#include "IDABot.h" #include "Util.h" #include "sc2api/sc2_score.h" IDABot::IDABot() : m_map(*this) , m_bases(*this) , m_unitInfo(*this) , m_techTree(*this) , m_buildingPlacer(*this) { } void IDABot::OnGameStart() { // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize all start (base) locations. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- for (auto & loc : Observation()->GetGameInfo().enemy_start_locations) { m_baseLocations.push_back(loc); } m_baseLocations.push_back(Observation()->GetStartLocation()); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize all info, units, etc. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- setUnits(); m_techTree.onStart(); m_map.onStart(); m_unitInfo.onStart(); m_bases.onStart(); m_buildingPlacer.onStart(); /* UnitType target { sc2::UNIT_TYPEID::TERRAN_FUSIONCORE, *this }; std::vector<UnitType> needed = { target }; build_order.clear(); std::cout << "Creating plan: "; while (!needed.empty()) { UnitType target = needed.back(); TypeData target_data = m_techTree.getData(target); build_order.push_back(target); std::cout << target.getName(); needed.pop_back(); if (!target_data.requiredUnits.empty()) { // We only need one of the required units, so we pick the first. // TODO: Pick in a smarter way. UnitType subtarget = target_data.requiredUnits.front(); needed.push_back(subtarget); std::cout << ", "; } } std::cout << "." << std::endl; std::cout << "Created build plan of " << build_order.size() << " steps." << std::endl; */ } void IDABot::OnStep() { // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Update units, map info, unit info, and base info. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- setUnits(); m_map.onFrame(); m_unitInfo.onFrame(); m_bases.onFrame(); // suppress warnings while we update the tiles occupied by units bool old_suppress = m_techTree.getSuppressWarnings(); m_techTree.setSuppressWarnings(true); m_buildingPlacer.updateReserved(GetAllUnits()); m_techTree.setSuppressWarnings(old_suppress); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Draw debug interface, and send debug interface to the Sc2 client. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- Debug()->SendDebug(); m_buildingPlacer.drawReservedTiles(); } void IDABot::OnGameEnd() { } void IDABot::setUnits() { m_allUnits.clear(); Control()->GetObservation(); for (auto & unit : Observation()->GetUnits()) { m_allUnits.push_back(Unit(unit, *this)); } } CCRace IDABot::GetPlayerRace(int player) const { auto playerID = Observation()->GetPlayerID(); for (auto & playerInfo : Observation()->GetGameInfo().player_info) { if (playerInfo.player_id == playerID) { return playerInfo.race_actual; } } BOT_ASSERT(false, "Failed to find the player's race!"); return sc2::Race::Random; } const MapTools & IDABot::Map() const { return m_map; } const BaseLocationManager & IDABot::Bases() const { return m_bases; } const UnitInfoManager & IDABot::UnitInfo() const { return m_unitInfo; } int IDABot::GetCurrentFrame() const { return (int)Observation()->GetGameLoop(); } const TechTree & IDABot::GetTechTree() const { return m_techTree; } int IDABot::GetCurrentSupply() const { return Observation()->GetFoodUsed(); } int IDABot::GetMaxSupply() const { return Observation()->GetFoodCap(); } int IDABot::GetMinerals() const { return Observation()->GetMinerals(); } int IDABot::GetGas() const { return Observation()->GetVespene(); } Unit IDABot::GetUnit(const CCUnitID & tag) const { if (Observation()->GetUnit(tag) == nullptr) { return Unit(); } return Unit(Observation()->GetUnit(tag), *(IDABot *)this); } const std::vector<Unit> & IDABot::GetAllUnits() const { return m_allUnits; } const std::vector<Unit> & IDABot::GetMyUnits() const { return UnitInfo().getUnits(Players::Self); } const std::vector<Unit> IDABot::GetUnits(const UnitType & type, int player) const { std::vector<Unit> units; for (const Unit & unit : GetAllUnits()) { if (unit.getPlayer() == player) { if (!type.isValid() || (type.isValid() && unit.getType() == type)) { units.push_back(unit); } } } return units; } CCPosition IDABot::GetStartLocation() const { return Observation()->GetStartLocation(); } const std::vector<CCPosition> & IDABot::GetStartLocations() const { return m_baseLocations; } void IDABot::OnError(const std::vector<sc2::ClientError> & client_errors, const std::vector<std::string> & protocol_errors) { // This is called when the sc2api (Google's API) has an error. } BuildingPlacer & IDABot::GetBuildingPlacer() { return m_buildingPlacer; } void IDABot::SendChat(const std::string & message) { Actions()->SendChat(message); } const TypeData & IDABot::Data(const UnitType & type) const { return m_techTree.getData(type); } const TypeData & IDABot::Data(const Unit & unit) const { return m_techTree.getData(unit.getType()); } const TypeData & IDABot::Data(const CCUpgrade & type) const { return m_techTree.getData(type); } const TypeData & IDABot::Data(const MetaType & type) const { return m_techTree.getData(type); } /* API extended summer 2020 */ void IDABot::DebugCreateUnit(UnitTypeID unit_type, const CCPosition& p, uint32_t player_id, uint32_t count) { switch (player_id) // playerconstants for the IDAbot is not the same as for the sc2 API { case 0: Debug()->DebugCreateUnit(unit_type, p, 1, count); break; case 1: Debug()->DebugCreateUnit(unit_type, p, 2, count); break; case 2: Debug()->DebugCreateUnit(unit_type, p, 0, count); break; case 3: Debug()->DebugCreateUnit(unit_type, p, 3, count); default: break; } } void IDABot::DebugKillUnit(const Unit unit) { Debug()->DebugKillUnit(unit.getUnitPtr()); } void IDABot::DebugShowMap() { Debug()->DebugShowMap(); } void IDABot::DebugFastBuild() { Debug()->DebugFastBuild(); } void IDABot::DebugEnemyControl() { Debug()->DebugEnemyControl(); } void IDABot::DebugIgnoreFood() { Debug()->DebugIgnoreFood(); } void IDABot::DebugIgnoreResourceCost() { Debug()->DebugIgnoreResourceCost(); } void IDABot::DebugGiveAllResources() { Debug()->DebugGiveAllResources(); } void IDABot::DebugGodMode() { Debug()->DebugGodMode(); } void IDABot::DebugIgnoreMineral() { Debug()->DebugIgnoreMineral(); } void IDABot::DebugNoCooldowns() { Debug()->DebugIgnoreMineral(); } void IDABot::DebugGiveAllTech() { Debug()->DebugGiveAllTech(); } void IDABot::DebugGiveAllUpgrades() { Debug()->DebugGiveAllUpgrades(); } void IDABot::DebugSetScore(float score) { Debug()->DebugSetScore(score); } void IDABot::DebugEndGame(bool victory) { Debug()->DebugEndGame(victory); } void IDABot::DebugSetEnergy(float value, const Unit unit) { Debug()->DebugSetEnergy(value, unit.getUnitPtr()); } void IDABot::DebugSetLife(float value, const Unit unit) { Debug()->DebugSetLife(value, unit.getUnitPtr()); } void IDABot::DebugSetShields(float value, const Unit unit) { Debug()->DebugSetShields(value, unit.getUnitPtr()); } // There is a bug in the latest SC2 (if using Blizzard API with game >=4.10) // This a function to get the enemy base instead of using build location manager // Switched over to other API where this is solved // Leaving function incase of it breaking const std::vector<Point2D> IDABot::GetEnemyBaseLocations() { return Observation()->GetGameInfo().enemy_start_locations; } bool IDABot::HasCreep(Point2D p) const { return Observation()->HasCreep(p); } void IDABot::CameraMove(Point2DI p) { ActionsFeatureLayer()->CameraMove(p); } sc2::ABILITY_ID IDABot::abilityForUpgrade(sc2::UpgradeID upgrade_id) const { return (sc2::ABILITY_ID)Observation()->GetUpgradeData()[upgrade_id].ability_id; } uint32_t IDABot::UpgradeMineralCost(sc2::UpgradeID upgrade_id) const { return Observation()->GetUpgradeData()[upgrade_id].mineral_cost; } uint32_t IDABot::UpgradeGasCost(sc2::UpgradeID upgrade_id) const { return Observation()->GetUpgradeData()[upgrade_id].vespene_cost; } float IDABot::UpgradeResearchTime(sc2::UpgradeID upgrade_id) const { return Observation()->GetUpgradeData()[upgrade_id].research_time; } float IDABot::RadiusEffect(sc2::EffectID effect_id) const { return Observation()->GetEffectData()[effect_id].radius; } float IDABot::GetScore() const { return Observation()->GetScore().score; } const sc2::GameResult IDABot::GetPlayerResults() const { auto res = Observation()->GetResults(); for(int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) { if (res.at(i).player_id == Observation()->GetPlayerID()) return res.at(i).result; } std::cout << "The player can not be found" << std::endl; return sc2::GameResult::Undecided; } bool IDABot::SaveReplay(const std::string& path) { return this->Control()->SaveReplay(path); }