From 4f32ce089e538f55999a9ca53cb0d8f0804fa47f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mikael Henriksson <>
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2023 16:15:57 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] correct parameters 'rows' and 'columns' in

 .../streaming_matrix_transposition_tb.vhdl    | 75 +++++++++++++++++++
 b_asic/research/                | 34 ++++-----
 test/                        | 15 ++++
 3 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/b_asic/codegen/testbench/streaming_matrix_transposition_tb.vhdl b/b_asic/codegen/testbench/streaming_matrix_transposition_tb.vhdl
index 8267e356..eea5950b 100644
--- a/b_asic/codegen/testbench/streaming_matrix_transposition_tb.vhdl
+++ b/b_asic/codegen/testbench/streaming_matrix_transposition_tb.vhdl
@@ -100,6 +100,43 @@ begin
 end architecture behav;
+-- 4x8 memory based matrix transposition
+library ieee, vunit_lib;
+context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8_tb is
+    generic (
+        runner_cfg  : string;   -- VUnit python pipe
+        tb_path     : string    -- Absolute path to this testbench
+    );
+end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8_tb;
+architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8_tb is
+    constant WL : integer := 16;
+    signal done : boolean;
+    signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
+    signal clk, rst, en : std_logic;
+    -- VUnit test runner
+    process begin
+        test_runner_setup(runner, runner_cfg);
+        wait until done = true;
+        test_runner_cleanup(runner);
+    end process;
+    -- Run the test baby!
+    dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8
+        generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
+    tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
+        generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>4, COLS=>8) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
+end architecture behav;
 -- 7x7 memory based matrix transposition
@@ -324,3 +361,41 @@ begin
         generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>2, COLS=>2) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
 end architecture behav;
+-- 4x8 register based matrix transposition
+library ieee, vunit_lib;
+context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_4x8_tb is
+    generic (
+        runner_cfg  : string;   -- VUnit python pipe
+        tb_path     : string    -- Absolute path to this testbench
+    );
+end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_4x8_tb;
+architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_4x8_tb is
+    constant WL : integer := 16;
+    signal done : boolean;
+    signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
+    signal clk, rst, en : std_logic;
+    -- VUnit test runner
+    process begin
+        test_runner_setup(runner, runner_cfg);
+        wait until done = true;
+        test_runner_cleanup(runner);
+    end process;
+    -- Run the test baby!
+    dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_4x8
+        generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
+    tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
+        generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>4, COLS=>8) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
+end architecture behav;
diff --git a/b_asic/research/ b/b_asic/research/
index 1386ae7d..3fdcd149 100644
--- a/b_asic/research/
+++ b/b_asic/research/
@@ -63,23 +63,23 @@ def generate_random_interleaver(
 def generate_matrix_transposer(
-    height: int,
-    width: Optional[int] = None,
+    rows: int,
+    cols: Optional[int] = None,
     min_lifetime: int = 0,
     cyclic: bool = True,
 ) -> ProcessCollection:
     Generate a ProcessCollection with memory variable corresponding to transposing a
-    matrix of size *height* :math:`\times` *width*. If *width* is not provided, a
-    square matrix of size *height* :math:`\times` *height* is used.
+    matrix of size *rows* :math:`\times` *cols*. If *cols* is not provided, a
+    square matrix of size *rows* :math:`\times` *rows* is used.
-    height : int
-        Matrix height.
-    width : int, optional
-        Matrix width. If not provided assumed to be equal to height, i.e., a square
-        matrix.
+    rows : int
+        Number of rows in input matrix.
+    cols : int, optional
+        Number of columns in input matrix. If not provided assumed to be equal
+        to *rows*, i.e., a square matrix.
     min_lifetime : int, default: 0
         The minimum lifetime for a memory variable. Default is 0 meaning that at
         least one variable is passed from the input to the output directly,
@@ -91,18 +91,18 @@ def generate_matrix_transposer(
-    if width is None:
-        width = height
+    if cols is None:
+        cols = rows
     inputorder = []
-    for row in range(height):
-        for col in range(width):
-            inputorder.append(col + width * row)
+    for col in range(cols):
+        for row in range(rows):
+            inputorder.append(row + rows * col)
     outputorder = []
-    for row in range(width):
-        for col in range(height):
-            outputorder.append(col * width + row)
+    for row in range(rows):
+        for col in range(cols):
+            outputorder.append(col * rows + row)
     inputorder, outputorder = _insert_delays(
         inputorder, outputorder, min_lifetime, cyclic
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 582761e9..ea17a0b5 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -69,6 +69,21 @@ class TestProcessCollectionPlainMemoryVariable:
+    def test_rectangular_matrix_transposition(self):
+        collection = generate_matrix_transposer(rows=4, cols=8, min_lifetime=2)
+        assignment = collection.graph_color_cell_assignment()
+        collection.generate_memory_based_storage_vhdl(
+            filename=f'b_asic/codegen/testbench/streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8.vhdl',
+            entity_name=f'streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8',
+            assignment=assignment,
+            word_length=16,
+        )
+        collection.generate_register_based_storage_vhdl(
+            filename=f'b_asic/codegen/testbench/streaming_matrix_transposition_register_4x8.vhdl',
+            entity_name=f'streaming_matrix_transposition_register_4x8',
+            word_length=16,
+        )
     # Issue: #175
     def test_interleaver_issue175(self):
         with open('test/fixtures/interleaver-two-port-issue175.p', 'rb') as f: