... | ... | @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ The goals are in order. Pick them off one by one and ask for help whenever you n |
- [ ] Look around the ROS tutorials documentation page to orient yourself. You can skim through it to disarm its complexity.
- [ ] Look through the titles of the pages on this wiki. Again, just to disarm it and give you an overview.
- [ ] Visit the [Issues](https://gitlab.liu.se/liuhomewreckers/liu-home-wreckers/-/issues) page. What is currently being worked on?
- [ ] **New 29/8**Add your contact info [here](https://forms.gle/Xbnxc3pNs3DAyUvcA)
- [ ] Add your contact info [here](https://forms.gle/Xbnxc3pNs3DAyUvcA)
### Setting up your development environment
**When you get to this stage, confirm that you have an account (user/pw) on fetdatorn by contacting the tech lead (currently Simon W.S.)**
... | ... | @@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ git checkout -b <name> # Create a new branch from the current branch with name |
Git will help you if you do something wrong. You should also consolidate `git --help` since all the information required is there as well.
Also check out how you contribute to the project in [this](https://gitlab.liu.se/liuhomewreckers/liu-home-wreckers/-/wikis/Contribution-Guide-to-the-Project) guide.
### Acquaint yourself with ROS
Time to get to work! For any tutorial where you need to make a package, we'll set up a docker container for you first! There'll soon be a link here to take you to a video tutorial on how to do that. Learning Docker is going to make you an attractive employee wherever you go. It's extensively used pretty much everywhere, and the technology (virtualization) it is based on is used virtually (haha, pun intended) everywhere as well.
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