diff --git a/manifests/tal_cli.pp b/manifests/tal_cli.pp
index 530af22eeef3722a1caba428ef10523eb40ae0ac..b581eb1b66de295181a9b7d6cadbc3ebc2bdabb8 100644
--- a/manifests/tal_cli.pp
+++ b/manifests/tal_cli.pp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 # @summary
-#   Describe what this class do!
+#   Command-line interface to TAL.
-#   Detailed summary info if suitable
+#   Clones and compiles repo to provide TAL access.
 # @param credentials
-#   Describe credentials
+#   Credentials for TAL access.
 class aes::tal_cli (
   Optional[String] $credentials = undef
@@ -49,12 +49,26 @@ class aes::tal_cli (
     source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/tal/on_update.sh",
-  exec { 'update-tal-repo' :
-    command     => '/opt/utils/update_repo.sh /home/examadm/tal-cli/source https://oauth2:glpat-bfpVssm_zFmt1YRW7cLz@gitlab.liu.se/upp-aes/tal-cli.git master',
-    environment => ['REPO_ON_UPDATE=/home/examadm/tal-cli/on_update.sh'],
+  vcsrepo { '/home/examadm/tal-cli/source':
+    submodules  => false,
+    ensure   => latest,
+    provider => git,
+    source   => 'https://oauth2:glpat-bfpVssm_zFmt1YRW7cLz@gitlab.liu.se/upp-aes/tal-cli.git',
+    revision => master,
+    owner    => examadm,
+    group    => examadm,
+    notify   => Exec['compile-tal-repo'],
+  }
+  exec { 'compile-tal-repo':
     user        => examadm,
     group       => examadm,
     cwd         => '/home/examadm/tal-cli',
+    path        => '/bin:/usr/bin',
+    environment => ['HOME=/home/examadm/tal-cli'],
+    creates     => '/home/examadm/tal-cli/source/tal',
+    command     => '/home/examadm/tal-cli/on_update.sh',
+    require     => File['/home/examadm/tal-cli/on_update.sh'],
   file { '/etc/cron.daily/tal-remind' :