index a3edf69308b1ade4ddbf68164f26210e9ca422ed..c3969f969ac2cf7956047bdc18fa6b0416f7e073 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+2020-07-25  David Byers  <david.byers@liu.se>
+	Fix issue #6:
+	* olc.texi (Functions): Document "compound". Correct error in
+	documentation of return value for olc-is-full and olc-is-short.
+	* olc.el (olc-parse-code): Document that match data is changed.
+	(olc-is-valid): Added the "compound" keyword arg.
+	(olc-is-full): Added the "compound" keyword arg.
+	(olc-is-short): Added the "compound" keyword arg.
 2020-07-24  David Byers  <david.byers@liu.se>
 	Fix issue #4:
diff --git a/olc.el b/olc.el
index ea6b36691149936d8295a430bb92ef287f4b8b5f..f4a0fdfbc65ef0eee5f90f803d6a64ed866b63eb 100644
--- a/olc.el
+++ b/olc.el
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ;; Copyright (C) 2020 David Byers
 ;; Author: David Byers <david.byers@liu.se>
-;; Version: 1.2.0
+;; Version: 1.3.0
 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
 ;; Keywords: extensions, lisp
 ;; URL: https://gitlab.liu.se/davby02/olc
@@ -247,7 +247,9 @@ raise, and args for the raised error.
     (/ (expt 20 -3) (expt 5 (- len 10)))))
 (cl-defun olc-parse-code (code)
-  "Parse an open location code CODE."
+  "Parse an open location code CODE.
+This function changes the match data."
   (if (olc-parse-p code)
     (cl-check-type code stringp)
@@ -362,57 +364,71 @@ raise, and args for the raised error.
   "Regular expression for parsing codes.")
-(defun olc-is-valid (code)
-  "Return non-nil if CODE is a valid open location code."
-  (or (olc-parse-p code)
-      (save-match-data
-        (let ((case-fold-search t))
-          ;; The code is decomposed into PAIRS PADDING "+" SUFFIX.
-          ;;
-          ;; Rules:
-          ;;
-          ;; - For all codes:
-          ;;   - Pairs has an even (zero counts) length of at most 8.
-          ;;   - Suffix is either zero or between 2 and 8 characters.
-          ;;   - One or both of pairs and suffix must not be empty.
-          ;;
-          ;; - If there is padding:
-          ;;   - The suffix must be empty
-          ;;   - The length of pairs and padding combined must be 8
-          (when (string-match olc-code-regexp code)
-            (let ((pair-len (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)))
-                  (padd-len (- (match-end 2) (match-beginning 2)))
-                  (suff-len (- (match-end 3) (match-beginning 3))))
-              (and (and (= 0 (% pair-len 2)) (<= pair-len 8)) ; Check pairs
-                   (and (<= suff-len 8) (/= suff-len 1)) ; Check suffix
-                   (> (+ pair-len suff-len) 0) ; Check for not empty
-                   (or (= padd-len 0)          ; Empty padding...
-                       (and (= suff-len 0)     ; ...or suffix
-                            (= (+ padd-len pair-len) 8))))))))))
-(defun olc-is-short (code)
+(cl-defun olc-is-valid (code &key compound)
+  "Return non-nil if CODE is a valid open location code.
+If compound is non-nil, then return non-nil if CODE looks like a
+compound open location code (i.e. everything up to the first
+space character is a valid code)."
+    (or (olc-parse-p code)
+        (save-match-data
+          (when (and compound (string-match " " code))
+            (setq code (substring code 0 (match-beginning 0))))
+          (let ((case-fold-search t))
+            ;; The code is decomposed into PAIRS PADDING "+" SUFFIX.
+            ;;
+            ;; Rules:
+            ;;
+            ;; - For all codes:
+            ;;   - Pairs has an even (zero counts) length of at most 8.
+            ;;   - Suffix is either zero or between 2 and 8 characters.
+            ;;   - One or both of pairs and suffix must not be empty.
+            ;;
+            ;; - If there is padding:
+            ;;   - The suffix must be empty
+            ;;   - The length of pairs and padding combined must be 8
+            (when (string-match olc-code-regexp code)
+              (let ((pair-len (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)))
+                    (padd-len (- (match-end 2) (match-beginning 2)))
+                    (suff-len (- (match-end 3) (match-beginning 3))))
+                (and (and (= 0 (% pair-len 2)) (<= pair-len 8)) ; Check pairs
+                     (and (<= suff-len 8) (/= suff-len 1)) ; Check suffix
+                     (> (+ pair-len suff-len) 0) ; Check for not empty
+                     (or (= padd-len 0)          ; Empty padding...
+                         (and (= suff-len 0)     ; ...or suffix
+                              (= (+ padd-len pair-len) 8))))))))))
+(cl-defun olc-is-short (code &key compound)
   "Return non-nil if CODE is a valid short open location code.
+If compound is non-nil, then return non-nil if CODE looks like a
+compound open location code (i.e. everything up to the first
+space character is a valid short code).
 Note that nil means the code is either not short, or it is
   (if (olc-parse-p code)
       (olc-parse-short code)
-    (and (olc-is-valid code)
+    (and (olc-is-valid code :compound compound)
          (or (< (length code) 9)
              (and (>= (length code) 9)
                   (not (= (elt code 8) ?+)))))))
-(defun olc-is-full (code)
+(cl-defun olc-is-full (code &key compound)
   "Return non-nil if CODE is a valid long open location code.
+If compound is non-nil, then return non-nil if CODE looks like a
+compound open location code (i.e. everything up to the first
+space character is a valid short code).
 Note that nil means the code is either not long, or it is
   (if (olc-parse-p code)
       (not (olc-parse-short code))
-    (and (olc-is-valid code)
+    (and (olc-is-valid code :compound compound)
          (and (>= (length code) 9)
               (= (elt code 8) ?+)))))
diff --git a/olc.info b/olc.info
index fcfb028bcb60a005970e3af96a0f0b38827f0922..c7ef9ba2401e37a2e5f56c953312610f76bf2cb4 100644
--- a/olc.info
+++ b/olc.info
@@ -312,16 +312,25 @@ Functions
      coordinates.  Please make sure you follow the acceptable use policy
      for the API (e.g., one request per second, tops, allowed).
- -- Function: olc-is-valid code
-     Returns non-‘nil’ if CODE is a valid open location code.
- -- Function: olc-is-short code
-     Returns non-‘nil’ if CODE is a valid short location code.  Returns
-     ‘nil’ for valid short and for invalid codes.
- -- Function: olc-is-full code
-     Returns non-‘nil’ if CODE is a valid full open location code.
-     Returns ‘nil’ for valid long and for invalid codes.
+ -- Function: olc-is-valid code &key compound
+     Returns non-‘nil’ if CODE is a valid open location code.  If
+     COMPOUND is non-nil, then check only up to the first space
+     character so non-nil is returned for strings that look like
+     compound codes.
+ -- Function: olc-is-short code &key compound
+     Returns non-‘nil’ if CODE is a valid short location code.  If
+     COMPOUND is non-nil, then check only up to the first space
+     character so non-nil is returned for strings that look like
+     compound codes.  Returns ‘nil’ for valid full and for invalid
+     codes.
+ -- Function: olc-is-full code &key compound
+     Returns non-‘nil’ if CODE is a valid full open location code.  If
+     COMPOUND is non-nil, then check only up to the first space
+     character so non-nil is returned for strings that look like
+     compound codes.  Returns ‘nil’ for valid short and for invalid
+     codes.
 File: olc.info,  Node: Index,  Prev: Functions,  Up: Top
@@ -342,8 +351,8 @@ Index
 * olc-area-p:                            olc-area.            (line  13)
 * olc-decode:                            Functions.           (line  21)
 * olc-encode:                            Functions.           (line   6)
-* olc-is-full:                           Functions.           (line 118)
-* olc-is-short:                          Functions.           (line 114)
+* olc-is-full:                           Functions.           (line 124)
+* olc-is-short:                          Functions.           (line 117)
 * olc-is-valid:                          Functions.           (line 111)
 * olc-parse-create:                      olc-parse.           (line   9)
 * olc-parse-grid:                        olc-parse.           (line  18)
@@ -364,7 +373,7 @@ Node: olc-area1277
 Node: olc-parse2205
 Node: Errors3435
 Node: Functions7375
-Node: Index12739
+Node: Index13244
 End Tag Table
diff --git a/olc.texi b/olc.texi
index cf5fa147c35dbf8da69aec3c6c5368eed02bb125..c4864079338126af1adbe7b27f729616d34bd1e4 100644
--- a/olc.texi
+++ b/olc.texi
@@ -354,18 +354,26 @@ coordinates. Please make sure you follow the acceptable use policy for
 the API (e.g., one request per second, tops, allowed).
 @end defun
-@defun olc-is-valid code
-Returns non-@code{nil} if @var{code} is a valid open location code.
+@defun olc-is-valid code &key compound
+Returns non-@code{nil} if @var{code} is a valid open location code. If
+@var{compound} is non-nil, then check only up to the first space
+character so non-nil is returned for strings that look like compound
 @end defun
-@defun olc-is-short code
+@defun olc-is-short code &key compound
 Returns non-@code{nil} if @var{code} is a valid short location code.
-Returns @code{nil} for valid short and for invalid codes.
+If @var{compound} is non-nil, then check only up to the first space
+character so non-nil is returned for strings that look like compound
+codes. Returns @code{nil} for valid full and for invalid codes.
 @end defun
-@defun olc-is-full code
+@defun olc-is-full code &key compound
 Returns non-@code{nil} if @var{code} is a valid full open location
-code. Returns @code{nil} for valid long and for invalid codes.
+code. If @var{compound} is non-nil, then check only up to the first
+space character so non-nil is returned for strings that look like
+compound codes. Returns @code{nil} for valid short and for invalid
 @end defun
diff --git a/test/olctest.el b/test/olctest.el
index 34add359f8b8aa8e984f2821e72ad64affef4bd2..6bcf479162b632f81283a197adefc9ab7524eafd 100644
--- a/test/olctest.el
+++ b/test/olctest.el
@@ -511,6 +511,32 @@
                        :act (olc-nominatim-endpoint "reverse")
                        :msg "3"))))
+(defun olctest-issue-6 ()
+  (olctest-testcase "issue-6"
+    (olctest-equal :exp t :act (olc-is-valid "2222+"))
+    (olctest-equal :exp t :act (olc-is-valid "2222+" :compound t))
+    (olctest-equal :exp nil :act (olc-is-valid "2222+ Sweden"))
+    (olctest-equal :exp t :act (olc-is-valid "2222+ Sweden" :compound t))
+    (olctest-equal :exp t :act (olc-is-short "2222+"))
+    (olctest-equal :exp t :act (olc-is-short "2222+" :compound t))
+    (olctest-equal :exp nil :act (olc-is-short "2222+ Sweden"))
+    (olctest-equal :exp t :act (olc-is-short "2222+ Sweden" :compound t))
+    (olctest-equal :exp nil :act (olc-is-short "22222222+"))
+    (olctest-equal :exp nil :act (olc-is-short "22222222+" :compound t))
+    (olctest-equal :exp nil :act (olc-is-short "22222222+ Sweden"))
+    (olctest-equal :exp nil :act (olc-is-short "22222222+ Sweden" :compound t))
+    (olctest-equal :exp nil :act (olc-is-full "2222+"))
+    (olctest-equal :exp nil :act (olc-is-full "2222+" :compound t))
+    (olctest-equal :exp nil :act (olc-is-full "2222+ Sweden"))
+    (olctest-equal :exp nil :act (olc-is-full "2222+ Sweden" :compound t))
+    (olctest-equal :exp t :act (olc-is-full "22222222+"))
+    (olctest-equal :exp t :act (olc-is-full "22222222+" :compound t))
+    (olctest-equal :exp nil :act (olc-is-full "22222222+ Sweden"))
+    (olctest-equal :exp t :act (olc-is-full "22222222+ Sweden" :compound t))
+    ))
 (defvar olctest-selected-tests)
@@ -530,6 +556,7 @@
          (run-test validity)
          (run-test localtests)
          (run-test errors)
+         (run-test issue-6)
          (run-test issue-5)
          (run-test issue-3)
          (run-test issue-2)