... | ... | @@ -15,17 +15,6 @@ This is the newbie guide for any new (or old!) members of the @Home-project. It |
- What do you want?
- Why do you want it?
# Setting Up the Environment (WIP 2021-05-29)
Use this checklist to install an environment on your PC to run the system. You can also opt for remoting to fetdatorn through SSH.
## Your own PC
- [ ] We run the system on Linux. If you have Windows, set up WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) [here](Prerequisite-Installs-for-Running-the-System-on-a-PC)
- [ ] Install Docker [here](https://www.docker.com/get-started). Choose Docker Desktop if you are using Windows. Install on Linux using [this tutorial](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/)
- [ ] Install an integrated development environment of your choice. We recommend using VS Code which you can install from [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/). It is free and has excellent remote development opportunities and compatibilities.
## On fetdatorn
- [ ] Simply open a terminal if you are using Linux, or install an SSH client such as [Putty](https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/) on Windows and connect to fetdatorn according to [here](SSH-Tunnel-Settings])
# Newbie Goals
Here are a set of goals that you should accomplish in order to become confident in your ability to contribute to the project. And believe me, your eyes will be widely opened after going through the content! So put down the time needed and later reflect on the new knowledge you've acquired and the opportunities that you've unlocked in doing so.
... | ... | @@ -42,16 +31,22 @@ The goals are in order. Pick them off one by one and ask for help whenever you n |
- [ ] Visit the [Issues](https://gitlab.liu.se/liuhomewreckers/liu-home-wreckers/-/issues) page. What is currently being worked on?
### Setting up your development environment
Look through the general README.md and INSTALL.md in the main repository. To set up your environment in VS Code, you can go to [this page.](Set-Up-Remote-Development-Using-VS-Code).
The easiest and fastest way to get started is to set up your environment in VS Code, you can go to [this page.](Set-Up-Remote-Development-Using-VS-Code).
For more information, look through the general README.md and INSTALL.md in the main repository to just get a grasp of the environment, no need to do anything with it.
#### On your own PC
- [ ] We run the system on Linux. If you have Windows, set up WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) [here](Prerequisite-Installs-for-Running-the-System-on-a-PC)
- [ ] Install Docker [here](https://www.docker.com/get-started). Choose Docker Desktop if you are using Windows. Install on Linux using [this tutorial](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/)
- [ ] Install an integrated development environment of your choice. We recommend using VS Code which you can install from [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/). It is free and has excellent remote development opportunities and compatibilities.
#### Through SSH on fetdatorn
- [ ] Simply open a terminal if you are using Linux, or install an SSH client such as [Putty](https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/) on Windows and connect to fetdatorn according to [here](SSH-Tunnel-Settings])
- Install Docker
- Set up an IDE like VS Code (or not, if you feel hacky enough to use any of vim, nano, or emacs)
- Run the development environment through Docker
- If you have Windows, set up WSL. It's incredibly useful.
When being connected to SSH you will not have a graphical GUI. You'll hack around in vim, nano, or emacs as a text editor, so if you opt for this, look up some cheat sheets on those programs and become a guru.
### Acquaint yourself with ROS
Time to get to work!
Time to get to work! For any tutorial where you need to make a package, we'll set up a docker container for you first! There'll soon be a link here to take you to a video tutorial on how to do that. Learning Docker is going to make you an attractive employee wherever you go. It's extensively used pretty much everywhere, and the technology (virtualization) it is based on is used virtually (haha, pun intended) everywhere as well.
- [ ] Read the page about [ROS Nodes](https://docs.ros.org/en/foxy/Tutorials/Understanding-ROS2-Nodes.html) (10 mins)
- [ ] Read about [ROS Topics](https://docs.ros.org/en/foxy/Tutorials/Topics/Understanding-ROS2-Topics.html) (5 mins)
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