if the sector is not currently 0, or the map isn't walkable here, then we can skip this tile if (getSectorNumber(x, y) != 0 || !isWalkable(x, y)) { continue; } // increase the sector number, so that walkable tiles have sectors 1-N sectorNumber++; // reset the fringe for the search and add the start tile to it fringe.clear(); fringe.push_back({x,y}); m_sectorNumber[x][y] = sectorNumber; // do the BFS, stopping when we reach the last element of the fringe for (size_t fringeIndex=0; fringeIndex<fringe.size(); ++fringeIndex) { auto & tile = fringe[fringeIndex]; // check every possible child of this tile for (size_t a=0; a<LegalActions; ++a) { int nextX = tile[0] + actionX[a]; int nextY = tile[1] + actionY[a]; // if the new tile is inside the map bounds, is walkable, and has not been assigned a sector, add it to the current sector and the fringe if (isValidTile(nextX, nextY) && isWalkable(nextX, nextY) && (getSectorNumber(nextX, nextY) == 0)) { m_sectorNumber[nextX][nextY] = sectorNumber; fringe.push_back({nextX, nextY}); } } } } } } bool MapTools::isExplored(const CCTilePosition & pos) const { return isExplored(pos.x, pos.y); } bool MapTools::isExplored(const CCPosition & pos) const { return isExplored(Util::GetTilePosition(pos)); } bool MapTools::isExplored(int tileX, int tileY) const { if (!isValidTile(tileX, tileY)) { return false; } #ifdef SC2API sc2::Visibility vis = m_bot.Observation()->GetVisibility(CCPosition(tileX + HALF_TILE, tileY + HALF_TILE)); return vis == sc2::Visibility::Fogged || vis == sc2::Visibility::Visible; #else return BWAPI::Broodwar->isExplored(tileX, tileY); #endif } bool MapTools::isVisible(int tileX, int tileY) const { if (!isValidTile(tileX, tileY)) { return false; } #ifdef SC2API return m_bot.Observation()->GetVisibility(CCPosition(tileX + HALF_TILE, tileY + HALF_TILE)) == sc2::Visibility::Visible; #else return BWAPI::Broodwar->isVisible(BWAPI::TilePosition(tileX, tileY)); #endif } bool MapTools::isPowered(int tileX, int tileY) const { #ifdef SC2API for (auto & powerSource : m_bot.Observation()->GetPowerSources()) { if (Util::Dist(CCPosition(tileX + HALF_TILE, tileY + HALF_TILE), powerSource.position) < powerSource.radius) { return true; } } return false; #else return BWAPI::Broodwar->hasPower(BWAPI::TilePosition(tileX, tileY)); #endif } float MapTools::terrainHeight(float x, float y) const { return m_terrainHeight[(int)x][(int)y]; } //int MapTools::getGroundDistance(const CCPosition & src, const CCPosition & dest) const //{ // return (int)Util::Dist(src, dest); //} int MapTools::getGroundDistance(const CCPosition & src, const CCPosition & dest) const { if (m_allMaps.size() > 50) { m_allMaps.clear(); } return getDistanceMap(dest).getDistance(src); } const DistanceMap & MapTools::getDistanceMap(const CCPosition & pos) const { return getDistanceMap(Util::GetTilePosition(pos)); } const DistanceMap & MapTools::getDistanceMap(const CCTilePosition & tile) const { std::pair<int,int> pairTile(tile.x, tile.y); if (m_allMaps.find(pairTile) == m_allMaps.end()) { m_allMaps[pairTile] = DistanceMap(); m_allMaps[pairTile].computeDistanceMap(m_bot, tile); } return m_allMaps[pairTile]; } int MapTools::getSectorNumber(int x, int y) const { if (!isValidTile(x, y)) { return 0; } return m_sectorNumber[x][y]; } bool MapTools::isValidTile(int tileX, int tileY) const { return tileX >= 0 && tileY >= 0 && tileX < m_width && tileY < m_height; } bool MapTools::isValidTile(const CCTilePosition & tile) const { return isValidTile(tile.x, tile.y); } bool MapTools::isValidPosition(const CCPosition & pos) const { return isValidTile(Util::GetTilePosition(pos)); } void MapTools::drawLine(CCPositionType x1, CCPositionType y1, CCPositionType x2, CCPositionType y2, const CCColor & color) const { #ifdef SC2API //m_bot.Debug()->DebugLineOut(sc2::Point3D(x1, y1, terrainHeight(x1, y1) + 0.2f), sc2::Point3D(x2, y2, terrainHeight(x2, y2) + 0.2f), color); m_bot.Debug()->DebugLineOut(sc2::Point3D(x1, y1, m_maxZ), sc2::Point3D(x2, y2, m_maxZ), color); // changed to m_maxZ instead fo terrainHeight since it doesnot work correctly #else BWAPI::Broodwar->drawLineMap(BWAPI::Position(x1, y1), BWAPI::Position(x2, y2), color); #endif } void MapTools::drawLine(const CCPosition & p1, const CCPosition & p2, const CCColor & color) const { #ifdef SC2API drawLine(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, color); #else BWAPI::Broodwar->drawLineMap(p1, p2, color); #endif } void MapTools::drawTile(int tileX, int tileY, const CCColor & color) const { CCPositionType px = Util::TileToPosition((float)tileX) + Util::TileToPosition(0.1f); CCPositionType py = Util::TileToPosition((float)tileY) + Util::TileToPosition(0.1f); CCPositionType d = Util::TileToPosition(0.8f); drawLine(px, py, px + d, py, color); drawLine(px + d, py, px + d, py + d, color); drawLine(px + d, py + d, px, py + d, color); drawLine(px, py + d, px, py, color); } void MapTools::drawTile(const CCTilePosition & pos, const CCColor & color) const { drawTile(pos.x, pos.y, color); } void MapTools::drawBox(CCPositionType x1, CCPositionType y1, CCPositionType x2, CCPositionType y2, const CCColor & color) const { #ifdef SC2API m_bot.Debug()->DebugBoxOut(sc2::Point3D(x1, y1, m_maxZ + 2.0f), sc2::Point3D(x2, y2, m_maxZ-5.0f), color); #else drawLine(x1, y1, x1, y2, color); drawLine(x1, y2, x2, y2, color); drawLine(x2, y2, x2, y1, color); drawLine(x2, y1, x1, y1, color); #endif } void MapTools::drawBox(const CCPosition & tl, const CCPosition & br, const CCColor & color) const { #ifdef SC2API m_bot.Debug()->DebugBoxOut(sc2::Point3D(tl.x, tl.y, m_maxZ + 2.0f), sc2::Point3D(br.x, br.y, m_maxZ-5.0f), color); #else drawBox(tl.x, tl.y, br.x, br.y, color); #endif } void MapTools::drawCircle(const CCPosition & pos, CCPositionType radius, const CCColor & color) const { #ifdef SC2API m_bot.Debug()->DebugSphereOut(sc2::Point3D(pos.x, pos.y, m_maxZ), radius, color); #else BWAPI::Broodwar->drawCircleMap(pos, radius, color); #endif } void MapTools::drawResourceSphere(const sc2::Point3D & pos, CCPositionType radius, const CCColor & color) const { #ifdef SC2API m_bot.Debug()->DebugSphereOut(pos, radius, color); #else BWAPI::Broodwar->drawCircleMap(pos, radius, color); #endif } void MapTools::drawCircle(CCPositionType x, CCPositionType y, CCPositionType radius, const CCColor & color) const { #ifdef SC2API m_bot.Debug()->DebugSphereOut(sc2::Point3D(x, y, m_maxZ), radius, color); #else BWAPI::Broodwar->drawCircleMap(BWAPI::Position(x, y), radius, color); #endif } void MapTools::drawText(const CCPosition & pos, const std::string & str, const CCColor & color) const { #ifdef SC2API m_bot.Debug()->DebugTextOut(str, sc2::Point3D(pos.x, pos.y, m_maxZ), color); #else BWAPI::Broodwar->drawTextMap(pos, str.c_str()); #endif } void MapTools::drawTextScreen(float xPerc, float yPerc, const std::string & str, const CCColor & color) const { #ifdef SC2API m_bot.Debug()->DebugTextOut(str, CCPosition(xPerc, yPerc), color); #else BWAPI::Broodwar->drawTextScreen(BWAPI::Position((int)(640*xPerc), (int)(480*yPerc)), str.c_str()); #endif } bool MapTools::isConnected(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) const { if (!isValidTile(x1, y1) || !isValidTile(x2, y2)) { return false; } int s1 = getSectorNumber(x1, y1); int s2 = getSectorNumber(x2, y2); return s1 != 0 && (s1 == s2); } bool MapTools::isConnected(const CCTilePosition & p1, const CCTilePosition & p2) const { return isConnected(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); } bool MapTools::isConnected(const CCPosition & p1, const CCPosition & p2) const { return isConnected(Util::GetTilePosition(p1), Util::GetTilePosition(p2)); } bool MapTools::isBuildable(int tileX, int tileY) const { if (!isValidTile(tileX, tileY)) { return false; } return m_buildable[tileX][tileY]; } bool MapTools::canBuildTypeAtPosition(int tileX, int tileY, const UnitType & type) const { #ifdef SC2API return m_bot.Query()->Placement(m_bot.Data(type).buildAbility, CCPosition((float)tileX, (float)tileY)); #else return BWAPI::Broodwar->canBuildHere(BWAPI::TilePosition(tileX, tileY), type.getAPIUnitType()); #endif } bool MapTools::isBuildable(const CCTilePosition & tile) const { return isBuildable(tile.x, tile.y); } void MapTools::printMap() { std::stringstream ss; for (int y(0); y < m_height; ++y) { for (int x(0); x < m_width; ++x) { ss << isWalkable(x, y); } ss << "\n"; } std::ofstream out("map.txt"); out << ss.str(); out.close(); } bool MapTools::isDepotBuildableTile(int tileX, int tileY) const { if (!isValidTile(tileX, tileY)) { return false; } return m_depotBuildable[tileX][tileY]; } bool MapTools::isWalkable(int tileX, int tileY) const { if (!isValidTile(tileX, tileY)) { return false; } return m_walkable[tileX][tileY]; } bool MapTools::isWalkable(const CCTilePosition & tile) const { return isWalkable(tile.x, tile.y); } int MapTools::width() const { return m_width; } int MapTools::height() const { return m_height; } std::string MapTools::name() const { return m_mapName; } const std::vector<CCTilePosition> & MapTools::getClosestTilesTo(const CCTilePosition & pos) const { return getDistanceMap(pos).getSortedTiles(); } CCTilePosition MapTools::getLeastRecentlySeenTile() const { int minSeen = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); CCTilePosition leastSeen; const BaseLocation * baseLocation = m_bot.Bases().getPlayerStartingBaseLocation(Players::Self); for (auto & tile : baseLocation->getClosestTiles()) { BOT_ASSERT(isValidTile(tile), "How is this tile not valid?"); int lastSeen = m_lastSeen[tile.x][tile.y]; if (lastSeen < minSeen) { minSeen = lastSeen; leastSeen = tile; } } return leastSeen; } bool MapTools::canWalk(int tileX, int tileY) { #ifdef SC2API return getBit(m_bot.Observation()->GetGameInfo().pathing_grid, tileX, tileY); #else for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) { for (int j=0; j<4; ++j) { if (!BWAPI::Broodwar->isWalkable(tileX*4 + i, tileY*4 + j)) { return false; } } } return true; #endif } bool MapTools::canBuild(int tileX, int tileY) { #ifdef SC2API return getBit(m_bot.Observation()->GetGameInfo().placement_grid, tileX, tileY); #else return BWAPI::Broodwar->isBuildable(BWAPI::TilePosition(tileX, tileY)); #endif } float MapTools::terrainHeight(const CCPosition & point) const { #ifdef SC2API auto & info = m_bot.Observation()->GetGameInfo(); sc2::Point2DI pointI((int)point.x, (int)point.y); if (pointI.x < 0 || pointI.x >= info.width || pointI.y < 0 || pointI.y >= info.width) { return 0.0f; } assert(info.terrain_height.data.size() == info.width * info.height); unsigned char encodedHeight = info.terrain_height.data[pointI.x + ((info.height - 1) - pointI.y) * info.width]; float decodedHeight = -100.0f + 200.0f * float(encodedHeight) / 255.0f; return decodedHeight; #else return 0; #endif }