index 66e1eea1bc0fc932a82db6c103c5fabcf0d73f51..c9ae47983678fa57a22956ed18d0773205ca05b4 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
 2020-07-23  David Byers  <david.byers@liu.se>
+	Fix issue #3:
+	* olc.el (olc-parse-code): Save match data.
+	(olc-is-valid): Save match data.
+	(olc-shorten-compound): Save match data.
+	(olc-recover-compound): Save match data.
+	(olc-is-valid): Rewrote as string operations.
+	(olc-value-mapping): Changed to defconst.
+	(olc-digit-mapping): Changed to defconst.
+	(olc-is-short): Operate on string.
+	(olc-is-full): Operate on string.
 	Fix issue #1 more properly:
 	* olc.el (olc-recover): Honor format arg when dealing with full
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index e84406c2838450399eb0e7c88d0abafb2e8e1f2f..8dca7ba2610800359c826c8d17a8e67046a3e168 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ all: olc.elc olc.info
 	emacs --batch \
 		--eval "(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)" \
+		--eval "(setq-default fill-column 79)" \
 		-f package-initialize \
 		-l elisp-lint \
 		-f elisp-lint-files-batch \
@@ -42,8 +43,9 @@ olc.info: olc.texi
 .PHONY: test
 	( cd test && \
-	  emacs -batch \
+	  emacs --batch \
 		-f package-initialize \
 		-l ../olc.el \
 		-l olctest.el \
-		-f olctest-batch-test )
+		-f olctest-batch-test \
+		)
diff --git a/olc.el b/olc.el
index 3ebb070644ab0ec5e5b316175e70c6aafb9d19cf..3be5a31af07b0613a22e828bd31ecef5674f2927 100644
--- a/olc.el
+++ b/olc.el
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@
 ;;; Base 20 digits:
-(defvar olc-value-mapping "23456789CFGHJMPQRVWX"
+(defconst olc-value-mapping "23456789CFGHJMPQRVWX"
   "Mapping from values to olc base 20 digits.")
-(defvar olc-digit-mapping
+(defconst olc-digit-mapping
   (let ((count 0))
     (mapcan (lambda (letter)
               (prog1 (list (cons letter count)
@@ -169,119 +169,151 @@ raise, and args for the raised error.
   "Parse an open location code CODE."
   (if (olc-parse-p code)
-    (let ((pos 0)
-          (pairs nil)
-          (short nil)
-          (precision nil)
-          (grid nil)
-          (padding 0))
-      ;; Parse up to four initial pairs
-      (catch 'break
-        (while (< pos (length code))
-          (olc-transform-error
-              (args-out-of-range olc-parse-error
-                                 "code too short" code (1+ pos))
-            (cond ((eq (elt code pos) ?+) (throw 'break nil))
-                  ((eq (elt code pos) ?0) (throw 'break nil))
-                  ((= (length pairs) 4) (throw 'break nil))
-                  ((not (olc-valid-char (elt code pos)))
-                   (signal 'olc-parse-error
-                           (list "invalid character" pos code)))
-                  ((not (olc-valid-char (elt code (1+ pos))))
-                   (signal 'olc-parse-error
-                           (list "invalid character" (1+ pos) code)))
-                  (t (setq pairs (cons (cons (elt code pos)
-                                             (elt code (1+ pos)))
-                                       pairs)))))
-          (setq pos (+ pos 2))))
-      ;; Measure the padding
-      (when (string-match "0+" code pos)
-        (setq pos (match-end 0)
-              padding (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0))))
-      ;; Parse the separator
-      (olc-transform-error
-          (args-out-of-range olc-parse-error
-                             "code too short" code pos)
-        (if (eq (elt code pos) ?+)
-            (setq pos (1+ pos))
+    (save-match-data
+      (let ((pos 0)
+            (pairs nil)
+            (short nil)
+            (precision nil)
+            (grid nil)
+            (padding 0))
+        ;; Parse up to four initial pairs
+        (catch 'break
+          (while (< pos (length code))
+            (olc-transform-error
+                (args-out-of-range olc-parse-error
+                                   "code too short" code (1+ pos))
+              (cond ((eq (elt code pos) ?+) (throw 'break nil))
+                    ((eq (elt code pos) ?0) (throw 'break nil))
+                    ((= (length pairs) 4) (throw 'break nil))
+                    ((not (olc-valid-char (elt code pos)))
+                     (signal 'olc-parse-error
+                             (list "invalid character" pos code)))
+                    ((not (olc-valid-char (elt code (1+ pos))))
+                     (signal 'olc-parse-error
+                             (list "invalid character" (1+ pos) code)))
+                    (t (setq pairs (cons (cons (elt code pos)
+                                               (elt code (1+ pos)))
+                                         pairs)))))
+            (setq pos (+ pos 2))))
+        ;; Measure the padding
+        (when (string-match "0+" code pos)
+          (setq pos (match-end 0)
+                padding (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0))))
+        ;; Parse the separator
+        (olc-transform-error
+            (args-out-of-range olc-parse-error
+                               "code too short" code pos)
+          (if (eq (elt code pos) ?+)
+              (setq pos (1+ pos))
+            (signal 'olc-parse-error
+                    (list "missing separator" pos code))))
+        ;; Check the length of the padding
+        (unless (and (= (% padding 2) 0)
+                     (<= (+ padding (* 2 (length pairs))) 8))
           (signal 'olc-parse-error
-                  (list "missing separator" pos code))))
+                  (list "incorrect padding length" pos code)))
-      ;; Check the length of the padding
-      (unless (and (= (% padding 2) 0)
-                   (<= (+ padding (* 2 (length pairs))) 8))
-        (signal 'olc-parse-error
-                (list "incorrect padding length" pos code)))
+        ;; Determine if the code is shortened or not
+        (setq short (< (+ (* 2 (length pairs)) padding) 8))
-      ;; Determine if the code is shortened or not
-      (setq short (< (+ (* 2 (length pairs)) padding) 8))
+        ;; We cant be short and have padding (not sure why)
+        (when (and short (> padding 0))
+          (signal 'olc-parse-error
+                  (list "padded codes can't be shortened" pos code)))
-      ;; We cant be short and have padding (not sure why)
-      (when (and short (> padding 0))
-        (signal 'olc-parse-error
-                (list "padded codes can't be shortened" pos code)))
+        ;; Determine the precision of the code
+        (setq precision (- 8 padding))
-      ;; Determine the precision of the code
-      (setq precision (- 8 padding))
+        ;; Parse what's after the separator
+        (when (< pos (length code))
+          (when (> padding 0)
+            (signal 'olc-parse-error
+                    (list "padding followed by data" pos code)))
-      ;; Parse what's after the separator
-      (when (< pos (length code))
-        (when (> padding 0)
-          (signal 'olc-parse-error
-                  (list "padding followed by data" pos code)))
+          ;; Parse one more pair
+          (olc-transform-error
+              (args-out-of-range olc-parse-error
+                                 "code too short" code (1+ pos))
+            (setq pairs (cons (cons (elt code pos)
+                                    (elt code (1+ pos)))
+                              pairs)
+                  pos (+ 2 pos)
+                  precision (+ 2 precision)))
+          ;; Parse grid
+          (while (< pos (length code))
+            (cond ((not (olc-valid-char (elt code pos)))
+                   (signal 'olc-parse-error
+                           (list "invalid character" pos code)))
+                  ((>= (length grid) 5) (setq pos (1+ pos)))
+                  (t (setq grid (cons (elt code pos) grid)
+                           pos (1+ pos)
+                           precision (1+ precision))))))
-        ;; Parse one more pair
-        (olc-transform-error
-            (args-out-of-range olc-parse-error
-                               "code too short" code (1+ pos))
-          (setq pairs (cons (cons (elt code pos)
-                                  (elt code (1+ pos)))
-                            pairs)
-                pos (+ 2 pos)
-                precision (+ 2 precision)))
-        ;; Parse grid
-        (while (< pos (length code))
-          (cond ((not (olc-valid-char (elt code pos)))
-                 (signal 'olc-parse-error
-                         (list "invalid character" pos code)))
-                ((>= (length grid) 5) (setq pos (1+ pos)))
-                (t (setq grid (cons (elt code pos) grid)
-                         pos (1+ pos)
-                         precision (1+ precision))))))
-      ;; Check for an empty code
-      (unless pairs
-        (signal 'olc-parse-error (list "invalid code" 0 code)))
-      ;; Return the result
-      (olc-parse-create :pairs (nreverse pairs)
-                        :grid (nreverse grid)
-                        :short short
-                        :precision precision))))
+        ;; Check for an empty code
+        (unless pairs
+          (signal 'olc-parse-error (list "invalid code" 0 code)))
+        ;; Return the result
+        (olc-parse-create :pairs (nreverse pairs)
+                          :grid (nreverse grid)
+                          :short short
+                          :precision precision)))))
 ;;; Public functions:
+(defconst olc-code-regexp (format "^\\([%s]*\\)\\(0*\\)\\+\\([%s]*\\)$"
+                                  olc-value-mapping
+                                  olc-value-mapping)
+  "Regular expression for parsing codes.")
 (defun olc-is-valid (code)
   "Return non-nil if CODE is a valid open location code."
-  (condition-case nil
-      (olc-parse-code code)
-    (olc-parse-error nil)))
+  (or (olc-parse-p code)
+      (save-match-data
+        (let ((case-fold-search t))
+          ;; The code is decomposed into PAIRS PADDING "+" SUFFIX.
+          ;;
+          ;; Rules:
+          ;;
+          ;; - For all codes:
+          ;;   - Pairs has an even (zero counts) length of at most 8.
+          ;;   - Suffix is either zero or between 2 and 8 characters.
+          ;;   - One or both of pairs and suffix must not be empty.
+          ;;
+          ;; - If there is padding:
+          ;;   - The suffix must be empty
+          ;;   - The length of pairs and padding combined must be 8
+          (when (string-match olc-code-regexp code)
+            (let ((pair-len (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)))
+                  (padd-len (- (match-end 2) (match-beginning 2)))
+                  (suff-len (- (match-end 3) (match-beginning 3))))
+              (and (and (= 0 (% pair-len 2)) (<= pair-len 8)) ; Check pairs
+                   (and (<= suff-len 8) (/= suff-len 1)) ; Check suffix
+                   (> (+ pair-len suff-len) 0) ; Check for not empty
+                   (or (= padd-len 0)          ; Empty padding...
+                       (and (= suff-len 0)     ; ...or suffix
+                            (= (+ padd-len pair-len) 8))))))))))
 (defun olc-is-short (code)
   "Return non-nil if CODE is a valid short open location code.
 Note that nil means the code is either not short, or it is
-  (condition-case nil
-      (olc-parse-short (olc-parse-code code))
-    (olc-parse-error nil)))
+  (if (olc-parse-p code)
+      (olc-parse-short code)
+    (and (olc-is-valid code)
+         (or (< (length code) 9)
+             (and (>= (length code) 9)
+                  (not (= (elt code 8) ?+)))))))
 (defun olc-is-full (code)
@@ -289,9 +321,11 @@ invalid."
 Note that nil means the code is either not long, or it is
-  (condition-case nil
-      (not (olc-parse-short (olc-parse-code code)))
-    (olc-parse-error nil)))
+  (if (olc-parse-p code)
+      (not (olc-parse-short code))
+    (and (olc-is-valid code)
+         (and (>= (length code) 9)
+              (= (elt code 8) ?+)))))
 (defun olc-code-precision (code)
@@ -459,53 +493,54 @@ it can take some time to complete. If you can set the zoom level
 to a single number, then it will make one call only, and is much
-  (let* ((area (olc-decode code))
-         (zoom-lo (cond ((numberp zoom) zoom)
-                        ((listp zoom) (elt zoom 0))
-                        (t (signal 'args-out-of-range zoom))))
-         (zoom-hi (cond ((numberp zoom) (1+ zoom))
-                        ((listp zoom) (1+ (elt zoom 1)))
-                        (t (signal 'args-out-of-range zoom))))
-         result)
-    (catch 'result
-      (while (< zoom-lo zoom-hi)
-        (let* ((zoom (floor (+ zoom-lo zoom-hi) 2))
-               (resp (request-response-data
-                      (request
-                        "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse"
-                        :params `((lat . ,(olc-area-lat area))
-                                  (lon . ,(olc-area-lon area))
-                                  (zoom . ,zoom)
-                                  (format . "json"))
-                        :parser #'json-read
-                        :sync t)))
-               (tmp-code
-                (when resp
-                  (olc-shorten code
-                               (string-to-number
-                                (alist-get 'lat resp))
-                               (string-to-number
-                                (alist-get 'lon resp))
-                               :limit limit)))
-               (padlen (when (string-match "+" tmp-code)
-                         (- 8 (match-beginning 0)))))
-          ;; Keep the shortest code we see that has at most limit
-          ;; chars removed
-          (when (and (<= padlen limit)
-                     (or (null result)
-                         (< (length tmp-code) (length (car result)))))
-            (setq result (cons tmp-code
-                               (alist-get 'display_name resp))))
-          ;; Zoom in or out
-          (if (< padlen limit)
-              (setq zoom-lo (1+ zoom))
-            (setq zoom-hi zoom))))
-      (if (and result (> 8 (progn (string-match "+" (car result))
-                                  (match-end 0))))
-          (concat (car result) " " (cdr result))
-        code))))
+  (save-match-data
+    (let* ((area (olc-decode code))
+           (zoom-lo (cond ((numberp zoom) zoom)
+                          ((listp zoom) (elt zoom 0))
+                          (t (signal 'args-out-of-range zoom))))
+           (zoom-hi (cond ((numberp zoom) (1+ zoom))
+                          ((listp zoom) (1+ (elt zoom 1)))
+                          (t (signal 'args-out-of-range zoom))))
+           result)
+      (catch 'result
+        (while (< zoom-lo zoom-hi)
+          (let* ((zoom (floor (+ zoom-lo zoom-hi) 2))
+                 (resp (request-response-data
+                        (request
+                          "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse"
+                          :params `((lat . ,(olc-area-lat area))
+                                    (lon . ,(olc-area-lon area))
+                                    (zoom . ,zoom)
+                                    (format . "json"))
+                          :parser #'json-read
+                          :sync t)))
+                 (tmp-code
+                  (when resp
+                    (olc-shorten code
+                                 (string-to-number
+                                  (alist-get 'lat resp))
+                                 (string-to-number
+                                  (alist-get 'lon resp))
+                                 :limit limit)))
+                 (padlen (when (string-match "+" tmp-code)
+                           (- 8 (match-beginning 0)))))
+            ;; Keep the shortest code we see that has at most limit
+            ;; chars removed
+            (when (and (<= padlen limit)
+                       (or (null result)
+                           (< (length tmp-code) (length (car result)))))
+              (setq result (cons tmp-code
+                                 (alist-get 'display_name resp))))
+            ;; Zoom in or out
+            (if (< padlen limit)
+                (setq zoom-lo (1+ zoom))
+              (setq zoom-hi zoom))))
+        (if (and result (> 8 (progn (string-match "+" (car result))
+                                    (match-end 0))))
+            (concat (car result) " " (cdr result))
+          code)))))
 (cl-defun olc-recover (code lat lon &key (format 'area))
@@ -561,51 +596,52 @@ not specified, the reference is assumed to be embedded into CODE.
 If FORMAT is `area' (or any other value), the returned value is an
 full open location code."
   ;; Make sure we can do requests
-  (unless (fboundp 'request) (signal 'void-function  'request))
-  ;; Check types (defer check of ref)
-  (cl-check-type code stringp)
-  (cl-check-type format (member latlon area nil))
-  ;; Process code and check ref
-  (cond ((string-match "^\\(\\S-+\\)\\s-+\\(.*\\)$" code)
-         (progn (cl-check-type ref null)
-                (setq ref (match-string 2 code)
-                      code (match-string 1 code))))
-        ((olc-is-full code))
-        (t (cl-check-type ref stringp)))
-  ;; If the code is full then return it
-  (if (olc-is-full code)
-      (olc-recover code 0 0 :format format)
-    (let ((resp (request "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search"
-                  :params `((q . ,ref)
-                            (format . "json")
-                            (limit . 1))
-                  :parser #'json-read
-                  :sync t)))
-      ;; Check that we got a response
-      (unless (eq 200 (request-response-status-code resp))
-        (signal 'olc-recover-error
-                (list "error decoding reference"
-                      (request-response-status-code resp))))
-      (let* ((data (elt (request-response-data resp) 0))
-             (lat (alist-get 'lat data))
-             (lon (alist-get 'lon data)))
-        ;; Check that we have a lat and lon
-        (unless (and lat lon)
+  (save-match-data
+    (unless (fboundp 'request) (signal 'void-function  'request))
+    ;; Check types (defer check of ref)
+    (cl-check-type code stringp)
+    (cl-check-type format (member latlon area nil))
+    ;; Process code and check ref
+    (cond ((string-match "^\\(\\S-+\\)\\s-+\\(.*\\)$" code)
+           (progn (cl-check-type ref null)
+                  (setq ref (match-string 2 code)
+                        code (match-string 1 code))))
+          ((olc-is-full code))
+          (t (cl-check-type ref stringp)))
+    ;; If the code is full then return it
+    (if (olc-is-full code)
+        (olc-recover code 0 0 :format format)
+      (let ((resp (request "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search"
+                    :params `((q . ,ref)
+                              (format . "json")
+                              (limit . 1))
+                    :parser #'json-read
+                    :sync t)))
+        ;; Check that we got a response
+        (unless (eq 200 (request-response-status-code resp))
           (signal 'olc-recover-error
-                  (list "reference location missing lat or lon"
-                        data)))
-        ;; Finally recover the code!
-        (olc-recover code
-                     (string-to-number lat)
-                     (string-to-number lon)
-                     :format format)))))
+                  (list "error decoding reference"
+                        (request-response-status-code resp))))
+        (let* ((data (elt (request-response-data resp) 0))
+               (lat (alist-get 'lat data))
+               (lon (alist-get 'lon data)))
+          ;; Check that we have a lat and lon
+          (unless (and lat lon)
+            (signal 'olc-recover-error
+                    (list "reference location missing lat or lon"
+                          data)))
+          ;; Finally recover the code!
+          (olc-recover code
+                       (string-to-number lat)
+                       (string-to-number lon)
+                       :format format))))))
 (provide 'olc)
diff --git a/test/olctest.el b/test/olctest.el
index 062963e48b1912cf7b4852270db88adec470cb83..7a8e51dd98444e1d537dfd3a431af4dba7a0981e 100644
--- a/test/olctest.el
+++ b/test/olctest.el
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@
   (unless (string= exp act)
     (olctest-record-failure :exp exp :act act :msg msg)))
+(cl-defun olctest-float= (&key exp act msg)
+  (unless (< (abs (- act exp)) olctest-decode-tolerance)
+    (olctest-record-failure :exp exp :act act :msg msg)))
 (cl-defun olctest-equal (&key exp act msg)
   (unless (equal exp act)
     (olctest-record-failure :exp exp :act act :msg msg)))
@@ -160,27 +164,27 @@
   "Test decoding."
   (olctest-testcase "reference:decoding"
     (olctest-run-csv ("decoding.csv" case)
-      (let ((area (olc-decode (alist-get 'code case)))
-            (exp-latlo (alist-get 'latLo case))
-            (exp-lathi (alist-get 'latHi case))
-            (exp-lonlo (alist-get 'lngLo case))
-            (exp-lonhi (alist-get 'lngHi case))
-            (exp-len (alist-get 'length case)))
-        (unless (and (= exp-len (olc-code-precision (alist-get 'code case)))
-                     (< (abs (- (olc-area-latlo area) exp-latlo)) olctest-decode-tolerance)
-                     (< (abs (- (olc-area-lathi area) exp-lathi)) olctest-decode-tolerance)
-                     (< (abs (- (olc-area-lonlo area) exp-lonlo)) olctest-decode-tolerance)
-                     (< (abs (- (olc-area-lonhi area) exp-lonhi)) olctest-decode-tolerance))
-          (olctest-record-failure
-           :exp (format "%d,%f,%f,%f,%f" exp-len exp-latlo exp-lonlo exp-lathi exp-lonhi)
-           :act (format "%d,%f,%f,%f,%f"
-                        (olc-code-precision (alist-get 'code case))
-                        (olc-area-latlo area)
-                        (olc-area-lonlo area)
-                        (olc-area-lathi area)
-                        (olc-area-lonhi area))
-           :msg (alist-get 'lineno case)))))))
+      (let* ((code (alist-get 'code case))
+             (parse (condition-case nil (olc-parse-code code) (error nil)))
+             (area (and parse (olc-decode parse)))
+             (exp-latlo (alist-get 'latLo case))
+             (exp-lathi (alist-get 'latHi case))
+             (exp-lonlo (alist-get 'lngLo case))
+             (exp-lonhi (alist-get 'lngHi case))
+             (exp-len (alist-get 'length case))
+             (lineno (alist-get 'lineno case))
+             (pact-len (and parse (olc-code-precision parse)))
+             (sact-len (olc-code-precision code))
+             (msg (format "%d:%s:%%s" lineno code)))
+        (if (null area)
+            (olctest-record-failure :exp 'success :act 'parse-error :msg code)
+          (olctest-equal :act (olc-code-precision code) :exp exp-len :msg (format msg "len(string)"))
+          (olctest-equal :act (olc-code-precision parse) :exp exp-len :msg (format msg "len(parsed)"))
+          (olctest-float= :act (olc-area-latlo area) :exp exp-latlo :msg (format msg "latlo"))
+          (olctest-float= :act (olc-area-lathi area) :exp exp-lathi :msg (format msg "lathi"))
+          (olctest-float= :act (olc-area-lonlo area) :exp exp-lonlo :msg (format msg "lonlo"))
+          (olctest-float= :act (olc-area-lonhi area) :exp exp-lonhi :msg (format msg "lonhi"))
+          )))))
 (defun olctest-shortcodes ()
   "Test recovering."
@@ -211,13 +215,18 @@
   (olctest-testcase "reference:validity"
     (olctest-run-csv ("validityTests.csv" case)
       (let* ((code (alist-get 'code case))
+             (parse (condition-case nil (olc-parse-code code) (error nil)))
              (exp (list (alist-get 'isValid case)
                         (alist-get 'isShort case)
                         (alist-get 'isFull case)))
-             (act (list (not (not (olc-is-valid code)))
-                        (not (not (olc-is-short code)))
-                        (not (not (olc-is-full code))))))
-        (olctest-equal :exp exp :act act :msg code)))))
+             (sact (list (and parse (not (not (olc-is-valid code))))
+                         (and parse (not (not (olc-is-short code))))
+                         (and parse (not (not (olc-is-full code))))))
+             (pact (list (and parse (not (not (olc-is-valid parse))))
+                         (and parse (not (not (olc-is-short parse))))
+                         (and parse (not (not (olc-is-full parse)))))))
+        (olctest-equal :exp exp :act pact :msg (format "%s:parsed" code))
+        (olctest-equal :exp exp :act sact :msg (format "%s:string" code))))))
 (defvar olctest-local-shorten-tests
@@ -238,6 +247,20 @@
         (olctest-string= :exp shortcode :act actual :msg len)))))
+(defun olctest-issue-3 ()
+  (olctest-testcase "local:issue-3"
+    (olctest-equal :exp nil
+                   :act (olc-is-short "22334455+")
+                   :msg "S1")
+    (olctest-equal :exp t
+                   :act (olc-is-short "334455+66")
+                   :msg "S2")
+    (olctest-equal :exp nil
+                   :act (olc-is-short "+12345678")
+                   :msg "S3")))
 (defun olctest-issue-1 ()
   (olctest-testcase "local:issue-1"
     (olctest-assert-error (:exp (wrong-type-argument) :msg "F1")
@@ -286,6 +309,7 @@
+       (olctest-issue-3)