diff --git a/files/update_repo.sh b/files/update_repo.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 210d36dcfbd73a4a35233c223a9c3d77bc342767..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/files/update_repo.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# Keep a Git repository updated. Optionally execute a command whenever it has been updated in order
-# to trigger further processing of some kind (e.g. restarting services).
-# The command is called as follows:
-# update_repo.sh <destination path> <source repo> <source branch>
-# If REPO_ON_UPDATE is set, then that file will be executed whenever the repo is created and/or
-# updated to a new revision. This can be used to trigger further processing of some sort, such as
-# compiling the contained source and/or restarting system services as appropriate.
-# This script is designed to be executed as a privillegied user so that the update command could do
-# privillegied operations. Thus, the git commands will be isolated to a user as described by
-# REPO_USER and REPO_GROUP, if they are is set. It is, of course, also possible to just run this
-# script as a regular user without setting REPO_USER.
-# "function" that keeps the repo updated. Returns 0 if nothing was done, 100 if the repo was updated,
-# and something else on some kind of error. This function will be executed as the user indicated in
-# the environment variables.
-# I'm sorry for this thing... Turns out that sudo does not allow passing bash functions as environment
-# variables, so I simply pass the entire "function" to Bash as a string.
-update_repo_fn=$(cat <<'EOF'
-if [[ ! -d "$repo_path" ]]
-    # Does not exist. We need to checkout the repository.
-    git clone --single-branch --branch "$repo_branch" "$repo_source" "$repo_path" || exit 1
-    exit 100
-    # It does exist. Make sure it is updated.
-    cd "$repo_path"
-    old_sha=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
-    git fetch -f "$repo_source" "$repo_branch":remotes/origin/"$repo_branch" || exit 1
-    new_sha=$(git rev-parse remotes/origin/"$repo_branch")
-    if [[ "$old_sha" == "$new_sha" ]]
-    then
-	# They are the same, we don't need to do anything.
-	exit 0
-    else
-	# They differ. Check out the new revision.
-	git checkout -f "$new_sha" || exit 1
-	git branch -f "$repo_branch" "$new_sha" || exit 1
-	# This is not strictly necessary, but it makes it look like we have the correct branch
-	# checked out. Good if someone inspects the repo at a later time.
-	git checkout -f "$repo_branch" || exit 1
-	exit 100
-    fi
-# Check for enough parameters.
-if [[ "$#" < 3 ]]
-    echo "Not enough parameters."
-    echo "Usage: update_repo.sh <path> <source> <branch>"
-    exit 2
-# Check if the REPO_ON_UPDATE script exists. If it doesn't (probably
-# because Puppet has not created it yet), then we don't want to run
-# yet. If we run without the script being present, then the script
-# will not be executed until the repository is updated, thus breaking
-# our promises.
-if [[ ! -z "$REPO_ON_UPDATE" ]]
-    if [[ ! -f "$REPO_ON_UPDATE" ]]
-    then
-	echo "The script $REPO_ON_UPDATE does not exist."
-	exit 4
-    fi
-# Setup variables for calling "update_repo"...
-export repo_path repo_source repo_branch
-if [[ -z "$REPO_USER" ]]
-    # Just run it in a subshell
-    bash -c "$update_repo_fn"
-    # Perhaps group was not supplied.
-    if [[ -z "$REPO_GROUP" ]]
-    then
-    fi
-    sudo --preserve-env=repo_path,repo_source,repo_branch,update_repo --set-home --user="$REPO_USER" --group="$REPO_GROUP" -- bash -c "$update_repo_fn"
-# Note: We cannot put any commands between the if-statement and here. We need the result code from
-# invoking bash, which is the last command in both the if- and else- branches.
-if [[ $result == 0 ]]
-    # All is well, nothing needed to be done.
-    exit 0
-elif [[ $result == 100 ]]
-    # All is well, but we need to tell the environment that we updated the repo.
-    if [[ ! -z "$REPO_ON_UPDATE" ]]
-    then
-	# Run it if it is there.
-	eval "$REPO_ON_UPDATE"
-    fi
-    exit 0
-    # Something went awry, forward the exit code.
-    exit $result
diff --git a/manifests/init.pp b/manifests/init.pp
index 03a9484c5f169bdd5de60bcb452e5d91f61ebe40..40e8d9f1f8bf7cd42a0d8276f0a9f2bb8fd06e86 100644
--- a/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/manifests/init.pp
@@ -45,19 +45,19 @@ class aes {
   # File for updating repositories.
-  file { '/opt/utils':
-    ensure => directory,
-    mode   => '0755',
-    owner  => root,
-    group  => root,
-  }
-  file { '/opt/utils/update_repo.sh':
-    ensure  => file,
-    mode    => '0755',
-    owner   => root,
-    group   => root,
-    content => file("${module_name}/update_repo.sh"),
-  }
+  # file { '/opt/utils':
+  #   ensure => directory,
+  #   mode   => '0755',
+  #   owner  => root,
+  #   group  => root,
+  # }
+  # file { '/opt/utils/update_repo.sh':
+  #   ensure  => file,
+  #   mode    => '0755',
+  #   owner   => root,
+  #   group   => root,
+  #   content => file("${module_name}/update_repo.sh"),
+  # }
   # File to easily see when Puppet was last executed.
   # Ideally, we would like to know if it is devel or production as well.