diff --git a/docs/idareplayobserver.rst b/docs/idareplayobserver.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c0753c9ace03d94275fb73b13b35a727bf485b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/idareplayobserver.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+.. class:: library.IDAReplayObserver
+   This is the basis of a replayObserver.
+   Inherited methods:
+   .. method:: IDAReplayObserver.on_game_start(self)
+      This method is called when a Starcraft replay has stared, when you inherit it you have to
+      call the parent's on_game_start method in order to make it work (see
+      :ref:`replays`).
+   .. method:: IDAReplayObserver.on_step(self)
+      This method is called on every tick of the replay, when you inherit it you
+      have to call the parent's on_step method in order to make it work (see
+      :ref:`replays`).
+   .. method:: IDAReplayObserver.on_game_end(self)
+      This method is called when the replay has ended, when you inherit it you have to
+      call the parent's on_game_start method in order to make it work (see
+      :ref:`replays`).
+   Methods:
+   .. method:: IDABot.get_all_units(self) -> List[library.ReplayUnit]
+      Retrieves a list of all visible units
+   Attributes:
+   .. autoattribute:: minerals
diff --git a/docs/replays.rst b/docs/replays.rst
index c6af956e47fc4b5f718d94cc289f163a179f075f..cce599d017bec3019752393e214a7cf4cb18179b 100644
--- a/docs/replays.rst
+++ b/docs/replays.rst
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Here is a short example that uses SC2Reader to extract the build order.
         print("Res: " + text)
-SC2Reader has good documation_ that also describe what information
+SC2Reader has documation_ that also describe what information
 could be found. `What is in a Replay`_ and Events_ gives a good idea
 if the information you want could be colleced whithe SC2Reader.
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ if the information you want could be colleced whithe SC2Reader.
-This is the second technique it is much like using a bot but whit the diffrens
-that no action can be preform just observations
+This is the second technique it is much like using a bot but whit the main difference
+that no action can be preform just observations. No debug actions can be taken.
 .. code-block:: python
@@ -85,14 +85,29 @@ that no action can be preform just observations
         def on_step(self):
+        def on_game_end(self):
+            IDAReplayObserver.on_game_end(self)
     def main():
         coordinator = Coordinator(r"D:\StarCraft II\Versions\Base69232\SC2_x64.exe")
-        coordinator.add_replay_observer(MyObserver())
+        my_observer = MyObserver()
+        coordinator.add_replay_observer(my_observer)
         while coordinator.update():
     if __name__ == "__main__":
-        main()
\ No newline at end of file
+        main()
+Replay files
+Replay files are version depended.
+Replays with tracker events for some versions can be found for example at spawningtool_ and gggreplays_.
+Replays without tracker events can be download with s2client-proto_. The requested version is 4.6.2
+.. _spawningtool: https://lotv.spawningtool.com/replays/?pro_only=on
+.. _gggreplays: https://gggreplays.com/matches
+.. _s2client-proto: https://github.com/Blizzard/s2client-proto/tree/master/samples/replay-api
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/replayunit.rst b/docs/replayunit.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..472018a9a625abaf5f93f63f1c8d26e749748565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/replayunit.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+.. class:: library.ReplayUnit
+   An instance of the class Unit represents one unit in a replay. A ReplayUnit is a
+   :class`library.Unit` white some limitations.
+   It is possible to use ReplayUnit as keys in a dictionary, which might be helpful
+   for bookkeeping.
+   Properties:
+   .. autoattribute:: buffs
+      Returns a list of BuffID
+   .. autoattribute:: build_percentage
+   .. autoattribute:: energy
+   .. autoattribute:: facing
+      Returns the direction the unit is facing
+   .. autoattribute:: hit_points
+   .. autoattribute:: max_hit_points
+   .. autoattribute:: id
+   .. autoattribute:: is_alive
+   .. autoattribute:: is_blip
+      Returns true if unit is a "blip" - a ping on the map.
+   .. autoattribute:: is_being_constructed
+      Returns build_progress > 0
+   .. autoattribute:: is_burrowed
+   .. autoattribute:: is_cloaked
+   .. autoattribute:: is_completed
+      Returns build_progress >= 1
+   .. autoattribute:: is_flying
+   .. autoattribute:: is_idle
+   .. autoattribute:: is_powered
+   .. autoattribute:: is_training
+   .. autoattribute:: is_valid
+   .. attribute:: ReplayUnit.player
+      Returns the constant corresponding to player which this unit belongs to.
+      See :ref:`playerconstants` for more information.
+   .. autoattribute:: position
+   .. autoattribute:: current_ability_id
+   .. autoattribute:: progress
+      Returns the progress of currently used ability (-1 if not using ability)
+   .. autoattribute:: radius
+      Retruns the radius of the unit
+   .. autoattribute:: shields
+   .. autoattribute:: tile_position
+   .. autoattribute:: unit_type
+      Returns the id of the unit_type
+   .. autoattribute:: unit_type_name
+      Returns the name of the unit_type
+   .. autoattribute:: weapon_cooldown
+   .. autoattribute:: is_carrying_minerals
+      Returns if this unit is currently holding minerals