#include "IDABot.h" #include "Util.h" void IDABot::OnStep_UpdateIDABot() { // This is the entry point of the bot. // This function is called every time the game loop is run. //if (!Bases().getPlayerStartingBaseLocation(Players::Enemy)->isExplored()) //{ // assignScout(); //} std::vector<UnitType> build_plan = CreateBuildPlan(); manageWorkers(build_plan); manageBuilding(build_plan); } void IDABot::manageBuilding(std::vector<UnitType> & build_plan) { std::map<UnitType, int> currently_being_built = numberOfTypeBeingBuilt(); for (auto & pair : currently_being_built) std::cout << "Building " << pair.second << " of " << pair.first.getName() << std::endl; int minerals = GetMinerals(); int gas = GetGas(); // TODO: Supply for (UnitType type : build_plan) { if (currently_being_built[type] > 0) { currently_being_built[type]--; std::cout << "Already building " << type.getName() << std::endl; continue; } // If we cannot afford the next thing, we don't want to build at all if (type.mineralPrice() > minerals || type.gasPrice() > gas) { break; } std::vector<Unit> producers = getProducer(MetaType(type, *this)); // Reserve some resources // TODO: Only reserve resources if the corresponding worker is in BuildingWalking minerals -= type.mineralPrice(); gas -= type.gasPrice(); if (!producers.empty()) { if (type.isBuilding()) { for (Unit & worker : getWorkers()) { if (isFree(worker)) { CCTilePosition position = getBuildPosition(type); BuildStatus status{ type, position }; currently_building[worker] = status; // Reserve the location m_buildingPlacer.reserveTiles(position.x, position.y, type.tileWidth(), type.tileHeight()); // Update economy book-keeping if (type.isRefinery() || type.isResourceDepot()) { economy_spending.minerals += type.mineralPrice(); economy_spending.gas += type.gasPrice(); } else if (type.supplyProvided() == 0) { military_spending.minerals += type.mineralPrice(); military_spending.gas += type.gasPrice(); } assignWork(worker, Assignment::BuildWalking); return; } } } else if (type.isCombatUnit() || type.isWorker()) { // TODO: Remove code-duplication // Update economy book-keeping if (type.isWorker()) { economy_spending.minerals += type.mineralPrice(); economy_spending.gas += type.gasPrice(); } else { military_spending.minerals += type.mineralPrice(); military_spending.gas += type.gasPrice(); } std::cout << "Training unit " << type.getName() << std::endl; producers.front().train(type); return; } } } } bool IDABot::isFree(Unit & worker) { if (workerAssignment.count(worker) > 0) { return workerAssignment[worker] == Assignment::Mineral; } else { return true; } } std::vector<UnitType> IDABot::CreateBuildPlan() { // Count the total number of minerals, including all bases size_t number_of_minerals{ 0 }; for (const BaseLocation * base : Bases().getOccupiedBaseLocations(Players::Self)) { number_of_minerals += base->getMinerals().size(); } size_t number_of_workers = getWorkers().size(); size_t available_food = GetMaxSupply() - GetCurrentSupply(); std::vector<UnitType> build_plan; std::cout << "Military spending (minerals) " << military_spending.minerals << std::endl; std::cout << "Economy spending (minerals) " << economy_spending.minerals << std::endl; // TODO: Make a better decision here if ((500 + military_spending.minerals) < economy_spending.minerals) { CreateMaximizeMilitaryBuildPlan(build_plan, available_food); CreateMaximizeEconomyBuildPlan(number_of_minerals, number_of_workers, available_food, build_plan); } else { CreateMaximizeEconomyBuildPlan(number_of_minerals, number_of_workers, available_food, build_plan); CreateMaximizeMilitaryBuildPlan(build_plan, available_food); } for (size_t i{}; i < build_plan.size() && i < 10; ++i) { std::cout << build_plan[i].getName() << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; return build_plan; } void IDABot::CreateMaximizeMilitaryBuildPlan(std::vector<UnitType> &build_plan, size_t &available_food) { for (auto & pair : military_goal) { // How many do we already have? size_t units_of_type = GetUnits(pair.first).size(); // First, do we meet the military goal for this UnitType? if (units_of_type >= pair.second) { continue; } // Second, can we produce anything of UnitType? std::vector<Unit> producers = getProducer(MetaType(pair.first, *this), true); // TODO: Don't build too many Barracks if we don't need to if (producers.empty()) { // TODO: Calculate what we need to build using the TechTree // For now, let's build a barrack build_plan.push_back(UnitType(sc2::UNIT_TYPEID::TERRAN_BARRACKS, *this)); } else { // TODO: This is never run, or is it?? int units_needed = pair.second - units_of_type; int food_required = pair.first.supplyRequired(); for (int i{}; i < units_needed; ++i) { if (available_food >= food_required) { return; } else { available_food -= food_required; build_plan.push_back(pair.first); } } } } } void IDABot::CreateMaximizeEconomyBuildPlan(size_t &number_of_minerals, size_t &number_of_workers, size_t &available_food, std::vector<UnitType> &build_plan) { const int WORKER_PER_MINERAL_DEPOSIT = 3; const int FOOD_THRESHOLD_BUILD_DEPOT = 1; // Plan for the two next base expansions for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { while (WORKER_PER_MINERAL_DEPOSIT * number_of_minerals > number_of_workers) { if (available_food == FOOD_THRESHOLD_BUILD_DEPOT) { UnitType type{ sc2::UNIT_TYPEID::TERRAN_SUPPLYDEPOT, *this }; build_plan.push_back(type); available_food += type.supplyProvided(); // TODO: Maybe 16 sometimes? (+16 with Calldown: Supplies) } else { build_plan.push_back(UnitType(sc2::UNIT_TYPEID::TERRAN_SCV, *this)); available_food--; number_of_workers++; } } UnitType type{ sc2::UNIT_TYPEID::TERRAN_COMMANDCENTER, *this }; build_plan.push_back(type); available_food += type.supplyProvided(); const BaseLocation * next_expansion = Bases().getNextExpansion(Players::Self); if (next_expansion) { number_of_minerals += next_expansion->getMinerals().size(); } } } void IDABot::assignScout() { // Assumes that at least one worker is unassigned for (Unit worker : getWorkers()) { if (workerAssignment.count(worker) == 0) { assignWork(worker, Assignment::Scout); std::cout << "Assigned worker to Scout" << std::endl; break; } } } void IDABot::manageWorkers(std::vector<UnitType> & build_plan) { std::vector<Unit> workers = getWorkers(); for (Unit worker : workers) { // If the worker has does not have an assignment if (workerAssignment.count(worker) == 0) { assignWork(worker, Assignment::Mineral); } else { CCTilePosition position; switch (workerAssignment[worker]) { case Assignment::Mineral: case Assignment::Gas: // Never change let the gas/mineral workers rest break; case Assignment::Scout: if (Bases().getPlayerStartingBaseLocation(Players::Enemy)->isExplored()) { assignWork(worker, Assignment::Mineral); } break; case Assignment::BuildWalking: position = currently_building[worker].position; if (position == Util::GetTilePosition(worker.getPosition())) { assignWork(worker, Assignment::BuildBuilding); } break; case Assignment::BuildBuilding: // Probably done, if (worker.isIdle()) { BuildStatus status = currently_building[worker]; m_buildingPlacer.freeTiles(status.position.x, status.position.y, status.type.tileWidth(), status.type.tileHeight()); currently_building.erase(worker); assignWork(worker, Assignment::Mineral); } break; } } } } void IDABot::assignWork(Unit & worker, Assignment assignment) { // Assigns worker to assignment workerAssignment[worker] = assignment; Unit mineral; const BaseLocation * enemyBaseLocation; CCTilePosition position; AssignmentData data; const BaseLocation * assigned_base; switch (assignment) { case Assignment::Mineral: // Select which base to mine for assigned_base = AssignBase(worker); mineral = getClosestMineral(assigned_base->getPosition()); worker.rightClick(mineral); break; case Assignment::Scout: enemyBaseLocation = Bases().getPlayerStartingBaseLocation(Players::Enemy); if (enemyBaseLocation) { std::cout << "Enemy base location known!" << std::endl; worker.move(enemyBaseLocation->getPosition()); } else { std::cout << "Enemy base location unknown!" << std::endl; for (const BaseLocation * location : Bases().getStartingBaseLocations()) { if (!Map().isExplored(location->getPosition())) { worker.move(location->getPosition()); break; } } } break; case Assignment::BuildWalking: worker.move(currently_building[worker].position); break; case Assignment::BuildBuilding: worker.build(currently_building[worker].type, currently_building[worker].position); break; } } std::map<UnitType, int> IDABot::numberOfTypeBeingBuilt() const { std::map<UnitType, int> being_built; for (auto & pair : currently_building) { being_built[pair.second.type]++; } return being_built; } const BaseLocation * IDABot::AssignBase(Unit & worker) { std::set<const BaseLocation *> base_locations = Bases().getOccupiedBaseLocations(Players::Self); int most_needed_workers_value{std::numeric_limits<int>().min()}; const BaseLocation * most_needed_workers_pointer{}; for (const BaseLocation * base_location : base_locations) { int workers_needed = 3 * base_location->getMinerals().size(); int number_of_workers; if (base_assignment.count(base_location) > 0) { std::vector<Unit> & workers = base_assignment[base_location]; number_of_workers = workers.size(); } else { number_of_workers = 0; std::vector<Unit> workers; base_assignment[base_location] = workers; } int needed_workers = workers_needed - number_of_workers; if (needed_workers > most_needed_workers_value) { most_needed_workers_value = needed_workers; most_needed_workers_pointer = base_location; } } std::vector<Unit> & workers = base_assignment[most_needed_workers_pointer]; workers.push_back(worker); return most_needed_workers_pointer; } CCTilePosition IDABot::getBuildPosition(UnitType & building) { CCTilePosition tile_position; if (Util::GetTownHall(GetPlayerRace((int) Players::Self), *this) == building) { tile_position = Bases().getNextExpansion((int)Players::Self)->getDepotPosition(); } else { CCPosition position = Bases().getPlayerStartingBaseLocation(Players::Self)->getPosition(); Building b{ building, Util::GetTilePosition(position)}; tile_position = m_buildingPlacer.getBuildLocationNear(b, 1); } return tile_position; } Unit IDABot::getClosestMineral(const CCPosition & position) const { Unit bestMineral; double bestDist = 100000; for (auto & mineral : GetAllUnits()) { if (!mineral.getType().isMineral()) continue; double dist = Util::Dist(mineral, position); if (dist < bestDist) { bestMineral = mineral; bestDist = dist; } } return bestMineral; } std::vector<Unit> IDABot::getWorkers() { std::vector<Unit> workers; for (auto & unit : GetMyUnits()) { if (unit.getType().isWorker()) { workers.push_back(unit); } } return workers; } std::vector<Unit> IDABot::getProducer(const MetaType & type, bool includeBusy, bool includeIncomplete) { // get all the types of units that cna build this type auto & producerTypes = Data(type).whatBuilds; // make a set of all candidate producers std::vector<Unit> candidateProducers; for (auto unit : UnitInfo().getUnits(Players::Self)) { // reasons a unit can not train the desired type if (std::find(producerTypes.begin(), producerTypes.end(), unit.getType()) == producerTypes.end()) { continue; } if (!includeIncomplete && !unit.isCompleted()) { continue; } if (!includeBusy && Data(unit).isBuilding && unit.isTraining()) { continue; } if (unit.isFlying()) { continue; } // TODO: if unit is not powered continue // TODO: if the type is an addon, some special cases // TODO: if the type requires an addon and the producer doesn't have one // if we haven't cut it, add it to the set of candidates candidateProducers.push_back(unit); } return candidateProducers; } IDABot::IDABot() : m_map(*this) , m_bases(*this) , m_unitInfo(*this) , m_workers(*this) , m_gameCommander(*this) , m_strategy(*this) , m_techTree(*this) , m_buildingPlacer(*this) { military_goal[UnitType(sc2::UNIT_TYPEID::TERRAN_MARINE, *this)] = 30; } void IDABot::OnGameStart() { m_config.readConfigFile(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize all start (base) locations. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- for (auto & loc : Observation()->GetGameInfo().enemy_start_locations) { m_baseLocations.push_back(loc); } m_baseLocations.push_back(Observation()->GetStartLocation()); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize all info, units, etc. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- setUnits(); m_techTree.onStart(); m_strategy.onStart(); m_map.onStart(); m_unitInfo.onStart(); m_bases.onStart(); // TODO: Maybe not include this for the students to use?? m_buildingPlacer.onStart(); UnitType target { sc2::UNIT_TYPEID::TERRAN_FUSIONCORE, *this }; std::vector<UnitType> needed = { target }; build_order.clear(); std::cout << "Creating plan: "; while (!needed.empty()) { UnitType target = needed.back(); TypeData target_data = m_techTree.getData(target); build_order.push_back(target); std::cout << target.getName(); needed.pop_back(); if (!target_data.requiredUnits.empty()) { // We only need one of the required units, so we pick the first. // TODO: Pick in a smarter way. UnitType subtarget = target_data.requiredUnits.front(); needed.push_back(subtarget); std::cout << ", "; } } std::cout << "." << std::endl; std::cout << "Created build plan of " << build_order.size() << " steps." << std::endl; } void IDABot::OnStep() { // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Update units, map info, unit info, and base info. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- setUnits(); m_map.onFrame(); m_unitInfo.onFrame(); m_bases.onFrame(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Run the actual bot. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- OnStep_UpdateIDABot(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Draw debug interface, and send debug interface to the Sc2 client. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- Debug()->SendDebug(); m_buildingPlacer.drawReservedTiles(); } void IDABot::setUnits() { m_allUnits.clear(); Control()->GetObservation(); for (auto & unit : Observation()->GetUnits()) { m_allUnits.push_back(Unit(unit, *this)); } } CCRace IDABot::GetPlayerRace(int player) const { auto playerID = Observation()->GetPlayerID(); for (auto & playerInfo : Observation()->GetGameInfo().player_info) { if (playerInfo.player_id == playerID) { return playerInfo.race_actual; } } BOT_ASSERT(false, "Failed to find the player's race!"); return sc2::Race::Random; } BotConfig & IDABot::Config() { return m_config; } const MapTools & IDABot::Map() const { return m_map; } const StrategyManager & IDABot::Strategy() const { return m_strategy; } const BaseLocationManager & IDABot::Bases() const { return m_bases; } const UnitInfoManager & IDABot::UnitInfo() const { return m_unitInfo; } int IDABot::GetCurrentFrame() const { return (int)Observation()->GetGameLoop(); } const TypeData & IDABot::Data(const UnitType & type) const { return m_techTree.getData(type); } const TypeData & IDABot::Data(const Unit & unit) const { return m_techTree.getData(unit.getType()); } const TypeData & IDABot::Data(const CCUpgrade & type) const { return m_techTree.getData(type); } const TypeData & IDABot::Data(const MetaType & type) const { return m_techTree.getData(type); } WorkerManager & IDABot::Workers() { return m_workers; } int IDABot::GetCurrentSupply() const { return Observation()->GetFoodUsed(); } int IDABot::GetMaxSupply() const { return Observation()->GetFoodCap(); } int IDABot::GetMinerals() const { return Observation()->GetMinerals(); } int IDABot::GetGas() const { return Observation()->GetVespene(); } Unit IDABot::GetUnit(const CCUnitID & tag) const { return Unit(Observation()->GetUnit(tag), *(IDABot *)this); } const std::vector<Unit> & IDABot::GetAllUnits() const { return m_allUnits; } const std::vector<Unit> & IDABot::GetMyUnits() const { return UnitInfo().getUnits(Players::Self); } const std::vector<Unit> IDABot::GetUnits(const UnitType & type, int player) const { std::vector<Unit> units; for (const Unit & unit : GetAllUnits()) { if (unit.getPlayer() == player) { if (!type.isValid() || (type.isValid() && unit.getType() == type)) { units.push_back(unit); } } } return units; } CCPosition IDABot::GetStartLocation() const { return Observation()->GetStartLocation(); } const std::vector<CCPosition> & IDABot::GetStartLocations() const { return m_baseLocations; } void IDABot::OnError(const std::vector<sc2::ClientError> & client_errors, const std::vector<std::string> & protocol_errors) { // This is called when the sc2api (Google's API) has an error. }